Deprecated. This material represents early efforts and may be of interest to historians. It doe not describe current VIVO efforts.

Who owns the data?

What sort of agreement do we need to enter into before using it?


UCSF includes this on their web page at:


  1. Contact us to tell us you're using our APIs — so we don't break your app by mistake
  2. Every web page including Profiles data must acknowledge use, e.g. web pages about individual researchers should link back to Profiles like this `<a href="[Profiles URL]" title="Go to UCSF Profiles, powered by CTSI" rel="me">View [Insert Name Here]'s research profile</a>` — but see the requirements page for more details and HTML examples
  3. If you're caching results, refresh weekly (worst case: monthly), to prevent outdated data
  • In what sense are these "requirements"?
  • Will we indeed comply with point 2 by adding that link to each of our search result pages?
  • Will we negotiate a different agreement before going live with their data?
  • No labels