
This meeting is a hybrid teleconference and slack chat. Anyone is welcome to join...here's the info:


  1. Danny Bernstein 
  2. Jared Whiklo 
  3. Ben Pennell 
  4. Ben Cail (star)
  5. Andrew Woods
  6. Thomas Bernhart
  7. Bethany Seeger
  8. David Wilcox
  9. Aaron Birkland
  10. Peter Eichman
  11. Peter Winckles
  12. Daniel Lamb


  1. Announcements
    1. Draft Fedora 6 test plan
      1. Feedback welcome!
    2. Danny out next Thursday - Volunteer to facilitate?
  2. JIRAs in review 
  3. Next Fedora Demo
    1. Pre-release
    2. create archival groups
    3. create and update binaries
  4. Backwards compatibility document
    1. AG Sandwich :  Deep dive on Option 4
      1. Reference re:LDP containment implied by hierarchical URIs
  5. Development Roadmap : 2020 Sprint Roadmap
    1. Bringing integration tests back to life: in fcrepo-http-api, only 35 of 207 tests are run
  6. <your topic here>


  1. In Review

  2. Please squash a bug!

  3. Tickets resolved this week:

  4. Tickets created this week:


  1. Announcements
  2. JIRA review
    1. AG PR merged
    2. containment index 3106 - something failing in HTTP impl. awoods will take a look.
    3. awoods will also look at integration tests.
    4. 3187 - NLM will take a look.
  3. Next Fedora Demo
    1. good place for doing a new demo - tag a pre-release?
    2. demonstrate creation of AGs, ...
  4. backwards compatibility doc
    1. documents linked in agenda
    2. option 4 idea - all the paths/uris in fedora 6 can be considered opaque. No assumption of containment based on path elements.
      1. so A/B/C doesn't imply that C is contained by A/B, or that A/B exists
      2. possible collisions on disk - existing JIRA
      3. with an archive group A/B, can't assume that A/B/C is contained by A/B
      4. another idea: disallow creating archive group A/B, if A/B/C already exists (A/B could be a "ghost node" that you can't do anything with)
        1. check for anything with a path/uri "below" the new object
      5. Proposed amendments to the AG Sandwich document:
        1. Retain the behavior of PUT (ie PUT can result in resource contained by something other than root)
        2. "Ghost nodes" are immutable - ie you can't replace them with a Container.
