Contribute to the DSpace Development Fund
The newly established DSpace Development Fund supports the development of new features prioritized by DSpace Governance. For a list of planned features see the fund wiki page.
Title (Goal) | DSpace should allow for end users and repository managers to see more advanced metrics in addition to basic download counts. |
Primary Actor | End User / Administrator |
Scope | (Optional – notes the perceived design scope. For example, does this use case describe the needs of the overall system or an individual component) |
Level | (Optional – a general categorization of whether the use case is a very high level summary or almost too low level) |
Story (A paragraph or two describing what happens) | Sally has seen a sudden spike in the downloads of her thesis. She wants to see if it can be tracked back to a specific mention. She logs into DSpace and by looking at her advanced statistics page, she can see that her thesis was mentioned in a blog post by a well known person in her field. (Referring page) Sally is interested in understanding how people find her work in the repository. She looks at her advanced statistics page and can see the search terms people use both within the repository and referred from external web searches. John, the repository manager, wants to understand where downloads are occurring in the world over time. He logs into DSpace and can see what countries have download items the most and at what times of day. Sally is interested in understanding where downloads are happening and what countries have downloaded her thesis the most. She looks at her advanced statistics page and can see that the most downloads are occurring in the UK.
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Email for marketing the service - Top Downloads, Top views, New content - customizable?
Email to submitter about their content pushing them information about the use of their items