
This meeting is a hybrid teleconference and slack chat. Anyone is welcome to join...here's the info:



  1. Housekeeping: 
    1. Sprint Dates:  https://doodle.com/poll/2vgw3huvr8dugeuq:  
      1. Sept 10-24
      2. Oct 1-14 
    2. Leader for next week's call
  2. OR Impressions discussion
    1. Did OR change your thinking about future directions for Fedora?
      1. New features
      2. Future integrations
    2. Other discussion questions here: 
  3. Getting to 5.0
    1. In progress tickets
    2. Remaining external content (low-hanging: ie volunteers?) issues:

    3. 5.x Documentation Effort matrix
    4. Compatibility Test Kit
  4. Possible New Feature (Set): Signposting
    1. Does it belong in the Fedora Layer? API-X? Other?
    2. If so, should the spec be modified to include it? 
  5. Ecosystem tools progress report
    1. Outstanding PRs
  6. Review Spec committee's direction on Fedora API Specification github issue (one-step fixity check)
    1. Also what about dangling question about storing checksums as a server managed triple? 
    2. Fedora API Specification "Candidate Recommendation #2" in the process of being released
    3. Fixity check encouraged as a sidecar specification
  7. <Add your agenda item here>

Ticket Summaries

  1. Please squash a bug!

  2. Tickets resolved this week:

  3. Tickets created this week:
