
South Central States Fedora Users Group Meeting. 

The meeting will include:

We ask for attendees to present upon their various projects in either long or short sessions.  


We welcome anyone in the region both currently using Fedora or considering using Fedora for the management of digital assets as a repository or archive.  This meeting is for all ranges of technical skill level.

Registration is closed


16-17 January 2019


University of Texas-Austin

Learning Lab 4, Perry-Casteñeda Library Map: Google Map - Library Branch Webpage

UT Austin Campus Map: (https://maps.utexas.edu/)


The Brazos Garage (BRG) is the closest. Garage Information



Texas A&M Libraries

Texas Digital Libraries

University of Houston Libraries

University of Texas at Austin Libraries



Texas Advanced Computing Center

Texas State University Libraries


Have topics you would like to discuss, or topics you would like see discussed? Please suggest them! 

Wednesday evening, 6:00 PM we’ll be meeting for dinner at Hopfields for a casual meet up. If Hopfields isn't to your liking, there are plenty of very near by options to Hopfields including Blacks BBQ, Wheatsville Coop , and Via 313 (North Campus location)

Day 1 (Wed, January 16)

8:30 AMDoors Open. Light breakfast provided
9:30 AMWelcome Remarks

Kristi Park - Executive Director, Texas Digital Library

Dustin Slater - Assistant Director of IT, UT Austin Libraries

Anne Washington - Coordinator of Metadata Services, University of Houston Libraries, SCSFUG Chair

10:00 AMIntroduction RoundtableEveryone
10:30 AM

Avalon, Hyrax and Samvera 

Samvera: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1kP9HoZHPDFAnWm_5BqtmH_ByI4y2EYS9ueD9Ipd1ncY/edit?usp=sharing

Avalon:: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1w-2KZAu8jrosXZSO72IYrr7z_y3GE5adRutSyHzXQUk/edit?usp=sharing

Ryan Steans - Avalon Project and Community Manager
11:30 AMLunch on your own
1:00 PM

Islandora 7.X DAMS

UT Austin Libraries IT - Tech Squad
1:30 PMBridge2Hyku/HykuNick Woodward
2:00 PMState of DuraSpace and Fedora

David Wilcox - Duraspace Product Manager

2:30 PMDAMEJames Creel
3:00 PMBreak
3:15 PMBirds of a featherAll
4:30 PMWrap up and Discussion

Day 2 (Thursday, January 17)

8:30 AMDoors Open. Light breakfast provided
9:30 AMCLAWUT Austin/Benson
10:30CAPJames Creel
11:30 AMLunch on your own
1:00 PM

David Wilcox - Duraspace Product Manager

3:00 PMBreak


Other Information


Nearby Hotels:
