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This page exists to flesh out the details of the migration to GitHub, which is being tracked under FCREPO-835.


Scope & Status

The following projects in the fedora-commons subversion repository on will be moved:

Subversion Directory

GitHub Repository



(lightbulb) Started


(tick) Moved


(tick) Moved


(tick) Moved


(tick) Moved


(tick) Moved

* In order to make cloning and forking practical for the majority of contributors, the fcrepo repository will contain everything from the 3.3 release forward.  The fcrepo-before33 repository will contain everything prior to 3.3.  Instructions will be provided to locally graft the repositories for those who are interested in having the full view of history in a single repository.

The projects in the incubator directory will be kept as-is.

Migration Steps

The following steps were followed for the dry run migration of the fcrepo repository. Similar steps will be followed for the final migration of each repository (steps 4-6 apply to the fcrepo repository only).

1. Run the Initial Conversion

Because git stores a name and email address per commit, the conversion needs to know this information for each subversion userid.

First, we need the list of all subversion userids:

svnadmin dump /path/to/svnrepo | grep -a -A 2 svn:author \
| grep -v svn:author | grep -v ^V | grep -v ^- | sort -u > authors.txt

Next, this file will need to be modified so that each line looks like:

userid = Full Name <>

Now the initial converstion can be run with git-svn. It takes a very long time to run (about half a day), so should be run with screen or nohup, like this:

nohup git svn clone file:///path/to/svnrepo --prefix=svn/ \
--authors-file=authors.txt --trunk=fedora/trunk --tags=fedora/tags \
--branches=fedora/branches 1.initial-conversion&

2. Abandon Subversion

Use a copy of the result of the previous step:

cp -a 1.initial-conversion 2.abandoned-svn
cd 2.abandoned-svn

Install the git-svn-abandon scripts, then run the following:

git svn-abandon-fix-refs
git svn-abandon-cleanup
git config --remove-section svn
git config --remove-section svn-remote.svn
rm -rf .git/svn .git/logs/refs/remotes/svn .git/refs/remotes/svn

3. Clean up Refs

Use a copy of the result of the previous step:

cp -a 2.abandoned-svn 3.refs-cleaned
cd 3.refs-cleaned

Remove useless tags:

git tag -d NA1-0 2.2.4-patch1 release-2.2.4-patch1

Rename original release tags using git convention (preserves original tag dates):

git tag -f v1.0 fedora-1-0
git tag -f v1.1 fedora-1-1
git tag -f v1.1.1 fedora-1-1-1
git tag -f v1.2 fedora-1-2
git tag -f v1.2.1 fedora-1-2-1
git tag -f v2.0 fedora-2-0
git tag -f v2.1 fedora-2-1
git tag -f v2.1.1 fedora-2-1-1
git tag -f v2.1b fedora-2-1b
git tag -f v2.2 fedora-2-2

git tag -f v2.2.1 release-2.2.1
git tag -f v2.2.2 release-2.2.2
git tag -f v2.2.3 release-2.2.3
git tag -f v2.2.4 release-2.2.4
git tag -f v3.0 release-3.0
git tag -f v3.0b1 release-3.0b1
git tag -f v3.0b2 release-3.0b2
git tag -f v3.1 release-3.1
git tag -f v3.2 release-3.2
git tag -f v3.2.1 release-3.2.1
git tag -f v3.3 release-3.3
git tag -f v3.3.1 release-3.3.1
git tag -f v3.4 release-3.4
git tag -f v3.4-RC1 release-3.4-RC1
git tag -f v3.4.1 release-3.4.1

Remove old, redundant tags:

git tag -d `git tag|grep release`
git tag -d `git tag|grep fedora`

Remove old, unused branches (all branches but those specifically excluded below will be removed):

git branch -D `git branch | grep -v master \
| grep -v maintenance-3.4 | grep -v maintenance-2.2 \
| grep -v fcrepo-604 | grep -v fcrepo-644 \
| grep -v fcrepo-748 | grep -v fcrepo-756 \
| grep -v fcrepo-775`

Free unused space in the repository:

git gc --prune=now

Avoid 'local uncommitted change' errors later

git status

4. Separate Recent History (fcrepo)

Use a copy of the result of the previous step:

cp -a 3.refs-cleaned 4.recent-history
cd 4.recent-history

Remove tags prior to 3.3

git tag -d `git tag|grep -v 3.[34]`

Find the id of the 3.3 tagged commit and parent:

git log --since=2009-12-18 --until=2009-12-19

Filter out everything prior:

export lastid=86b96dec0108af8bc160b84f24276962e0c4e2d5
export parentid=100891ba5fd0f1d3869236047867462355e9f1b1

git filter-branch --parent-filter "sed -e 's/-p $parentid//'" \
--tag-name-filter cat -- --all ^$parentid

git for-each-ref --format='%(refname)' refs/original \
| while read ref; do git update-ref -d "$ref"; done

git reflog expire --expire=0 --all
git repack -ad
git prune

5. Separate Ancient History (fcrepo-before33)

Use a copy of the result of step 3:

cp -a 3.refs-cleaned 5.ancient-history
cd 5.ancient-history

Remove recent tags, branches, and commits:

git tag -d `git tag|grep 3.[34]`
git branch -D maintenance-3.4
git reset --hard (parent of lastid)
git gc --prune=now
git prune

6. Graft Test

Use a copy of the result of step 4:

cp -a 4.recent-history 6.graft-test
cd 6.graft-test

Copy the pack and index files from fcrepo-before33:

cp ../5.ancient-history/.git/objects/pack/* \

Create .git/info/grafts with the following content (where $lastid and $parentid are the actual values set previously):

$lastid $parentid

Test it (all history should be visible):

gitk --all
#trackbackRdf ($trackbackUtils.getContentIdentifier($page) $page.title $trackbackUtils.getPingUrl($page))
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