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This document presents the process required to develop a new language to be integrated into VIVO and Vitro. It is intended for any developer who wishes to develop a new integrated language. The development process requires a good knowledge of the VIVO internal structure and its internal working mechanisms. This document describes the development cycle of new languages as well as the components required for this development.

The project of adding a new language requires diverse and varied skills. Therefore, it requires the involvement of a multidisciplinary team composed of software developers, linguists and ontologists. It is therefore necessary to allow a few days or even a few weeks, depending on the computer skills of the team, to complete all the iterations presented in this guide. All team members must be able to master the development cycle presented below, as well as the IT actions associated with each stage of the cycle. It will therefore be necessary to offer adequate IT support to the non-IT personnel working on the translation of the texts contained in the various files. To simplify this work, we strongly recommend the use of UQAM-DEV R.3 : An Interoperable UQAM Development Environment for VIVO (UQAM-DEV) which has been specially designed to carry out this type of project. However, in order to preserve the generality of the presented solution, we have chosen to present the method in a Ubuntu Linux development context.

To illustrate the process of integrating new languages, we will give examples of how the French Canadian linguistic context is integrated into VIVO.

Methodoligical overview

The method developed to integrate a new linguistic context into VIVO is an Agile one that involves a development cycle punctuated by evolutionary iterations whose purpose is the introduction of new language into VIVO. Source code control aspects are deliberately not dealt with in this methodology in order to leave each team free to deal with this subject according to the governance rules specific to the institution leading the project.

Development Cycle

la figure ci-dessous schématise la méthodologie d'intégration de nouveaux langages dans VIVO. The cyclical, incremental and evolutionary methodology allows a segmentation of the tasks to be carried out. From the cyclical point of view, the methodology is segmented in five steps. At each iteration, the five steps punctuate the development cycle. Each iteration targets a specific point to be addressed which is defined in the goal to be reached in the iteration. Si

The figure below shows the five generic steps in the cycle of integrating a new language into VIVO that are performed at each iteration.

Vivo's internationalization process is a five-step cycle:

  • Step 1) At the beginning of the cycle, the first step is to compile, deploy, and run the Vivo instance on the local computer.
  • Step 2) The second step is to test and identify problems related to internationalization.
  • Step 3) If everything works properly this ends the development cycle.
    • When a problem is identified it is necessary to search the code to find the problem.
    • This involves doing a lot of pattern managing search activities.
  • Step 4) In fourth place, comes the stage of correcting the problem.
    • Once the problem has been identified, the professional must edit the concerned file to make correction.
  • Step 5) In step five certain databases need to be initialized depending on the type of correction made.
    • Then back to step one of recompiling and running vivo.

Development iteration

The development of VIVO's internationalization is an iterative process that requires several iterations before full internationalization is achieved. Each iteration runs through the development cycle we discussed earlier. In the following section we will present the different iterations by demonstrating the internationalization of the French Canadian. Each iteration will contain a section describing the purpose of the iteration, a section demonstrating each stage of the development cycle, and in conclusion a summary explaining the highlights of the iteration.

Iteration 1: Initial Start - Preparing and initializing the development environment


This itération consists in setting up the software elements necessary to run an VIVO instance on a local host and prepare directories to undertake the task of internationalizing VIVO's content.

At the end of this iteration all software and data components will be in place to start the process of translating the files into the target language. French Canadian will be used as the demonstration language.

Item A) VIVO's software infrastructure installation

A.1 Linux configuration

Assume the configuration of the following environment variables

Example for Linux
export GIT_REPO=/opt/tomcat/GIT
export JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/java-8-openjdk-amd64
export SOLR=/opt/solr
export TOMCAT_HOME=/opt/tomcat
export VIVO_HOME=/opt/tomcat/vivo_i18n/home

First it is necessary to install Java, Maven, GIT, and SOLR. If necessary, you will find instructions at the following link: Starting with basic installation: Java-Maven-Solr-GIT

Secondly, it is essential to install the Apache Tomcat application server. You will find the necessary instructions for its installation at the following link: Installing Tomcat 8.5 for Vivo-1.11.0-i18n


An alternative VIVO deployment management solution is also available. You can see it here: UQAM-DEV R.3 : An Interoperable UQAM Development Environment for VIVO (UQAM-DEV)

Item B) Configuring the source code workspace and extracting the code


1) Creating the GIT directory

Whether under Windows or on Unix it is necessary to create a space in which it is possible to work. As proposals we suggest creating a directory called under the Tomcat root directory. In the case of users and Unix we suggest to carry out the operations under the tomcat username. This precaution facilitates the management of credentials associated with development under Linux.

