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Attendees: Huda, Greg, Jason, Steven

Regrets: Simeon

Linked Data Summit in DC

  • Focus will be library data, we aren't sure how hard that line will
  • Brainstorming session organized by OCLC, desire to come up with good use cases the highlight linked-data
  • For Partner Meeting – what is the agenda? <JAK will find out>

Discovery (WP3)

  • for issues etc. 
  • Research: how to go from knowledge graph to an index
  • BANG! (Bibliographic Aspects Newly GUI'd)
    • 10/27: Lessons learned and documentation still outstanding
  • BAM! WOW! (Browsing Across Music With Obtainable Wikidata)  
    • 2022-10-13
      • Kevin (Stanford) returned spreadsheet of properties present in Wikidata that are not commonly found in library metadata for musical works – to help guide which data would be an enhancement; need to monitor for additional content. Steven wrote query connecting musical work to what it was created for (e.g.: song created for a soundtrack) AND finding if LCCN exists... to then query whether we have that in the catalog.
      • Huda started a GH branch - plan is to pick use cases and set something up that represents that (e.g.: musical work in catalog has info button to Work that'll include K-number and other properties). pulled latest from Blacklight-Cornell and having issues getting Dev to run – D&A has been in multi-week updating to Ruby3; what is in Dev right now will not run in without significant updates to machine and code. Greg'll need to make tasks to get work done; not insignificant effort.
        • Hoping to go live with the new D&A code today or early next week; can start work for LD4P to run this code right away – will take a new work days but has good notes since has run this twice for D&A. Not urgent need.
    • 2022-10-20
      • Worked on setting up info box on item page.  Info box retrieves information in this way: get values from "authortitle_facet" field, parses to remove "|" to generate a form that can  be used to query the LOC suggest service for name title authorities, uses the localname to query against Wikidata for properties of interest.  Currently displaying heading, Wikidata entity, date of first performance, location of first performance, and music created for.  Next steps are to add remaining properties of interest from Kevin Kishomoto's group's spreadsheet.  
        • Options for display: Repurposing author title browse page similar to how we updated the author and subject browse pages to include more information, or incorporating information into the item page similar to how we incorporated Discogs information
      • Greg getting some errors from Solr backup scrip that need investigating
    • 2022-10-27
      • Using properties provided by MLA librarians, experimenting with bringing in information to the Info pop-up
      • One SPARQL query for entity; updated code to look for multiple values for any property and then removes duplicates. Allows for grouping in the results/UI
      • Some properties require special handling - catalog codes (2 pieces of information that go together: catalog + code. Another is "music for", which has two pieces of data)
      • Example without results: Puccini's Turandot: our heading is different from the authorized heading. BIBID: 4983368. The author-title is constructed in this case for the raw data. Vendor record for NetLibrary, Inc. - is there a pattern we can use to better build the SOLR index (e.g.: using the first 600 as seen in 4983368)?
        • Question for Tracey - how do we increase coverage for the feature Huda is building? E.g. 600s with correct Name/Title (not reflected in the author_title_facet)
        • Question for later: hide bad data through queries OR expose that and deal with it later?
        • Question: where should button to go to connect to existing author-title browse from the item-view?
        • Question: When to link back to the catalog, and when might want to link back to Wikidata for context about related thing (e.g.: work is dedicated to (person). (person) may have an LC heading, which can be used to pull up related resources... but if they do not, do we then link back to Wikidata?
      • Mid-November: get interviews with music students with what we have at that time and assess which pieces of information interest them; gather feedback.
  • DAG Calls
    • 2022-10-27: Nat'l Lib of Sweden presented on 10/25 - two points of note: card/chip model where ask what are the properties of interest for a particular entity and what is the graph for that entity? Similar to what Phil has in a linked data summit question: record. These are the data points needed to make sense of the entity. Card = data displayed; Chip = search snippet. Implementation specification. Internally used custom ontology as a mapping/hub so they have equivalences and subclassed off other ontologies (schema, BF, DC, others) to allow for system needs alongside other needs. JSON-LD blob that represents graph and ElasticSearch index runs what users are seeing (catalogers AND discovery). Triplestore exists but sits separately to populate postgres. Lots of questions. Great session.

