
Call-in Information

Time: 12:00 pm, Eastern Time (New York, GMT-05:00)

To join the online meeting:


(star)  Indicating note-taker

  1. Justin Littman
  2. Ralph O'Flinn
  3. Alex Viggio
  4. Benjamin Gross
  5. Brian Lowe
  6. Huda Khan
  7. Jim Blake
  8. Richard Outten
  9. Andrew Woods 


  1. Logistics

    1. 2019 Architectural Fly-in Travel Plans
  2. Defining the outputs of the fly-in
    1. Top-level architectural diagrams
    2. Component diagrams
    3. Inputs/Outputs for each component
    4. Draft HTTP API
  3. Draft requirements
  4. Convergence of diagrams
  5. Next steps
    1. Meeting schedule leading up to Jan 29th
      1. Jan 24th @noon ET
    2. Provide "required reading" materials before Jan 24th meeting
      1. ..such as: Architecture

Working documents

  1. Architectural diagrams
    1. Top-level and Detailed, component-level
    2. APIs and services, specified
  2. Features spreadsheet
    1. Questions to answer:
      1. What will the product will do/support?
      2. What additional business value-add can the re-architecture offer?
      3. What are core? and why?
      4. Which features are in/out/optional?
      5. What audiences are specific features for?
      6. What are the logical groupings for features into modules?
      7. Will we offer multiple product distributions, analogous to VIVO/Vitro?
        1. Perhaps an "enterprise VIVO" vs. a "small-shop VIVO" vs. Vitro


Audio recording

Architectural Goals

  1. Merge sensibilities of Combine-esque and Product Evolution environmental perspectives with deep-dive into core VIVO refactoring



  1. Breaking out the frontend
  2. Need filtered views of data
  3. Do we generally need self-edit of user pages?
  4. Can we split edit from view applications?
  5. Design web-API focused on high-priority features


  1. Push reasoning behind RDFService interface?
  2. Support authN/Z pluggable interface for things like LDAP
  3. UI APIs
  4. How much of the current configuration can be eliminated?
  5. Require compile-time separation of concerns


Collection of existing architecture diagrams / resources

Cornell (Huda)


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