sudo -i -u tomcat # sudo in Linux - not on Windows
mkdir $TOMCAT_HOME/GIT # $TOMCAT_HOME is predefined at the installation of Tomcat

2) Retrieving VIVO the code

To VIVO internationalization, it is necessary to extract the four following GitHub repo:

git clone https://github.com/vivo-project/Vitro.git Vitro -b branch_name_to_be_coming
git clone https://github.com/vivo-project/VIVO.git VIVO -b branch_name_to_be_coming
git clone https://github.com/vivo-project/VIVO-languages VIVO-languages -b branch_name_to_be_coming
git clone https://github.com/vivo-project/Vitro-languages Vitro-languages -b branch_name_to_be_coming

3) Retrieving UQAM Vivo-installer-i18n

The installer makes it easy to manage the compilation and deployment of the VIVO instance.

git clone https://github.com/UQAM-SB/Vivo-installer-i18n

Item C) Configuring the VIVO search accelerator (SOLR)


1) Configuring SOLR

follow the configuration steps available at this link: Configure and Start Solr

2) Check vivocore in Solr

sudo systemctl start solr

Item D) Preparing VIVO for first start


1) Create VIVO home

sudo -i -u tomcat # for Linux user
mkdir -p $VIVO_HOME
cp -r $TOMCAT_HOME/GIT/vivo-uqam-i18n/vivo-project-i18n-config/vivo_i18n/home/* $VIVO_HOME/home/

2) Edit runtime.properties file

Make sure that attribute properties fit with current installation

sudo -u tomcat vi $VIVO_HOME/config/runtime.properties
Vitro.defaultNamespace = http://<your-server-ip-address>:8080/vivo_i18n/individual/

rootUser.emailAddress = YOUR_ADRESS
rootUser.passwordChangeRequired = false
rootUser.password = YOUR-PASSWORD

vitro.local.solr.url = http://<server-ip-address>:8983/solr/vivocore_i18n
RDFService.languageFilter = true
languages.selectableLocales = en_US, de_DE

3) Edit applicationSetup.n3 for TDB data persistence

    a   vitroWebapp:triplesource.impl.tdb.ContentTripleSourceTDB ,
        vitroWebapp:modules.tripleSource.ContentTripleSource ;
    # May be an absolute path, or relative to the Vitro home directory.
    :hasTdbDirectory "tdbContentModels" .

    a   vitroWebapp:triplesource.impl.sparql.ContentTripleSourceSPARQL ,
        vitroWebapp:modules.tripleSource.ContentTripleSource ;
    # The URI of the SPARQL endpoint for your triple-store.
    :hasEndpointURI "http://localhost:3030/vivo/query" ;
    # The URI to use for SPARQL UPDATE calls against your triple-store. 
    :hasUpdateEndpointURI "http://localhost:3030/vivo/update" .

#    a   vitroWebapp:triplesource.impl.sdb.ContentTripleSourceSDB ,
#        vitroWebapp:modules.tripleSource.ContentTripleSource .

    a   vitroWebapp:application.ApplicationImpl ,
        vitroWebapp:modules.Application ;
    :hasSearchEngine              :instrumentedSearchEngineWrapper ;
    :hasSearchIndexer             :basicSearchIndexer ;
    :hasImageProcessor            :iioImageProcessor ;
    :hasFileStorage               :ptiFileStorage ;
    :hasContentTripleSource       :tdbContentTripleSource ;
#    :hasContentTripleSource       :sdbContentTripleSource ;
#    :hasConfigurationTripleSource :tdbConfigurationTripleSource ;
    :hasConfigurationTripleSource :tdbConfigurationTripleSource ;
    :hasTBoxReasonerModule        :jfactTBoxReasonerModule .

4) Edit and configure VIVO installation setting file 

Check that the file contains the following code:

cd $GIT_REPO/Vivo-installer-i18n
sudo -u tomcat cp example_settings_i18n_linux.xml settings_i18n_linux.xml
sudo -u tomcat vi settings_i18n_linux.xml
<settings xmlns="http://maven.apache.org/SETTINGS/1.1.0"
        xsi:schemaLocation="http://maven.apache.org/SETTINGS/1.1.0 http://maven.apache.org/xsd/settings-1.1.0.xsd">

Item E) Compiling VIVO

This activity consists in making a first compilation of VIVO i18n.


1) check the state of the Git directory before starting the compilation

make sure that all directories are present and are all at the same hierarchical level in Git directories

ls -al
drwxrwxr-x ... Vitro
drwxrwxr-x  ... Vitro-languages
drwxrwxr-x  ... VIVO
drwxrwxr-x  ... Vivo-installer-i18n
drwxrwxr-x  ... VIVO-languages

2) start compiling

Before starting the compilation make sure you have correctly configured the settings_i18n_linux.xml file as described above. The -DskipTests option is optional.

