
This meeting is a hybrid teleconference and slack chat. Anyone is welcome to join...here's the info:


  1. Danny Bernstein
  2. Jared Whiklo  
  3. Andrew Woods  (star)
  4. Peter Winckles  
  5. David Wilcox
  6. Ben Pennell 
  7. Daniel Lamb
  8. Ben Cail
  9. Jon Roby


  1. Announcements

  2. June 1-5 Sprint Planning
    1. Tickets
  3. Side Loading Proposal Next Steps
  4. Fedora 6 Feature Tracking
  5. Fedora Test Suite Results
  6. Open questions: 
    1.  JMS: Remove Fedora-related JMS messaging headers? 2018-04-26 - Fedora Tech Meeting
    2. Issues related to the containment index and tombstone deletions 
  7. Tickets needing Review
  8. Housekeeping: 
  9. Your Topic Here


  1. In Review

  2. Please squash a bug!

  3. Tickets resolved this week:

  4. Tickets created this week:


Sprint Planning

  1. Themes
  2. Logistics


  1. Andrew to reply to leaders thread - with proposal
  2. Danny B to create JIRA for side-loading
  3. F6/OCFL IDs mapping

API Test Results

  1. Jira tickets have been created for test failures
  2. Danny to re-work wiki page

Open questions

  1. Remove messaging headers - Jared to investigate potential impact on Camel tooling
  2. Purging tombstone
  3. Will be moving forward with option-2
  4. bug - migration utils and AG IDs
