Friday, September 13 at 11:00 EST


Ann Beynon(star) Robert Cartolano, Mike Conlon, Tom Cramer, Federico FerrarioAnna Guillaumet,Doug Hahn,  Dong Joon (DJ) LeeVirginia (Ginny) Pannabecker, Julia Trimmer,Alex Viggio,,  Terrie Wheeler


Erin TrippAndrew Woods


 Christian Hauschke,  Violeta Ilikhannah sommers

(star) Note taker

Connection Information

To join the online meeting:


Please review notes from the August 30 Steering Group meeting and the September 4 VIVO Leadership Group meeting (minimal notes).

  1. Quick updates (Julia/Erin, 10 minutes)
    1. Responses to governance exercise
    2. Financial processes at LYRASIS 
  2. Proposal to co-locate the EFS Forum and the VIVO Conference: find the Prospectus here (Julia/ all, 20 minutes)
  3. Proposal to add Erin Tripp/Director of DCSP as a voting member (Julia/ all, 20 minutes)
  4. Next steps for VIVO task forces:
    1. Create wiki page
    2. Send call for community members
    3. Set meeting schedule
    4. Establish goal and target dates