Make sure that the war file is installed in the appropriate tomcat directory.

cd Vivo-installer-i18n
mvn -s settings_i18n_linux.xml -DskipTests=true install 

At the end you should see a compilation end looking like this:

[INFO] --- maven-dependency-plugin:2.10:unpack (install) @ vivo-installer-vivo ---
[INFO] Configured Artifact: org.vivoweb:vivo-installer-vivo:1.11.2-SNAPSHOT:war
[INFO] Unpacking /opt/tomcat/GIT/Vivo-installer-i18n/webapp/target/vivo.war to /opt/tomcat/webapps/vivo_i18n with includes "" and excludes ""
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Reactor Summary for VIVO Installer for i18n 1.11.2-SNAPSHOT:
[INFO] Vitro Home ......................................... SUCCESS [ 2.409 s]
[INFO] VIVO Home .......................................... SUCCESS [ 1.453 s]
[INFO] VIVO Languages for Home en_US ...................... SUCCESS [ 0.340 s]
[INFO] VIVO Languages for Home de_DE ...................... SUCCESS [ 0.036 s]
[INFO] VIVO Languages for Home es ......................... SUCCESS [ 0.034 s]
[INFO] VIVO Languages for Home pt_BR ...................... SUCCESS [ 0.027 s]
[INFO] VIVO Languages for Home en_CA ...................... SUCCESS [ 0.024 s]
[INFO] VIVO Languages for Home CORE ....................... SUCCESS [ 0.105 s]
[INFO] VIVO Installer for i18n ............................ SUCCESS [ 0.151 s]
[INFO] Vitro Install Home for i18n ........................ SUCCESS [ 1.382 s]
[INFO] Vitro Dependencies ................................. SUCCESS [ 0.447 s]
[INFO] Vitro API .......................................... SUCCESS [ 1.295 s]
[INFO] Vitro Web App ...................................... SUCCESS [ 0.882 s]
[INFO] Vitro Languages for Web App en_US .................. SUCCESS [ 0.313 s]
[INFO] Vitro Languages for Web App de_DE .................. SUCCESS [ 0.064 s]
[INFO] Vitro Languages for Web App es ..................... SUCCESS [ 0.042 s]
[INFO] Vitro Languages for Web App pt_BR .................. SUCCESS [ 0.051 s]
[INFO] Vitro Languages for Web App en_CA .................. SUCCESS [ 0.099 s]
[INFO] Vitro Languages for Web App CORE ................... SUCCESS [ 0.212 s]
[INFO] VIVO API ........................................... SUCCESS [ 0.379 s]
[INFO] VIVO Web App ....................................... SUCCESS [ 1.146 s]
[INFO] VIVO Languages for Web App en_US ................... SUCCESS [ 0.027 s]
[INFO] VIVO Languages for Web App de_DE ................... SUCCESS [ 0.104 s]
[INFO] VIVO Languages for Web App es ...................... SUCCESS [ 0.039 s]
[INFO] VIVO Languages for Web App pt_BR ................... SUCCESS [ 0.034 s]
[INFO] VIVO Languages for Web App en_CA ................... SUCCESS [ 0.026 s]
[INFO] VIVO Languages for Web App CORE .................... SUCCESS [ 0.085 s]
[INFO] VIVO WebApp Install dependencies for i18n .......... SUCCESS [ 0.002 s]
[INFO] VIVO Install Web App for i18n ...................... SUCCESS [ 4.094 s]
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Total time: 15.851 s
[INFO] Finished at: 2020-09-23T14:50:52-07:00
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------

Item F) Preparing sample data

This activity is the first step in internationalization. It involves creating an internationalized test data file in the target language that will be used to assess the quality of the internationalization of the different VIVO modules.


1) access the sample file

Extract the sample file from GitHub

git clone https://github.com/vivo-project/sample-data.git  -b branch_name_to_be_coming 

2) build a translated file in the target language

This step consists of copying language files from the directory is in the target language and translating the content into the new language and associating the appropriate linguistic tag to it.

Notes: Make sure that your file is in UTF-8 format.

cd $GIT_REPO/sample-data/i18n
cp sample-data-en_US.ttl sample-data-fr_CA.ttl
edit sample-data-fr_CA.ttl

#- sample change

Change from
rdfs:label "ENC 1114 -- Introduction to Rhetoric"@en-US ;
Change to
rdfs:label "ENC 1114 -- Intruction à la Rhétorique"@fr-CA ;
3) Install the files so that they are processed each time VIVO is started.
Change to
cp sample-data.ttl sample-data-en_US.ttl sample-data-fr_CA.ttl $VIVO_HOME/rdf/abox/filegraph

Item G) Starting VIVO


1) Start TOMCAT

After making the appropriate configurations move to the TOMCAT executables directory and launch the application.


