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Regrets: Jason

Reflection on Virtual Blacklight Summit in 8-10 November

  • Main site:, Community notes
    • Community: Depending on day, between 30 and 60? participants (don't have official number right now).  
      • Conversations around plugins, contributions and PRs, who is a committer, upgrading, how to  improve developer experience, how to continue discussion around overall directions
    • Examples of Blacklight use outside the library space or with non-MARC data
    • Blacklight 7 in a transitional space from older partial-based customization and newer ViewComponent approach (expectation Blacklight 8 will use the latter alone)

Discovery (WP3)

  • for issues etc. 
  • Draft of a discovery plan:
  • Research: how to go from knowledge graph to an index
  • DASH! (Displaying Authorities Seamlessly Here)
    • Dashboard design meeting kickoff notes
    • Usability testing and followup for DASH: Usability results
    • 2021-11-05
      • Didn't demo to user reps as that meeting got moved up to Wednesday
      • Doing demo for D&A team today
      • Have found some inconsistency in the structure of the data returned by resulting in things showing or not if reloaded. It turns out that the data itself seems consistent so have been able to work around this. Will email Kevin to ask what might be going on
      • Tim has been working on code cleanup and making the layout consistent; and also using exclusion information from YAML config
      • Jason notes that as this moves toward production we'll have to think about who owns the exclusions file and how that will be maintained
    • 2021-11-12
      • Tim has been busy! : ) (Meeting with user reps after this call)
      • Huda: Did slack Kevin about but haven't heard back.
        • Also worked on updating exclusion mechanism to rely on index heading alone (can explain why this was different before)
  • BANG! (Bibliographic Aspects Newly GUI'd)
    • Jamboard link
    • Expect to include Works. Need to do something beyond what we already have live from the OCLC concordance data.
    • 2021-11-05 - No work on BANG this week, focus on DASH.
    • 2021-11-12:
      • Huda revisiting item view integration, included "online" field info and indicate (for debugging) whether related works coming in from PCC ISBN or LCCN relationships, etc. Began work on LOC Hubs in this page, some debugging, and thinking about how to bring this information back so it connects to catalog results.  Also need to revisit work to work relationships (have a data file and will bring this in for viewing later). 
      • Steven researching IMDB and Dune : )
  • DAG Calls

Linked-Data Authority Support (WP2)

  • Qa Sinopia Collaboration – Support and evolve QA+cache instance for use with Sinopia
  • Best Practices for Authoritative Data working group (focus on Change Management)
    • 2021-11-05 - no meeting
      • Next week plan to work on context and updating recommendation document
  • Cache Containerization Plan - Develop a sustainable solution that others can deploy
    • 2021-11-05
      • Stanford plans to test installation instructions when ready.
      • Explored some of the additional customizations.  Feeling like it is getting too flexible such that it negates the benefits of containerization.  As this is an admin UI and not user facing, looking at limiting customizations to critical pieces. (e.g. not css, yes i18n)
      • Worked on improving documentation.
      • Greg...
      • The plan for moving the containerization process forward state so far is...
        • DONE - Lynette will clean up the images in ECR
        • DONE - Lynette will get the github-actions deploying images.
          • DONE for the private repos.
          • DONE - Still working on the public repo.  I believe I have a solution but need to test it.
        • IN PROCESS - Lynette will update the env file to allow for initializers to draw their values from that file.
        • IN PROCESS - Greg can walk Lynette through setting up -int.  This should identify…
          • what can be done by a moderate privileged user and what has to be done by a sys opts user
          • make changes/additions to documentation as needed
          • Greg identified a way to make the copy authorities to EFS mount  a process of copying to S3  and then it will automatically copy to EFS 
          • Other potential customizations described in Issue #44
        • Lynette will move the templates to a new github repo
        • Lynette will setup -stg except where sys opts privileges are required to proceed.

Other Topics

  • Github branch renaming
  • Sinolio - Sinopia-FOLIO
    • 2021-11-05 - Retrospective for 2 week sprint today, some discussion around expected UI. Expect to engage in new sprint which will stand up new FOLIO instance for this work
  • OCLC Linked Data / Entities Advisory Group
    • 2021-11-05 Lynette involved in meeting with John Chapman to discuss integration.  "meeting with OCLC to look at integrations of Sinopia/QA with their entity backbone via their new API platform"  Meeting will include most of the Sinopia team.  Not clear who will attend on the OCLC side.
  • PCC 
    • 2021-10-27 Definitions and non-RDA examples in MARC examples continued to shift, but should be able to finalize the spreadsheet that generates the RDF today.
    • 2021-11-04- Nothing new to report.
  • Authorities in FOLIO
    • 2021-11-04 Laura, Julia, Jenn and Steven met this week to discuss getting URIs in our MARC records. We're going to try to abide by the same decisions reflected in OCLC's export options for URIs. Because every imaginable process for getting URIs relies on string matching we're meeting again next week to define scope and matching algorithms so that we're not adding a bunch of bad URIs.

Upcoming meetings

  • .  Submission for special Issue: "The Metadata Issue: Metadata as Knowledge".  
    • Folder Link, CFP + Brainstorming
    • Huda will schedule a meeting to discuss response to reviews
      • This meeting was held. Next meeting next Tuesday. Document set up for defining high level points in intro and conclusion we wish to make. 
  • SWIB (11/29-12/3) virtual again this year - No proposals submitted

Next Meeting(s), anyone out?:

  • 2021-11-19 ...
  • No labels