

Discussion items


CDL management
KE: After talking to CDL management
  • CDL is committed to the ARK identifier, which is incorporated into several of our service offerings
  • CDL is committed to the EZID identifier service and the N2T identifier resolver, which again support several of our internal service offering

KW: fantastic news, wonderful, and positive message from CDL; think we (Sustainability) should stop pursuing a business planning activity, which is very very challenging; I think we should re-focus on finding grants and getting community involvement
JK: how? who can help us?
FJ: we have confidence in CDL, but how to involve others; good that CDL is committed to ARKs, but would be nice for community to step further forward
KE: yes, although CDL is not stepping back, the community must step forward
LA: this will make the asks more specific in the existing WGs
BM: it's good that CDL will still be important in ARK support; but how should the groups be reconfigured to support this
LA: we should share this new info with the subgroups; sustainability could be dissolved; there could be ad hoc groups to take on grants rather than a standing group that focuses on grants
KE: makes sense for JK to be involved or lead on some grants; probably start with a one-pager brought to the AG to see which funders to match it with
KW: most funders don't fund day-to-day operations; would have to be research or innovation centered
KE: CDL is not doubling down on pushing the technology forward (as they had in the past); it is suggesting grants for an open source project for next gen resolver
ACTION: Kurt and John will create one-pager for next gen ARK resolver and one-pager next gen ARK id management platform
JK: Tech WG update since last AG meeting in November: revising milestones and deliverables after review of progress, explicit new ?info inflection to request metadata, creation of subgroup (with Karen, Greg, and Bertrand)
JK: NAAN registry maintenance still looking for volunteers; working on more automation and documentation
KE: looking for partners willing to run a resolver replica
BM: is there an N2T architecture document?
KE: having that would useful in pursuing replication partners
ACTION: KE and JK will create a high-level N2T architecture suitable for finding partners

Action items