Functional requirements for the VIVO Scholar user interface

The Functional Requirements for the VIVO Scholar User Interface were written mostly by Paul Albert during the Product Evolution Task Force work. This document explores requirements and design principles. The requirements document informs the VIVO Scholar designs or mockups

Data specification v1.0

The data specification is a work in progress. We are working to provide more information about what data will be supported and displayed.

Schedule and milestones

Development is done in three-week sprints. The following milestones refer to development of the VIVO Scholar user interface. NOTE: this schedule is likely to change due to shifting demands. Please contact one of the VIVO Scholar Task Force members with questions.

Sprint 10:10/28/2019 to 11/15/2019

Sprint 11, 11/18/2019 to 12/6/2019

Sprint 12, 12/9/2019 to 1/3/2020 (four weeks due to holidays)

Sprint 13, 1/6/2020 to 1/24/2020

Sprint 14, 1/27/2020 to 2/14/2020

Sprint 15, 2/17/2020 to 3/6/2020

Sprint 16, 3/9/2020 to 3/27/2020

Sprint 17, 3/30/2020 to 4/17/2020

Sprint 18, 4/20/2020 to 5/8/2020

Sprint 19, 5/11/2020 to 5/29/2020


Final mockups

Based on the results of the community survey, these final mockups were created for VIVO Scholars.

Archived Mockups

VIVO Scholar profile page mockups

In June 2019, we refined earlier mockups of the profile page, added VIVO branding, and created a third option. We invited the community to take a profile page survey to vote for their favorite designs.

Option OneOption TwoOption Three

Search page mockups

In July 2019, we produced three designs for the search page mockups and released a community survey to get feedback.

Option OneOption TwoOption Three