Contribute to the DSpace Development Fund

The newly established DSpace Development Fund supports the development of new features prioritized by DSpace Governance. For a list of planned features see the fund wiki page.



The (star) represents who will be taking notes for a given meeting. It rotates after each meeting to the next person in the attendee list.

Meeting Details

  • Feb 20, 2019 at 9:00 AM ET
  • Join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android:
    Or iPhone one-tap:
    US: +16468769923,7828625387# or +16699006833,7828625387#
    Or Telephone:
    Dial(for higher quality, dial a number based on your current location):
    US: +1 646 876 9923 or +1 669 900 6833
    Meeting ID: 7828625387

Next meeting Mar 6th, 9:00 AM ET


  • Find alignment on the plan leading up to Open Repositories 2019 in Hamburg


Alignment / Decisions from last meeting

  1. We need a plan with actions, goals and associated target dates, aimed at marketing for DSpace 7
    1. Popular use cases, and how DSpace 7 improves on them, are powerful in marketing
    2. Facts that the SG endorses, are powerful in marketing
  2. We need a more general approach for DSpace Marketing on the longer term. The group did not reach agreement on whether this can be open ended, or whether this can have a finite timeline

Discussion items



  1. Lead timeline discussion

The DSpace Steering Group is meeting directly after this meeting to consider the current DSpace 7 release timeline. Tim notes that this is behind schedule and will likely be updated later today.

  • "Preview" release by early 2019 (around Feb). The "preview" release may not include all eventual DSpace 7 features, but gives the opportunity for early feedback from users / testers. One key feature of this "preview" release will be to show off an early version of Configurable Entities (see also DSpace 7 Entities Working Group).
  • Beta release in first quarter of 2019 (tentative date - may change). The beta release will be feature-complete and provide an opportunity for more extensive testing / debugging / banging on the system.
  • Final 7.0 release prior to OR2019 (tentative date - may change). Our goal remains to have a final release to show off at the OR2019 conference in Hamburg. This date is still tentative as it depends heavily on meeting earlier release goals.

  • Coordinating marketing efforts with a changing release schedule is a Chicken-egg situation–which comes first?
  • In general DSpace is losing momentum, nothing new that is useful
  • A preview release asap is preferable as a solid marketing tool–entities and angular will be in preview
  • Would like to promote all features planned for DSpace 7 no matter when they are ready
  • Need to know DSpace 7 guaranteed major components to be included in production release
  • Pre-release is a chance to communicate with the community, emphasizing the core values of DSpace
  • Consensus on working on a plan independently of release schedule
2. Early adopters/goalsBram Luyten (Atmire)

Bram presented 5 goals and metrics for how to measure success.

Should strive for good alignment with what we want to achieve per audience

Goal 1: Get community members involved in the final DSpace 7 work

Goal details:

This work includes:

  • development
    • Work on areas where preview release is still incomplete
    • Translate/localize in particular languages
  • testing
    • APIs
      • OAI-PMH
      • SWORD
      • REST
    • Angular UI end user functionality
    • Angular UI admin functionality
    • Angular UI crawler/google scholar functionality
    • Accessibility for users with specific limitations
  • writing documentation
  • promotion/marketing
    • if we find that our own time/resources in this group is too limited, we may need to bring in more muscle

Timelinepreview release is an excellent moment to get these people on board, because it has the potential to spark new enthusiasm

Metric: Keep track/count incoming contributions of people who haven't contributed to DSpace 7 before.

Goal 2: Identify and promote early adopting institutions

Find institutions that are ideally seriously aiming for DSpace 7 PROD releases in 2019, ensure we have good contacts with them, that they are happy and excited that their story is used for DSpace 7 promotional purposes.

Timeline: preview release The institutions that I'm talking too right now, see DSpace 7 as very promising, but have still seen too little to proceed in their planning and seriously committing to the DSpace 7 2019 migration right now. The preview release should contain enough impressive stuff to allow exactly this.

Also, for the timeline, it would be really GREAT if we have them, to play them out at the OR conference.

Metric: number of identified early adopting institutions, that provide permission to be used in DSpace 7 promotion.

Goal 3: Get existing DSpace installations to upgrade to 7 (early majority)

Make sure that there is enough excitement and trust in DSpace 7 for people to take on upgrades.

