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Runs a validation task against a set of objects in the specified repository.


fedora-validate-objects -serverurl [server-base-url]
                        -username [user]
                        -password [password]
                        {-terms [terms] | -query query | -pidfile [path]}


  • server-base-url - the base URL of the Fedora server: e.g. http://localhost:8080/fedora
  • user - the Fedora administrator username (e.g., fedoraAdmin)
  • password - the password for the Fedora administrator user
  • terms - a "terms" string, as for the "FindObjects" method of API-A
  • query - a "query" string, as for the "FindObjects" method of API-A
  • pidfile - the path to a text file containing the PIDs of the objects to be validated, one PID per line
  • verbose - whether to print all messages during validation. If not specified, only messages that are relevant to an object being marked invalid or indeterminate are printed.
  • No labels