Linked-Data Authority Support (WP2)

  • Qa Sinopia Collaboration - Meetings with Stanford will only occur on an as needed basis. Authority request issues: (prioritized based on "important" authorities and ease of completion)
    • 2022-10-06
      • Greg and Steven have been working with Dave on new LOC Countries authority. Still running into problem that the cache is crashing, need more guidance from Dave
      • Yesterday Steven got a request for a change of context, result of PCC meeting last week
    • 2022-10-13
      • Continue to try to troubleshoot getting countries to run. Proposed standing short meetings for the foreseeable future to work through issues.
      • A request for context changes to LCNAF has raised a question about whether Dave has indexed the fullest RDF representation.
      • Asking Dave for a recurring meeting to knock out a couple issues/week
      • FOR NEXT WEEK with Simeon: How can we let Dave retire: someone to run triplestores, run lucene index, make sense of Dave's code. Dave has a lot of hand-built infrastructure on his premise that we cannot economically replicate. Greg put up containerized LD4P services but the indexers that run, query and create caches has not been done and we don't have resources to do that – another big project. Only going to get worse. Need a plan.
    • 2022-10-20
      • Working to discuss plans with Dave
    • 2022-10-27
  • Best Practices for Authoritative Data working group (focus on Change Management)
    • 2022-10-27: considering de-nesting related activities and proposed strategy to handle placeholder for any number of different properties between entities; have feedback and plan to simplify proposal. Addresses issues ranging from nesting, deprecation, merges, splits. Once decided, will need to update recommendations.
  • Containerizing the QaServer - DONE
    • 2022-08-04 Greg digging in to terraform as a potential replacement for cloudformation, not ready to move yet!
    • 2022-09-15 Still exploring, have only tried baby steps so far. Need to focus on current system first
  • Containerizing the Cache Indices
    • 2022-07-21 : No progress. Have not heard anything from Dave; Jason will ask him at Monday's PI meeting to respond to Greg
    • 2022-08-04 There wasn't a PIs meeting so haven't yet checked with Dave

Other Topics

  • POD & SHARE-VDE... should this team interact with that re: use cases, data analysis or other?
    • 2022-10-27: Started assessing SHARE-VDE functionality and POD person is joining on Friday to discuss POD use cases and technical capacity
  • Sinolio - Sinopia-FOLIO
    • Possibly next work cycle toward end 2022; with LC now in FOLIO-land; how will MARVA be integrated?
    • 2022-10-27 - No news on possible work cycle
  • Entity Management in FOLIO
    • 2022-10-27: Meeting now with two concurrent tasks planned: use case deep dive + environmental scan
  • CUL Authorities in FOLIO
    • 2022-10-27 Planning on how to add URIs in MARC, possibly identifying a pilot alongside the project needs - communication, data workflow to protect changes, etc. Keen to identify what is out of scope due to feasibility concerns or capacity constraints
  • BIBFRAME Interoperability Group (BIG) - Steven Cornell rep and Jason alternate
    • 2022-10-27: They are joining for summit. Little to report at present otherwise.

Upcoming meetings/presentations

  • "Linked Data Summit" and LD4P Fall meeting and Interoperability meeting, DC, November 7-9  at LC
    • Linked Data Summit, Mon 7 + Tue 8 Nov (likely mostly in person, possibly presentations hybrid)
      • Discovery Use Cases leveraging linked data.
        • 2022-10-13: Huda, Steven, Filip, LC, OCLC (facilitators), SHARE-VDE were in a brainstorming session to plan the meeting. Added references to Cornell's work – recap across LD4P2 and LD4P3 and Blacklight Linked Data Working Meeting at Stanford in 2019. At beginning of LD4P3, created list of every use case we've ever discussed; added as reference. Added good outcomes for the meeting (use cases - and how/why useful). Next conversation about impact vs support vs effort.
    • LD4P Fall meeting, Wed 9 Nov, 9am-4pm (hybrid)
    • Attendance plans: Huda & Steven in person 3 days, Greg probably in person for Wed 9.
    • Agenda has a question of how people understand when data changes in data. Attempting to make a connection with Metadata Management API and Getty and LOC's Activity Streams.
  • Charleston Conference 2022
  • SWIB (virtual) - Nov 28 - Dec 2
    • Data provenance and transparency in UI
    • Updated abstract based on reviewer recommendations
    • 2022-10-20 - Registration open

Next Meeting(s), anyone out?:

2022-11-03: Yale joining for much of our meeting

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