As a part of this, the upgrade process should be promoted as a manageable project, and give clear guidance on how it can be handled.

Timeline: 7.0 release / Open Repositories Hamburg I don't see how we can work on early majority folks PRE-PROD release.


  • Number of institutions that have confirmed to be at least working on upgrades
  • Number of DSpace 7 installations in PROD

Goal 4: Get non-DSpace users to adopt DSpace 7 / Grow DSpace installation base

Marketing targeted towards institutions that are unfamiliar with both the product, the community etc


  • Number of NEW institutions that have confirmed to be at least working on new DSpace 7 installations
  • Number of new DSpace 7 installations in PROD

Goal 5: Get the Late Majority and Laggard DSpace institutions to upgrade to 7

Marketing targeted towards institutions that are unfamiliar with both the product, the community etc.

This group of people needs to be convinced with the message that everyone else is doing it (or has already done it) and that they need to hurry up to catch up.

Another message that might work here is DSpace 4 (and older) falling out of the security support in the context of the DuraSpace support policy. These older installations effectively pose a security risk.

Timeline: after synthesizing/concluding about early majority efforts?


  • Number of institutions that have confirmed to be at least working on upgrades AFTER DATE X
  • Number of additional upgraded DSpace 7 installations in PROD AFTER DATE X
  • Pascal Becker gathered DSpace 7 Unique Selling Points here:

3.Marketing tasks timeline discussion. Can we undertake general marketing tasks independent of release timeline with the understanding that there will be a product release or pre-release highlighted at OR2019, June 10-13

  • Brainstorm list of marketing ideas/tasks–2/20
  • Draft content for questions we are asked–4/6
  • Draft content for one-sheet–4/6
  • Draft content for tri-fold–4/6
  • Vendors for Marketing Handouts–3/20
  • Sample costs of marketing items–3/20
  • Other
Carol Minton Morris

Leadership Group has designated $3K to put towards DSpace marketing

An incomplete release is difficult for broad messaging

Massive #s of institutions are not upgrading

Be the first in your country to implemnt DSpace 7 campaign idea—golden seal?

on Mar 5 Pascal and Terry Brady will present a webinar,

“DSpace Docker for Repository Managers: Running Any Version of DSpace from your Desktop”

Could we present a Docker separate release??

Bram dies not agree with Pascal on Docker set up,

Susanna agrees with Docker approach

4. Next meeting focus on scheduling


Action items



Review Pascal’s comment at Atmire's doc—identify what we want to advertise


Get more community members involved in completing DSpace 7 tasks/testing, outreachBram Luyten (Atmire)
Tranlation of documentation, marketing messages in different languages, identify people who can translate, outreach
Draft tabular comparison of DSpace with other technologies David Corbly
Marketing Working Group additional documentation–Most important decisions we made; goals we agree onPascal-Nicolas Becker

OR2019 merchandising research

  • Costs for t-shirts
  • Other SWAG
Carol Minton Morris
Work/post more in Outreach Slack channelAll
  • No labels


  1. List of potential marketing goals, associated metrics, and time info

    Goal 1: Get community members involved in the final DSpace 7 work

    Goal details:

    This work includes:

    • development
      • Work on areas where preview release is still incomplete
      • Translate/localize in particular languages
    • testing
      • APIs
        • OAI-PMH
        • SWORD
        • REST
      • Angular UI end user functionality
      • Angular UI admin functionality
      • Angular UI crawler/google scholar functionality
      • Accessibility for users with specific limitations
    • writing documentation
    • promotion/marketing
      • if we find that our own time/resources in this group is too limited, we may need to bring in more muscle

    Timelinepreview release is an excellent moment to get these people on board, because it has the potential to spark new enthusiasm

    Metric: Keep track/count incoming contributions of people who haven't contributed to DSpace 7 before.

    Goal 2: Identify and promote early adopting institutions

    Find institutions that are ideally seriously aiming for DSpace 7 PROD releases in 2019, ensure we have good contacts with them, that they are happy and excited that their story is used for DSpace 7 promotional purposes.

    Timeline: preview release The institutions that I'm talking too right now, see DSpace 7 as very promising, but have still seen too little to proceed in their planning and seriously committing to the DSpace 7 2019 migration right now. The preview release should contain enough impressive stuff to allow exactly this.

