
This meeting is a hybrid teleconference and slack chat. Anyone is welcome to join...here's the info:


  1. Andrew Woods 
  2. Danny Bernstein
  3.  Ben Pennell 
  4. Jared Whiklo  
  5. Aaron Birkland (star)
  6. Peter Eichman
  7. Bethany Seeger
  8. David Wilcox
  9. Jon Roby
  10. James Silas Creel


  1. Announcements

    1. Fedora Leaders update
  2. Sprint Planning Update
  3. Happy camel toolbox news
  4. Import Export "mini-sprint"

  5. Please squash a bug!

  6. Tickets resolved this week:

  7. Tickets created this week:


  1. Fedora design meeting was successful. Further debrief to come. 
  2. James Silas Creel indicating that the CAP system has changes and documentation to make it work with alternate authentication systems. These will be ready for a forthcoming release.
  3. Camel toolbox is not working and seems to be problematic to move to work with Fedora 5.
    1. Some time needs to be spent on how the parts still work together.
    2. If we are moving to a deployable jar then the structure should considered to allow.
    3. Jared Whiklo will continue to work on the fcrepo-camel-toolbox in Karaf, but a implementation as a JAR/WAR could be.
    4. https://github.com/fcrepo4-labs/fcrepo-camel-webapp - an old wrapper for the fcrepo-camel that allows you to compile in whichever options you want in a single WAR file.
    5. Bethany Seeger mentioned that at Amherst they are working with Gradle and maybe there are simpler fixes there.
    6. Aaron Birkland suggests that each executable component would result in an executable JAR, then each could be deployed separately and connected as needed.
  4. Clear resolution on how to map OCFL to LDP model. Review the Fedora 6 sprint document and comment on the page and/or ask questions in Slack.
    1. Transactions are expected to remain, but there is some desire to not have the API change. Perhaps using the sidecar transaction specification for the time being.
    2. Aaron Birkland has written up a high-level summary for JHU which might have people understand the decisions - https://docs.google.com/document/d/1-VXJ3JjtWWUooxCWegptWAUwvCp1SYjgzqZI9a1r45c/edit
  5. We need to clarify the plan for transactions:   no change to current interaction approach or do we intend to ratify and align the codebase with the side-car spec?
  6. Actions