
Library of Congress, Thomas Jefferson Building (Note: this is a different building from the one we were in for the Oct 2018 meeting)
Room LJ-119 and six breakout rooms (First floor) 
MapsStreet map of LC buildings
Jefferson building first floor
Nearest metroCapitol South (Library of Congress visitor directions page)
Slack channelld4p-cohort-meeting in ld4 Slack workspace
Meeting notesGoogle doc for meeting notes
Remote attendancehttps://stanford.zoom.us/j/638852368, likely audio only

Pre-Meeting Work and Background Reading

LD4P2 Cohort: Year 1 Project Status

Goals for In-Person Meeting

Agenda:  Tuesday, June 25, 2019

Room capacity: LJ-119 (96 people); Breakout rooms: LJ-113 (24 people), LJ-110, 110A, 111, 111B, 112 (10 people each)



8:30 - 9:00 amCoffee, technology set-up
9:00 - 9:45 amWelcome/Intro
Facilitator: Michelle Futornick
  • overview of the day
  • introductions: introduce yourself to someone you don’t know
  • introduce by institution: one intro per institution
  • prompt for ideas for breakouts
  • PCC Goals and Roles (Jennifer Baxmeyer, Xiaoli Li)
  • Wikidata status (Wikidata breakout sessions below) (Hilary Thorsen)

9:45 - 10:30 am

Facilitators: Huda Khan, Astrid Usong

  • Affinity Group update
  • LD4P work on discovery in Blacklight
  • Cohort data as part of discovery efforts
10:30 - 10:45 amBreak
10:45 - 11:30 am

Facilitators: Tiziana Possemato and Michele Casalini

  • SHARE-VDE Transformation Council Working Groups Jacquie Samples
    • SVDE-TC Work Identification working group (WIDWG) Ian Bigelow
    • SVDE-TC Authority/Identifier Management Services working group (AIMS WG) Martin Knott
    • SVDE-TC Cluster Knowledge Base Interaction/Editor working group (CKBE WG) Martin Knott
    • SVDE-TC User Experience / User Interface working group Tiziana Possemato and Michele Casalini
  • Transformation results; questions and challenges
11:30 am - 12:15 pm

Facilitators: Michelle Futornick, Jeremy Nelson

  • What's done, what's not done
  • Training
12:15 pm - 1:15 pmLunch on your own (LC Cafeteria is...)
1:15 - 2:00 pm

Facilitator: Beth Picknally Camden

  • Lightning talks from Penn, NLM, Stanford (Astrid Usong), U of Chicago (Christie Thomas) about how they are approaching workflows. What's working; what's not; points of pain; staffing levels; etc. Surfacing expectations for how data will be created...where it will go.
2:00 - 2:15 pmFinalize breakouts and move to breakout rooms
2:15 - 3:15 pm

Profiles (LJ-119 main room)
Facilitator: Nancy Lorimer, Paloma Graciani

  • What happens after Profiles Working Group is done? Possible troubleshooting session where people bring profiles questions. Can LD4P profile work converging with DCMI W3C profile work?
Serials Affinity Group launch (LJ-110)
Facilitator: Nancy Fallgren
Wikidata breakout 1 (LJ-113)
Facilitator: Hilary Thorsen
Sinopia and Share-VDE interaction (LJ?)
Facilitator: Tiziana Possemato and Jacquie Samples
3:15 - 3:30 pmBreak
3:30 - 4:30 pm

Authority workflows including QA (LJ-119 main room)
Facilitators: Steven Folsom, Dave Eichmann, Lynette Rayle

  • What’s working and what’s not? Prioritization of new requests. QA team would like input on vocabs requested; what to do with vocabs not available as linked data; what datasets aren’t appropriate for QA? Review the SVDE entity types and data model that QA should provide lookups for and what context should be provided. Workflows w/ real-time access to datasets, creating entities as part of cataloging workflow, e.g., Wikidata

Non-Latin Script Affinity Group (LJ-110)
Facilitators: Larisa Walsh, Xiaoli Li 

Wikidata breakout 2 (LJ-113)
Facilitator: Hilary Thorsen
Rare Materials Affinity Group (LJ?)
Facilitators: Audrey Pearson, Brittney Washington
4:30 - 4:45 pmReturn from breakouts
4:45 - 5:15 pm


  • Report back from breakout sessions
  • Next steps
  • Communication channels
  • Grant logistics and next meeting



University of Alberta
University of Colorado, BoulderPaul Moeller
University of Chicago

Christie Thomas, Larisa Walsh

Duke UniversityJacquie Samples
Frick Art Reference LibraryMark Bresnan, Mary Seem
Harry Ransom Center, University of Texas, Austin

Paloma Graciani, Brittney Washington

University of MichiganMartin Knott
University of Minnesota

Kristi Berglandkalan Knudson Davis, Cecilia Genereux

National Library of Medicine

Diane Boehr, Nancy Fallgren, Tina Shrader

Northwestern UniversityPaul Burley
University of PennsylvaniaBeth Picknally Camden
Princeton UniversityMinjie Chen
Texas A&M UniversityAmanda Ros
University of California, DavisJared Campbell
University of California, San DiegoAislinn Sotelo
University of WashingtonTheo Gerontakos
Yale UniversityAudrey Pearson
Cornell University

Steven Folsom, Huda Khan, Jason Kovari, Lynette Rayle

Harvard University

Christine Eslao, Linda Isaac, Marc McGee, Honor Moody, Chew Chiat Naun, Scott Wicks

University of Iowa, School of Library and Information ScienceDave Eichmann

Jennifer Baxmeyer, Xiaoli Li

Stanford University

Michelle Futornick, Joshua Greben, Jeremy Nelson, Philip Schreur, Hilary Thorsen, Astrid Usong

Library of CongressJudith Cannan, Kevin Ford, Paul Frank, Les Hawkins, Kirk Hess, Sally McCallum, Matt Miller, Nate Trail, Beacher Wiggins, Jodi Williamschen
Casalini Libri, @Cult 

Michele Casalini, Anna Lionetti, Tiziana Possemato

Some attendees need to leave early (3:30 pm): Josh (Stanford), Kristi and Cecilia (Minnesota)