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IIIF Support is available in 7.1 or above.  See IIIF Configuration documentation in the 7.x official docs.

DSpace/IIIF Slack Channel

Interested Participants

Following the DSpace Dev meeting on Mar 15, 2017, this brainstorming page was created.  The following people have expressed an interest


Brainstorming Questions from Terrence W Brady

  • Would a IIIF server pull resources from DSpace, or does the server provide an alternative view of a DSpace item?
  • Can a IIIF manifest be used to express relationships between bitstreams?  If so, are all of those bitstreams part of one item?
  • I understand that a IIIF server can work with dynamically generated tiles and pre-generated tiles.  I assume that a DSpace integration would need to work with either option.
  • We would be interested in providing a book reader view through IIIF.  
    • Currently, we store PDF bitstreams and use a JavaScript library to render the PDF as a book.  These PDFs were generated from TIF files created during digitization.
    • I presume that we would continue to offer a PDF bitstream for download AND we would generate image tiles from the source TIF files.
  • We would also be interested in using the IIIF manifest to give context to a set of bitstreams within an item

User Story Suggestions from Ben Brumfield

From the perspective of a IIIF client trying to reuse material on a DSpace repository, here are the minimum features needed to work

IIIF Presentation API

  • A IIIF client sees a top-level collection for the DSpace installation listing communities.  Example: DSpace site mapped to IIIF collection document
  • An IIIF client sees a collection manifest listing sub collections
  • An IIIF client sees a sub-collection collection manifest listing items as IIIF manifest links
  • An IIIF client sees a manifest corresponding to an item (TODO real world item with example manifest containing metadata, labels, seeAlso services, and canvases)


  • A IIIF client sees available image parameters at by calling info.json on the image service for a single page
  • A IIIF client can display a single page image at Level 0 Compliance
  • No labels


  1. I propose a Slack channel on this topic, and I will go make it right now.... DONE:

  2. At 4Science we have already implemented an addons that provide IIIF API, Search and Presentation support in DSpace. It is based on a full opensource stack and we are asking for contribution to return on our initial investment so to release it as open source, see here: 

    1. Is there an example installation of the 4Science DSpace+IIIF integration we can test or inspect?

        1. Those look like nice implementations of the image API, but I don't see how to get to the Presentation API manifests – where are those located?

          1. This is an additional example where the IIIF technologies to render PDF document


            the IIIF Presentatio API manifest for this item can be found here:

            1. Thanks.  I'll pull it into three or four IIIF clients and play with it.  I'm hoping to mention it as an option for DSpace users at my talk at the Texas Conference on Digital Libraries next month.

  3. Some links:

    an IIIF manifest editor:

    A project we are using IIIF in is (note a white-listed Google account is required to use, I'll see if I can get a login I can share here).

  4. As discussed in the today meeting IIIF Presentation API can evolve to manage other kind of content like 3d objects, video, etc. the universal viewer community call that extension IIIxF.

    When you look to the video streaming landscape an important aspect is which protocol is used and which requirement it imposes on the client (for instance flash, etc.)

    The open, vendor-independent, protocol for Video streaming is DASH ( that allow adaptive streaming via HTTP compliant with HTML5 or old browser via javascript, playing a role like the IIIF Image API for images. 

    An example of such video streaming solution integrated with dspace can be found here: