Old Release

This documentation relates to an old version of VIVO, version 1.14.x.
Looking for another version? See all documentation.

General Method

To remove entities from VIVO, run SPARQL queries to retrieve the triples for the entities as RDF. Then go to Site Administration -> Advanced Data Tools -> Add or Remove RDF Data to upload the RDF to remove the triples for the entities.

To make this functionality more user-friendly and preserve usage of construct query for deletion of linked instances for the certain type of entity, a display object property display:hasDeleteQuery linked with that entity and with the construct query should be written in a file located in the VIVO_HOME directory rdf/display/everytime/.  To display the option for deletion of an instance and linked instances, add link <@p.deleteIndividualLink individual /> to an individual page. There is already a trash bin icon in profiles (created by <@p.deleteIndividualLink individual />) which is leading to individual deletion page. 

Entities that are involved in relationships will need more attention.  The relationship involving the entity should also be removed.


Remove publications by type

Run the following SPARQL CONSTRUCT queries to retrieve the triples associated with the entities:


construct {
     	?s ?p ?o .
} where {
     ?s rdf:type bibo:Article .
     ?s ?p ?o  .


construct {
     	?s ?p ?o .
} where {
     ?s rdf:type bibo:Book .
     ?s ?p ?o  .

Case Study

construct {
     	?s ?p ?o .
} where {
     ?s rdf:type vivo:CaseStudy .
     ?s ?p ?o  .

Conference Paper

construct {
     	?s ?p ?o .
} where {
     ?s rdf:type vivo:ConferencePaper .
     ?s ?p ?o  .

Editorial Article

construct {
     	?s ?p ?o .
} where {
     ?s rdf:type vivo:EditorialArticle .
     ?s ?p ?o  .


construct {
     	?s ?p ?o .
} where {
     ?s rdf:type bibo:Proceedings .
     ?s ?p ?o  .


construct {
     	?s ?p ?o .
} where {
     ?s rdf:type vivo:Review .
     ?s ?p ?o  .

Academic Article

construct {
     	?s ?p ?o .
} where {
     ?s rdf:type bibo:AcademicArticle .
     ?s ?p ?o  .

Remove Other Entities


construct {
     	?s ?p ?o .
} where {
     ?s rdf:type bibo:Journal .
     ?s ?p ?o  .
  • No labels