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Although a few pages are 'locked' to prevent spamming, anyone who sign ups and creates an account can freely edit most of the DSpace Wiki. If you've forgotten your password, please visit the reset your password page.

http://demo.dspace.org is a live installation of the latest version of DSpace software.

This demo site is configured such that the maximum number of DSpace features is enabled, so that you can get a sense of all the various things that DSpace can do. We provide a variety of public logins (for various DSpace "roles") in the introductory paragraph of the XMLUI and JSPUI demo interfaces. 

Running into an annoying issue? See our How to Troubleshoot an error guide for tips to get help!




Looking for ways to help out? Or, have ideas that you really want to see implemented in DSpace? See our guide on How to Contribute Ideas / Code / Documentation for some ways you can help make DSpace better for everyone!

If you are a developer and want to get your feet wet with DSpace, consider trying to tackle one of our unresolved, "low hanging fruit" tickets. They should be approachable to anyone who is newer to DSpace, and it'd be a great way to give back!

6.3 Release now available!

Find out what's happening in the DSpace Community.