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This meeting is open to anyone who would like to attend; it will provide an opportunity for members of the Fedora community to connect, share information, and provide updates on local projects and initiatives. This meeting will be based around European timezones, but anyone is welcome to attend. 


March 16, 2021 - 14:00-17:00 CET

March 17, 2021 - 14:00-16:00 CET


Online via Zoom


All times are CEST.

Tuesday, March 16, 2021




14:00 - 14:10Welcome and Introductions

14:10 - 14:30Fedora Program & Community UpdateDavid Wilcox & Arran Griffith, LYRASIS
14:30 - 14:50Data Communication Between Fedora, IIIF Server and MadocAndrey Buchmann, Berlin State Library
14:50 - 15:10Institutional Repository; Dealing with Requirements from Different DisciplinesRaman Ganguly, University of Vienna
15:10 - 15:30BREAK
15:30 - 16:00

Lightning Sessions:

  1. Ongoing Work & Plans with Fedora 6
  2. Digital Archiving Using Hyrax & Archivematica

  1. Felix Helfer, ASV Leipzig University
  2. Chris Awre, University of Hull
16:00 - 16:40Fedora Migration Break-OutDanny Bernstein, LYRASIS
16:40 - 17:00Wrap-up and DiscussionAll

Wednesday, March 17, 2021





Welcome and Introductions


Migrating Fedora - Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin

Oliver Schöner, Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin


Centralizing Repository Infrastructure

Ralf Claussnitzer, Saxon State Library Dresden




Islandora and Fedora 6

Danny Lamb, Islandora Foundation


Samvera Update

Heather Greer Klein, Samvera Community


Wrap-Up and discussion




Andrey - Data Communication Between Fedora, IIIF Server and Madoc

Currently using Fedora 4/5 but started process of migrating to 6

  • When might the project be publicly available?
    • No concrete plans as of right now
      • Wanted to offer insight in to new approach to using data within in Fedora
    • What kind of IIIF server are you using in the architecture?
      • Own implementation at State Library of Berlin, only for local usage right now
    • How do you achieve synchronization between the IIIF server and the image/manifests data from Fedora ?
      • No need to sync, it just works
      • Reads directly from Fedora, doesn’t get stored in IIIF
    • Notice any differences in API from 4 or 5 to 6?
      • Using Fedora 4 currently, but don’t anticipate problems migrating
    • How much content have you moved from 4/5-6?
      • Just started
      • Performance bottlenecks?
        • Migrated content is larger than source content
        • With smaller collections, no problems
    • What version of Madoc are you using?
      • Version 2

Raman - Institutional Repository; Dealing with Requirements from Different Disciplines

  • Have you considered migrating to Fedora 6?
    • Would like to start later this year
    • Have done some kinds of pre-testing, but also need a strategy because there are over 1 million items in the repository

Felix - Ongoing Work & Plans with Fedora 6

  • Ralf discussed their solution for OAI Endpoints
  • Could you elaborate on why you want to restructure data?
    • Structuring would only be for internally working with repository (nicer environment for working in the backend)
      • Would not change how data is presented

Chris - Digital Archiving Using Hyrax & Archivematica

  • Where will the metadata be archived in the workflow process?
    • Assumption that metadata taking place in Hyrax, but they have been able to do it elsewhere
      • If captured in CALM or other places like that it would not exist anywhere for digital preservation purposes
  • Chris will share link to Whitepaper once it’s available 

Fedora Migration Break-Out

  • Migration testing so far
    • Berlin State Library
    • Leipzig University (CLARIN-D)
  • External content (Paul - Running Fedora 3.8.1 w/ Islandora 7)
    • Fedora API supports this content by storing a reference to the external content
    • OCFL does not formally support external content as a first class resource
    • From the Fedora perspective, this is just metadata so any updates should not require a migration and would not be a big deal
  • Migration tool testing
    • If you have lots of versions in Fedora 3 you will get lots of versions in Fedora 6. Can these be squashed? (Ralf)
      • There is not currently a public open source tool that can squash OCFL versions
      • Migraiton-utils only supports migrating versions, but it would be fairly easy to allow users to ignore versions and only import the latest
      • Don’t NEED this, but had noticed versions that weren’t necessary, but not a roadblock to adoption
    • Migration tool basically replicates Fedora 3 structure
      • You could delete the old versions from the Fedora 3 objects using the API before migrating. If you want to do it on specific objects.
  • LDP containment
    • Different container types
    • Mostly based on metadata, not structural 
  • Archival groups
    • Multiple Fedora objects contained in a  single  OCFL object
  • PCDM in Hyrax
    • Indirect containers are used
  • Bloat in Fedora 6
    • OCFL does use more space than Fedora 3 storage
    • Changing SHA-512 to SHA-256 will improve storage space
  • May want to schedule a special topics call for OAI


Oliver - Migrating Fedora - Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin

  • How hard was migration from 5-6 and how big was the data?
    • 5-6 easy, applied upgrade utilities and it went well
    • Start at 5.1.1 is recommended
    • 10G of data
  • Were there changes in the API?
    • Didn’t see any (read only repository)
    • No major API changes between 5 and 6

Ralf - Centralizing Repository Infrastructure

  • Have any problems w/ different workflows needing a different namespace?
    • Was kind of an issue - do have different namespaces for publications
    • In Fedora they have only 1 namespace for all objects but metadata is different
  • How do you manage changes of metadata schema?
    • Started by defining metadata schema - made 2 (info and metadata)

Wrap-up and Discussion


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