Archived / Obsolete Documentation

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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

DSpace 1.5.x/xmlui

Patches and downloads for DSpace 1.5.2

For sites that have installed the 1.5.1 patch

  • There have been minor bugfixes added to the 1.5.2 patch, so you will need to re-apply it.
    • Embargoed items that were not discoverable were actually removed from the DSpace on-disk browse and search indexes in 1.5.1. In 1.5.2 these items are removed from the browse and search results just in time.
    • Because non-discoverable embargoed items are removed from search and browse just in time, there is no need for the EmbargoBrowseAndIndexManagerEventHandler, and it has been removed from the dspace.cfg property.
    • There was a bug that prevented embargo profiles from being selected when enabling embargoes for a Collection.
  • No changes to the Embargo database schema have been made, so you should not re-apply the database_schema-embargo.sql.
  • The Embargo jars (embargo-api, embargo-dspace) have been updated to version 1.0.3 from 1.0.0. The updates to these jars are minor and are fully compatible with the 1.0.0 jars distributed with 1.5.1 patch.


1) Start postgres and create new database (the patch uses the default database settings)

2) Check out 1.5.2 from

3) Apply the DSpace Missing File:  Embargo-152.patch.gz file from the base dspace source directory (You'll need to gzip -d the file first). Note: you should apply the patch while in the base source directory. The base source directory contains this:

~dspace-1_5_2$ ls
LICENSING_NOTICE.txt dspace dspace-jspui dspace-oai dspace-xmlui
README dspace-api dspace-lni dspace-sword pom.xml

Apply the patch like so:

~dspace-1_5_2$ patch -p0 < /path/to/Embargo-152.patch
patching file dspace/config/item-submission.xml
patching file dspace/config/dspace.cfg
patching file dspace/etc/clean-database-embargo.sql
patching file dspace/etc/database_schema-embargo.sql
patching file dspace-xmlui/dspace-xmlui-webapp/src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/cocoon.xconf
patching file dspace-xmlui/dspace-xmlui-wing/src/main/java/org/dspace/app/xmlui/wing/element/

4) mvn clean install

5) Make any edits you want to dspace/config/dspace.cfg (such as setting dspace.dir or any database connection settings)

6) cd dspace && mvn package assembly:assembly

7) cd target/dspace-1.5.2-build.dir

8) ant fresh_install

9) apply etc/database_schema-embargo.sql to the db (not yet in the build.xml) (make sure you do this as the user that owns the database)

sudo -u postgres psql -U dspace dspace < etc/database_schema-embargo.sql

10) create dspace admin user

chmod u+x bin/*

11) deploy ${dspace.dir}/webapps/xmlui to your tomcat and start

After starting Tomcat and logging into DSpace as an administrator, create a collection. Enable embargoes on the newly created collection (by clicking on the Embargo Settings tab). Then, edit the ${dspace.dir}/config/item-submission.xml file, adding a <name-map> element using the handle of the newly created collection:

To enable embargoes for a collection with handle 123456789/4, edit ${dspace.dir}/config/item-submission.xml and add a <name-map> element:
<name-map collection-handle="123456789/4" submission-name="embargo"/>

You'll have to restart Tomcat for the changes to take effect. Then, log in to DSpace and make a submission to the the collection. You should see "Embargo" as a step in the workflow.


  • Patch Missing File:  Embargo-152.patch.gz

Patches and downloads for DSpace 1.5.1


1) Start postgres and create new database (the patch uses the default database settings)

2) Check out 1.5.1 from

3) Apply the DSpace Missing File: Embargo-151.patch.gz file from the base dspace source directory (You'll need to gzip -d the file first). Note: you should apply the patch while in the base source directory. The base source directory contains this:

~dspace-1_5_1$ ls
LICENSING_NOTICE.txt dspace dspace-jspui dspace-oai dspace-xmlui
README dspace-api dspace-lni dspace-sword pom.xml

Apply the patch like so:

~dspace-1_5_1$ patch -p0 < /path/to/Embargo-151.patch
patching file dspace/config/item-submission.xml
patching file dspace/config/dspace.cfg
patching file dspace/etc/clean-database-embargo.sql
patching file dspace/etc/database_schema-embargo.sql
patching file dspace-xmlui/dspace-xmlui-webapp/src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/cocoon.xconf
patching file dspace-xmlui/dspace-xmlui-wing/src/main/java/org/dspace/app/xmlui/wing/element/

4) mvn clean install

5) Make any edits you want to dspace/config/dspace.cfg (such as setting dspace.dir or any database connection settings)

6) cd dspace && mvn package assembly:assembly

7) cd target/dspace-1.5.1-build.dir

8) ant fresh_install

9) apply etc/database_schema-embargo.sql to the db (not yet in the build.xml) (make sure you do this as the user that owns the database)

sudo -u postgres psql -U dspace dspace < etc/database_schema-embargo.sql

10) create dspace admin user

chmod u+x bin/*

11) deploy ${dspace.dir}/webapps/xmlui to your tomcat and start

After starting Tomcat and logging into DSpace as an administrator, create a collection. Enable embargoes on the newly created collection (by clicking on the Embargo Settings tab). Then, edit the ${dspace.dir}/config/item-submission.xml file, adding a <name-map> element using the handle of the newly created collection:

To enable embargoes for a collection with handle 123456789/4, edit ${dspace.dir}/config/item-submission.xml and add a <name-map> element:
<name-map collection-handle="123456789/4" submission-name="embargo"/>

You'll have to restart Tomcat for the changes to take effect. Then, log in to DSpace and make a submission to the the collection. You should see "Embargo" as a step in the workflow.


  • Patch Missing File: Embargo-151.patch.gz 

DSpace 1.4.2/Manakin 1.1a (no longer active)

Patches and downloads for DSpace 1.4.2

Use at your own risk!


  1. Java 1.5+
  2. Ant 1.7.0+


1) Download the Patch and the Overlay into the base DSpace source directory; the directory that has these sub-directories:

|-- bin
|-- config
|-- docs
|-- etc
|-- jsp
|-- lib
`-- src

2) Unzip the overlay in this directory. The overlay includes additional jar dependencies needed for embargo support.

3) Unzip the patch file in this directory, and apply the patch by running

patch -p0 < embargo.patch

4a) If you are testing embargo support on a new installation, run

ant fresh_install

4b) If you are testing embargo support on an existing installation, run

ant clean setup_database_embargo update init_configs

(additional properties are added to


which configure the embargo plugins)


  • Patch Missing File: Embargo.patch.tar.gz (updated with SvnAntTask fix)
  • Overlay Missing File: Dspace-embargo-1.4.2-overlay.tar.gz 

Patches and downloads for Manakin 1.1a

Use at your own risk! This manakin patch is a straight dump from my SVN and is not very clean at all. Good luck (smile)


  1. Java 1.5+
  2. Ant 1.7.0+


1) Execute the instructions for DSpace 1.4.2 first.

2) Download the Patch into the base Manakin source directory

3) Unzip the patch file in this directory, and apply the patch by running

patch -p0 < manakin-embargo.patch

4) Deploy manakin as normal.


  • Patch Missing File: Manakin-embargo.patch.tar.gz (last updated: 6/2/08 to include some files missing from previous patch)


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