
This meeting is a hybrid teleconference and slack chat. Anyone is welcome to join...here's the info:



  1. Upcoming Sprints
    1. Please sign up
    2. Sprint 1: Release 5.0
      1. Optimally we start Sprint 1 with a release candidate  
      2. Complete documentation
      3. Wrap up the compatibility test kit
    3. Sprint 2: Ecosystem Tools
      1. Camel Toolbox
      2. Java Client
      3. Import/Export
    4. What is the best way to prepare as a team?
  2. Getting to 5.0 Release Candidate
    1. 5.x Documentation Effort matrix
    2. In progress tickets
    3. Remaining external content (low-hanging: ie volunteers?) issues:

      1. Mini-sprint?

    4. All API Alignment Issues

  3. Fedora API Specification update
    1. Second Candidate Recommendation ready for publication!
    2. Sidecar specifications
      1. One-step fixity check -  github issue (create github repo in fcrepo4-labs)
      2. Atomic operations (move to fcrepo4-labs)
  4. <Add your agenda item here>

Ticket Summaries

  1. Please squash a bug!

  2. Tickets resolved this week:

  3. Tickets created this week:
