3 PM US Eastern Time

Call-in Information

Please see calendar invite for the Zoom link.


Ann Beynon

Michele Mennielli

David Wilcox

Terrie R. Wheeler

Julia Trimmer




  1. Conference follow-up
  2. Membership renewal updates
    1. Current status and follow-up actions
  3. Membership outreach webinar
    1. Review slides, prepare for recording
    2. Follow-up emails?
  4. Recommended changes to VIVO Leadership elections
    1. What changes would this group recommend?
  5. Other membership and community engagement activities
    1. Organizing user group meetings
    2. Webinar series?
    3. What other activities make sense in the context of the pandemic?
  6. Prospect tracking review


Conference Follow-up

  1. Great attendance at conference sessions
  2. Some follow up calls are already happening
    1. Need to coordinate with Andrew about these calls
  3. Review presentations, follow up with speakers
    1. Ask if they want to present in a webinar or join a group
      1. e.g. ORCiD integration
    2. Membership is a longer term goal, but engagement comes first
      1. Is membership a near-term possibility for some of these institutions?
  4. Organize regional talks
    1. Form regional user groups
  5. This group needs to develop a strategic plan for the next 3-4 months
    1. Identify priority regions to focus on based on number of users

Membership renewal updates

  1. So far we have lost 1 Platinum, 1 Bronze, and 1 Copper member
  2. FY2022 budgets will probably be worse
  3. However, COVID-19 highlights the importance of research information systems
    1. VIVO has an opportunity to capitalize on this
  4. When do we sound the alarm?
    1. What if the budget gets cut more next year? What impact will that have on the project?

Action Items