<submission-process name="traditional">

            <step id="collection"/>

            <!--Step will be to Describe the item. -->

            <step id="traditionalpageone"/>

            <step id="traditionalpagetwo"/>

            <!--Step will be to Upload the item -->

            <step id="upload"/>

            <!-- <step id="upload-with-embargo"/> -->

            <!-- <step id="detect-duplicate"/> -->

            <!--Step will be to Sign off on the License -->

            <step id="license"/>

            <!-- <step id="creative-commons"/> -->

            <!-- <step id="verify"/> -->


This will made “Collection dropdown” configurable giving the opportunity to the user to completely disable this feature if not liked. Please note that both POST to workspaceitem without or with a collection already works if collection step is omitted.

   Please note that applying item template we'll overwrite any same metadata in the item, i.e. if the item template has a dc.publisher and the current item also have a value for it, the value of the item template will override the current dc.publisher value

   the effort is almost identical, anyway we think the first solution is better.