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API Changes in the current AipBackupRestorePrototype

Change Summary (work in progress)


  • dspace.cfg – new configs for AIPIngester & Disseminator*

  • – MAJOR refactoring to move most of the actual processing code into org.dspace.content.packager classes (this allows most packaging to also be called via API calls, rather than only through CLI). Packager is now basically a CLI to the org.dspace.content.packager classes.



  • org.dspace.content.BitstreamFormat – HARDCODED Support level text (Are these changes NEEDED?? – Tim)
  • org.dspace.content.Site – new getURL() method
  • org.dspace.content.WorkspaceItem – add ability to create a WorkSpaceItem with a specified Handle
  • org.dspace.content.Community – add ability to create a Community with a specified Handle, also create a SubCommunity or Collection with specified Handle
  • org.dspace.content.InstallItem – now supports installing an item with a specified Handle, new restoreItem() method (to restore a pre-existing item).
  • org.dspace.content.Collection – add ability to create a Collection with a specified Handle
  • org.dspace.content.Item – now calls HandleManager.unbindHandle() to remove a Handle.



  • org.dspace.content.crosswalk.NullIngestionCrosswalk – can be used to ignore metadata formats which you don't want to crosswalk during ingest (not used by default)
  • org.dspace.content.crosswalk.NullStreamIngestionCrosswalk – can be used to ignore metadata formats which you don't want to crosswalk during ingest (not used by default)
  • org.dspace.content.crosswalk.CreativeCommonsTextStreamDisseminationCrosswalk
  • org.dspace.content.crosswalk.LicenseStreamIngestionCrosswalk
  • org.dspace.content.crosswalk.CreativeCommonsRDFStreamIngestionCrosswalk
  • org.dspace.content.crosswalk.AIPDIMCrosswalk – Crosswalk from DIM to AIP
  • org.dspace.content.crosswalk.LicenseStreamDisseminationCrosswalk
  • org.dspace.content.crosswalk.CreativeCommonsRDFStreamDisseminationCrosswalk
  • org.dspace.content.crosswalk.AIPTechMDCrosswalk


  • org.dspace.content.crosswalk.XSLTIngestionCrosswalk – several methods are now static, new ingestDIM method
  • org.dspace.content.crosswalk.XSLTDisseminationCrosswalk – now supports dissemination of Community or Collection or Site objects (in addition to Items)
  • org.dspace.content.crosswalk.MODSDisseminationCrosswalk – now supports MODS dissemination of Community or Collection or Site metadata (in addition to Items)
  • org.dspace.content.crosswalk.XSLTCrosswalkHARDCODED mapping of Community/Collection DB columns to DC fields (Are these changes NEEDED?? – Tim) Moved these DB column to DC field mappings to PackageUtils utility class. They are necessary for Crosswalks when crosswalking Community or Collection info (as normally crosswalks will actually translate the metadata to DC, and then this mapping can ensure that DC metadata gets into the correct Community or Collection DB column).



  • org.dspace.content.packager.AbstractPackageIngester – handles recursive ingests/replaces, so that each packager need not implement its own version
  • org.dspace.content.packager.DSpaceAIPDisseminator – to disseminate AIPs
  • org.dspace.content.packager.DSpaceAIPIngester – to ingest/restore AIPs


  • org.dspace.content.packager.METSManifest – some refactoring & added utility methods to help parse METS files (or grab info from METS files).
  • org.dspace.content.packager.PDFPackager – refactoring to support updates to PackageIngester (which now uses instead of InputStream)
  • org.dspace.content.packager.DSpaceMETSDisseminator – refactoring to support changes to AbstractMETSDisseminator and allow for dissemination of Site, Community and Collections
  • org.dspace.content.packager.PackageUtils – new findOrCreateBitstreamFormat(), findDepositLicense() methods (used for ingestion). Also new utility methods to create a DSpace object when ingesting.
  • org.dspace.content.packager.AbstractMETSDisseminator – MAJOR refactoring to support Site, Community & Collection exports (and code cleanup). This also takes on more of the code once in DSpaceMETSDisseminator, as it is generic to both that class and DSpaceAIPDisseminator.
  • org.dspace.content.packager.PackageParameters – Added utility methods to determine/set the normal parameters for a packager call (this is to better support calling any Packager via API calls – rather than relying on CLI only)
  • org.dspace.content.packager.DSpaceMETSIngester – refactoring to work with Site, Community, Collections & to support AbstractMETSIngester
  • org.dspace.content.packager.PackageIngester – this interface now includes ingestAll() and replaceAll() methods (to perform recursive ingest/replace). Also this interface changed to deal with instead of InputStream (as Files are easier to deal with when using Zip packages). Also now returns DSpaceObject instead of WorkspaceItem (so that it supports ingestion of Site/Community/Collection packages).
  • org.dspace.content.packager.AbstractMETSIngester – MAJOR refactoring to support Site, Community & Collection imports (and code cleanup)


  • org.dspace.handle.HandleManager – unbindHandle() method (to officially unbind handles when objects are deleted), lookup Site Object by Handle suffix "0", getHandleInternal now retuns TableRow


All updates are minor refactoring to support new PackageIngester (which uses File instead of InputStream)



All updates are minor refactoring to support new PackageIngester (which uses File instead of InputStream)

  • org.dspace.sword.CollectionDepositor
  • org.dspace.sword.ItemDepositor
  • org.dspace.sword.SWORDMETSIngester
  • org.dspace.sword.SimpleFileIngester
  • org.purl.sword.server.DummyServer
  • org.purl.sword.server.DepositServlet
  • org.purl.sword.base.Deposit
  • No labels