BIBFRAME Interoperability Group (BIG): 

2024 Work Plan

Project Objective 

The Terms of Reference for BIG are outlined as follows:

  • Define a standard BIBFRAME “shape” to support data reuse including conversion to and from other formats
  • Explore defining core BIBFRAME elements necessary for data exchange
  • Surface issues regarding the use of the Official RDA with BIBFRAME and propose strategies for their resolution
  • Collaborate and communicate with other groups working in the area of BF interoperability to ensure the ability to reuse BIBFRAME created in one community in other BIBFRAME stores.
  • Examine the work accomplished by the Communication Working Group and apply to this charge where appropriate
  • Gather use cases as necessary to inform decision making, expanding on the efforts of the Use Case Working Group and others
  • Provide an avenue for other interested parties to contact the BIBFRAME Interoperability Group and/or reach out to other stakeholders

From the start of work in July 2022 through to the beginning of 2024 work included:

  • Review of existing work, including use cases
  • Group members presented on their implementations and discussed their requirements for interoperability and issues encountered
  • Surveyed BIG members on cataloging standards background
  • BIBFRAME Implementation survey
  • Building on the work of the Strawperson Working Group
  • Incorporating feedback and actions from the 2023 Linked Data Summit
  • Developed 2023 work plan
  • Charge and setup for BIBFRAME Interlingua Subgroup and Shacl/DCTap Subgroup
  • Agreement on high level required and required if properties for textual print monographs and electronic monographs
  • Start on high level required and required if properties for serials
  • Began testing of DCTap in combination with SHACL for data validationDevelopment of a validation tool utilizing the Sinopia platform for validation with DCTap and SHACL
  • Discussions/presentations on relationships handling Discussions/presentations on RDA mappings and related considerations
  • Identification of unresolved issues for further work, including: Subgraph boundary, Data model differences, if requirements for validation should consider original RDA/content standards, where do BIG outputs will live in the long run, improved form/genre requirements/best practices (based on sample data and test outcomes), RDA mapping – concepts not in BF, such as Nomen

Timeline of Requirements / Deliverables 


*Timelines below are estimates and will be reviewed and updated by BIG periodically

  • Development of 2024 work plan
    When? March 2024
    Who? Ian Bigelow, Xiaoli Li, and Melanie Wacker providing a draft; review with subgroup Chairs; group will review by early April, 2024

  • Iterative refinement of the DCTap/SHACL validation for BIG based on testing with data from BIG members in collaboration with the BIBFRAME Interlingua Subgroup.

    • When? In process through 2024
    • Who? DCTap/SHACL subgroup
    • What? Develop standardized data flow/handoff between Interlingua Group and DCTap/SHACL GroupContinue to develop and standardize DCTap spreadsheet templateIdentify documentation and training needs (readme documents and related) to support creation/maintenance of spreadsheet template(s).How?Where to keep documentation and other outputs

  • Tabular application profiles for BIBFRAME Interlingua (BI):

    • Add subgraphs to textual monograph and serials profiles
      When? In process through 2024 paired with work by the DCTap/SHACL Subgroup
      Who? Interlingua Group with review by BIG
    • Expand beyond bf:Work and bf:Instance to higher level aggregation/clustering approaches, e.g. bf:Hub and svde:Opus
      When? End of 2024, following initial test for Monographs and Serials
      Who? Interlingua Group with review by BIG

  • Set up test project for data exchange for textual monographs based on Interlingua Group profile and using data validation tool developed by DCTap/SHACL Group.
    • Identify participants
    • Develop project plan
      • Including readme documentation/how to use the validation tool
    • Draft testing protocol, including mechanisms/processes for feedback
    • Project documentation
    • Result analysis and iteration

When? Spring/Summer 2024, once textual monograph subgraphs are added in Shacl/Validation tool
Who? Chairs, Subgroup Chairs and project participants

  • Documentation of best practices for technical aspects of BIBFRAME Interlingua as identified through the work of the group
    • When? Documentation in support of test first, but with a focus on documentation of best practices towards the end of 2024 to capture outputs.
      Who? Subgroups; review by main group
    • How? Where to keep documentation and other outputs


  • Set up consultant group and coordinate with them to receive feedback and input on testing
    • Who: BIG Chairs
    • What?
      • Select consultants to be brought in for initial discussions on where they are at wrt BIBFRAME and interoperability issues
      • As test project documentation is available, discussions to build understanding and plan for onboarding
    • When? Spring/Summer 2024, once textual monograph subgraphs are added in Shacl/Validation tool

  • Coordinate with external groups (committees, working groups, et cetera) working in related areas:
    • When? Ongoing through 2024 paired with work related to interlingua Subgroup efforts
    • What? Identify related groups and approach to coordination as needed
    • Who? Interlingua Subgroup

Out of Scope for the 2024 Work Plan

These issues may be included in a later work plan if considered appropriate


  • BI application profiles and SHACL validation for all format types: Focus for this year will be Monographs and Serials, with others as time allows
  • Evaluate implications of item level model for interchange


  • BIBFRAME Interlingua Subgroup
  • SHACL/DCTap Subgroup


Anyone involved in the project or affected by its outcome:

1) Primary: BIG members ; BIG consultants

2) Secondary: Other organizations working on BIBFRAME implementation ; libraries and cultural heritage institutions

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