    Also, for the timeline, it would be really GREAT if we have them, to play them out at the OR conference.

    Metric: number of identified early adopting institutions, that provide permission to be used in DSpace 7 promotion.

    Goal 3: Get existing DSpace installations to upgrade to 7 (early majority)

    Make sure that there is enough excitement and trust in DSpace 7 for people to take on upgrades.

    As a part of this, the upgrade process should be promoted as a manageable project, and give clear guidance on how it can be handled.

    Timeline: 7.0 release / Open Repositories Hamburg I don't see how we can work on early majority folks PRE-PROD release.


    • Number of institutions that have confirmed to be at least working on upgrades
    • Number of DSpace 7 installations in PROD

    Goal 4: Get non-DSpace users to adopt DSpace 7 / Grow DSpace installation base

    Marketing targeted towards institutions that are unfamiliar with both the product, the community etc


    • Number of NEW institutions that have confirmed to be at least working on new DSpace 7 installations
    • Number of new DSpace 7 installations in PROD

    Goal 5: Get the Late Majority and Laggard DSpace institutions to upgrade to 7

    Marketing targeted towards institutions that are unfamiliar with both the product, the community etc.

    This group of people needs to be convinced with the message that everyone else is doing it (or has already done it) and that they need to hurry up to catch up.

    Another message that might work here is DSpace 4 (and older) falling out of the security support in the context of the DuraSpace support policy. These older installations effectively pose a security risk.

    Timeline: after synthesizing/concluding about early majority efforts?


    • Number of institutions that have confirmed to be at least working on upgrades AFTER DATE X
    • Number of additional upgraded DSpace 7 installations in PROD AFTER DATE X

    Week by week planning

    Week 07 February 11, 2019 February 17, 2019

    Week 08 February 18, 2019 February 24, 2019

    Week 09 February 25, 2019 March 3, 2019

    Week 10 March 4, 2019 March 10, 2019

    Week 11 March 11, 2019 March 17, 2019

    Week 12 March 18, 2019 March 24, 2019

    Week 13 March 25, 2019 March 31, 2019

    Week 14 April 1, 2019 April 7, 2019

    Week 15 April 8, 2019 April 14, 2019

    Week 16 April 15, 2019 April 21, 2019

    Week 17 April 22, 2019 April 28, 2019

    Week 18 April 29, 2019 May 5, 2019

    Week 19 May 6, 2019 May 12, 2019

    Week 20 May 13, 2019 May 19, 2019

    Week 21 May 20, 2019 May 26, 2019

    Week 22 May 27, 2019 June 2, 2019

    Week 23 June 3, 2019 June 9, 2019

    Week 24 June 10, 2019 June 16, 2019 - Open Repositories Conference Hamburg

  2. Involvement of Ambassadors / Non-English speaking communities

    This could be a discussion on its own, one thing that could work here is:

    • Release any messaging to them a few days or up to a week early, under embargo, meaning that this gives them privilege of early information access, which may spark motivation
    • Ask them to translate & to get the formal communication out to their users, at the same time as when DuraSpace/English language messaging is being released.

    Don't think this is done before, but I think it could be a very powerful sign to our community to release German, French, Chinese, Spanish, Dutch ... news all on the same day.

    1. I love the idea. Best would be if we could provide graphical templates, so that the marketing materials in the different languages look the same with different texts.

  3. I like the idea. Not sure about the "Ambassadors" because the program hasn't been really running for a few years, but we now have official User Groups in Peru, Brazil, Germany and we're working to launch one in Mexico, India and Malawi. That is surely an initiative they'll be willing to participate in.

    1. There are a lot of people who might be interesting in getting marketing material templates. It would be important to make it easy to exchange text, but everything else could be expected to stay as it is.

    2. I like the idea of engaging with local user communities in distributing DSpacemessages and materials but as Michele points out there is no formal Ambassadors program in operation at this time. Re-establishing a DSpace Ambassadors Program or User Group Program might be part of a long-term DSpace marketing distribution strategy.

      i suggest that we are somewhat putting "the cart before the horse". Distribution is a key tactic, but first we need to know what we will communicate and when (1. content/timing 2. tactics/how)