
Call-in Information


(star)  Indicating note-taker

  1. Mike Conlon
  2. Brian Lowe
  3. Huda Khan
  4. Benjamin Gross
  5. Ralph O'Flinn
  6. Andrew Woods (star)


  1. Pressing issues?
  2. Next release
  3. Tickets that need help
  4. Reflection on technical roadmap progress towards Product Direction for 2019
  5. Short-term development activity
    1. Extract ontology from core codebase
    2. Extract languages from core codebase
    3. Move from 'develop' to 'master' branch


Clarity on what projects are committer-supported

  1. Yes: vivo-project
  2. No: vivo-community
  3. Review of repos in vivo-project for whether they belong in vivo-project or vivo-community

VIVO Scholars

  1. Goals (from core committers perspective)
  2. GraphQL over SPARQL: hypergraphql
  3. What would it look like to update VIVO's Solr to support the scholars-angular interface
  4. ACTION: Andrew to draft architectural diagram, including elements such as:

Statement from Committers

  1. Would be good to have an articulation from the core committer team
  2. Committers want to be a part of the strategic planning process


Previous Actions