
One question seen over and over is how to best get data into VIVO.  This task force is being setup to look at how VIVO institutions are currently ingesting data, looking at what they need going forward, seeing what new users need, and building examples of possible tools to meet those needs.



  1. Phase I
    1. Questionnaire and Results Analysis 
    2. Current Tools
    3. TBD
  2. Phase II
    1. TBD

Suggested schedule

Develop charter, assemble task force

4 weeks

week of TBD

Begin regular meetings

week of TBD

Develop action items, assign to team members

2 weeks

by week of TBD

Task force development work

30 weeks

complete by TBD

Revise deliverables, final review

4 weeks

complete by TBD


Always looking for additional members and developers!

Meeting Times

1st and 3rd Thursday of the month at 9AM Central

Communication Channels

Agendas and Notes