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Attendees: Huda, Greg, Jason, Steven, Simeon

Regrets: none!

Discovery (WP3)


  • for issues etc. 
  • Research: how to go from knowledge graph to an index
  • BAM! WOW! (Browsing Across Music With Obtainable Wikidata)
    • 2023-01-05
      • 5 people for testing: 3 grad students and 2 staff members
      • Draft link for usability report, expect to complete by end of week
      • TODO: Huda will set up a meeting with Tracey to go over these results and also discuss potential directions for the future
      • Will then work on demo video
      • Also need to finish lessons learned page for this phase
    • 2023-01-12
      • Usability report done! (Unless folks have edits to add)
      • Lessons learned: Draft
      • Musical work examples
      • What remains
        • Main demo recording
        • Script for the acting portion
      • Meeting with Tracey on Friday to review results
        • Next steps?
          • Based on discussion with Tracey might present to user reps (Steven and Tracey) 
          • Consider: Would we want to update author/title browse pages with info from wikidata
      • BAM! WOW! demo now running on ld4p3 server
  • DAG Calls
    • 2023-01-12 - There is in fact a meeting 1/17.  Will go over coordination, roles, topics for the new year.
      • Question: Still using the Cornell Zoom URL for 1/17.  The Zoom needs to be started by someone with a Cornell email (no external hosts allowed), so will need to determine what the Zoom URL will be 1/31 (meeting after 1/17) onwards.

Linked-Data Authority Support (WP2)

  • Qa Sinopia Collaboration - Meetings with Stanford will only occur on an as needed basis. Authority request issues: (prioritized based on "important" authorities and ease of completion)
    • 2023-01-05
      • Steven added sections to the "Less reliance on caching" planning document to account for heavy Sinopia Users (Nat. Library of Norway and University of Washington). Each has a slightly different emphasis in terms of lookups.
      • Broadly speaking we have the following questions:
        • With no plan for a continued cache for Getty, do we want to look into Getty APIs?
        • Dave is going to refresh MESH for 2023. Do we need a plan for after 2023? Their model/queries are a little more complicated than others, size is relatively big.
        • RDA is made up of a bunch of very small static vocabularies. How low can we rely on Dave’s existing cache for these?
          • Do we add these as static lookups in QA?
        • For LOC vocabularies, what plan needs to be in place for switching to LOC APIs? E.g. Data will be more up to date, but it will lack the same context.
          • Can we add “direct” lookups through QA?
        • ISNI and DBpedia are large dynamic datasets. Would we consider direct lookups for these?
        • Big Question: Do we rely on separate data source APIs? Or add “direct” lookups in QA?
    • 2023-01-13
      • Steven has done as much as he can for now on document
      • We should plan to share our information with colleagues at Stanford well before trip
      • PLAN to review 2023-01-19 and then share
  • Best Practices for Authoritative Data working group (focus on Change Management)
    • 2023-01-12
      • Need some wordsmithing on order recommendation
        • Reached out to Dave to see if he needs help.
      • Steven rescheduled the meeting to 2023-01-17. Reviewing issues now to start discussions in Slack prior, hoping to make decisions in meetings.
        • Asking around about whether/how/can we expect the rumored RDF SRS in FOLIO to be ActivityStreams aware.
  • Containerizing the QaServer - Initial work done, still exploring migration from CloudFormation to Terraform
    • 2023-01-05 Sticking with CloudFormation for now
  • Containerizing the Cache Indices
    • 2022-11-17 No plan to move on this at present

Other Topics

  • POD & SHARE-VDE... should this team interact with that re: use cases, data analysis or other?
    • 2023-01-12: created some draft use cases for POD with which the POD Board may or may not agree. The assessment group is now on-hold until an MOU is signed between POD and SHARE-VDE.
  • Sinolio - Sinopia-FOLIO
    • Plans for future work will depend on Stanford meeting outcomes
  • Entity Management in FOLIO
    • 2023-01-12 - environmental scan work is wrapped for the moment until we need more investigation. Use case dev has been a bit slow to take off - group is increasing in size and we are actively working to align with efforts underway between LC and EBSCO
  • CUL Authorities in FOLIO
    • 2022-11-17 Still planning how to add URIs to MARC, strategizing automated changes to bibs (e.g. closing dates) that are automatable, will accelerate getting through the backlog and inform adding URIs process. 
    • 2022-12-07 Piloting adding URIs for firm orders using MARCEdit and batch processing during authority maintenance processes. If successful, will expand to other workflows (including documentation and reflecting in procedures)
  • BIBFRAME Interoperability Group (BIG) - Steven Cornell rep and Jason alternate
    • 2022-10-27: They are joining for summit. Little to report at present otherwise.
    • 2023-01-12: Met this week to go over Sinopia use of SHACL as a validating strategy. During the meeting there was a nice iteration on existing shapes based on clearer understanding of data needs.

Huda departure planning

  • LD4P videos and channel
    • Have asked Phil to follow up with Sean Taylor so Phil can get set up as video mage for the CUL-IT channel . If anyone else from this group would also like the ability to upload/modify video, please talk to Sean Taylor.
    • TODO: Put the original uploads in Box somewhere and share with Steven,
    • Update: I found one recording for BANG and uploaded. Now that Steven is the new CUL-IT video manager, he should be able to download the videos directly from youtube and then upload to the Box folder.
  • LD4P3 Usability recordings
    • Box folders shared with Steven already so should hopefully will continue to exist.   Will need to be removed by end of the grant but can remain for reference
  • LD4P3 Github: will continue to exist
  • LD4P3 web deployment: Can document (in confluence?) so someone can get to it if they need to. (Will just set up a Google doc for now and share with.. Steven? Greg? Simeon?)
  • D & A pull request for Wikidata image licensing: Need to do still
  • DAG: Anyone wanting to be co-chair from Cornell? Any suggestions for folks?
  • Huda VM and other server infrastructure
    • Code on github and/or folder
    • ACTION - Huda to put PCC and Jim's POD data extract in box and make Steven owner
    • ACTION - Huda to do final check

Upcoming meetings/presentations

  • 2/14-2/16 Meeting at Stanford (Simeon, Jason, Steven)
    • Need to develop plan for pre-work
      • Steven working on documentation of QA authorities and cache use
      • "What is the linked data cataloging ecosystem we would like to see?" AND "Are we using our effort in the most efficient manner for ourselves and the community?"
        • Cornell hopes in this space (ecosystem expectations, standards, services)
        • Begin envisioning a new collaboration model so we can define ways to provision for that
        • Who else should be part of discussion: Laura, Jenn, Mary, Simeon, Steven, Jason
        • Scheduled for 2/1
    • Successful meeting: take Cornell and Stanford view, understand gaps and overlap, review what we have done thus far, identify next steps to build the ecosystem
  • Other meeting requests: PCC LDAC (Fridays at end of March possibly) and LOC (February 2)

Next Meeting(s), anyone out?:

2023-01-12 - all likely present

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