The diagrams on this page were created as part of initial architecture discussions in May 2019 and are kept in place for historical purposes. Updated flow descriptions and diagrams can be found here: Preservation Flow

Diagrams based off images from 2019-05-13 Agenda and notes and 2019-05-17 Specification meeting

Suggested Architecture

Gliffy Macro Error

An error occurred while rendering this diagram. Please contact your administrator.

  • Name: data_flow_1

Gliffy Macro Error

An error occurred while rendering this diagram. Please contact your administrator.

  • Name: data_flow_2

Data Flows

Send Content

Gliffy Macro Error

An error occurred while rendering this diagram. Please contact your administrator.

  • Name: send_content

Delete Content

Gliffy Macro Error

An error occurred while rendering this diagram. Please contact your administrator.

  • Name: delete_content

Get Audit History

Gliffy Macro Error

An error occurred while rendering this diagram. Please contact your administrator.

  • Name: audit_history

Retrieve Content

Gliffy Macro Error

An error occurred while rendering this diagram. Please contact your administrator.

  • Name: retrieve_content

  • No labels