2) Monitoring the execution

after running the "taill -f" command you can do ^C to stop the Monitoring 

tail - f 

.createCacheHeaders=true, languages.selectableLocales=en_US, de_DE, orcid.api=sandbox, orcid.apiVersion=2.0, orcid.clientId=APP-MWPTQ7Z850AY2GCH, orcid.clientPassword=5eeb8f1e-05fd-4aa3-af3f-3bf12911f683, orcid.externalIdCommonName=Universit� du Qu�bec � Montr�al, orcid.webappBaseUrl=http://locahost:8080/vivo/, proxy.eligibleTypeList=http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/Person, http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/Organization, rootUser.emailAddress=vivo@uqam.ca, rootUser.password=Vivo2435...., rootUser.passwordChangeRequired=false, rp.multiple=config, selfEditing.idMatchingProperty=http://localhost:8080/ns#networkId, , vitro.local.solr.url=http://localhost:8983/solr/vivocore_i18n}]
2020-09-23 15:32:27,278 INFO [RevisionInfoBean] Revision info [build date: 20-09-23 22 h 18, level info: [[VIVO, 1.11.2-SNAPSHOT, d3e9606]]]
2020-09-23 15:32:27,321 WARN [StartupStatus] From FreemarkerEmailFactory$Setup: Invalid SMTP host: 'smtp.mydomain.edu': host name is not recognized - Email functions are disabled.
2020-09-23 15:32:27,383 INFO [RDFFilesLoader] Loading rdf/display/everytime/dataGetterLabels.n3
2020-09-23 15:32:27,384 INFO [RDFFilesLoader] Loading rdf/display/everytime/displayModelListViews.rdf
2020-09-23 15:32:27,386 INFO [RDFFilesLoader] Loading rdf/display/everytime/homePageDataGetters.n3
2020-09-23 15:32:27,388 INFO [RDFFilesLoader] Loading rdf/display/everytime/localeSelectionGUI.n3
2020-09-23 15:32:27,389 INFO [RDFFilesLoader] Loading rdf/display/everytime/n3ModelChangePreprocessors.n3
2020-09-23 15:32:27,390 INFO [RDFFilesLoader] Loading rdf/display/everytime/orcidInterfaceDataGetters.n3
2020-09-23 15:32:27,392 INFO [RDFFilesLoader] Loading rdf/display/everytime/pageList.n3
2020-09-23 15:32:27,393 INFO [RDFFilesLoader] Loading rdf/display/everytime/permissions.n3
2020-09-23 15:32:27,399 INFO [RDFFilesLoader] Loading rdf/display/everytime/searchIndexerConfigurationVitro.n3
2020-09-23 15:32:27,404 INFO [RDFFilesLoader] Loading rdf/display/everytime/searchIndexerConfigurationVivo.n3
2020-09-23 15:32:27,410 INFO [RDFFilesLoader] Loading rdf/display/everytime/vitroSearchProhibited.n3
2020-09-23 15:32:27,411 INFO [RDFFilesLoader] Loading rdf/display/everytime/vivoConceptDataGetters.n3
2020-09-23 15:32:27,414 INFO [RDFFilesLoader] Loading rdf/display/everytime/vivoListViewConfig.rdf
2020-09-23 15:32:27,426 INFO [RDFFilesLoader] Loading rdf/display/everytime/vivoOrganizationDataGetters.n3
2020-09-23 15:32:27,431 INFO [RDFFilesLoader] Loading rdf/display/everytime/vivoQrCodeDataGetter.n3
2020-09-23 15:32:27,434 INFO [RDFFilesLoader] Loading rdf/display/everytime/vivoSearchProhibited.n3
2020-09-23 15:32:27,440 INFO [RDFFilesLoader] Loading rdf/displayTbox/everytime/displayTBOX.n3
2020-09-23 15:32:27,450 INFO [RDFFilesLoader] Loading rdf/displayDisplay/everytime/displayDisplay.n3
2020-09-23 15:32:27,453 INFO [RDFFilesLoader] Loading rdf/auth/everytime/permission_config.n3
2020-09-23 15:32:27,464 INFO [RDFFilesLoader] Loading rdf/tbox/everytime/initialTBoxAnnotations_de_DE.nt
2020-09-23 15:32:27,490 INFO [RDFFilesLoader] Loading rdf/tbox/everytime/initialTBoxAnnotations_en_US.nt
2020-09-23 15:32:28,738 INFO [FileGraphSetup] Read 12 abox file graphs
2020-09-23 15:32:29,173 INFO [FileGraphSetup] Read 6 tbox file graphs

3) Observing the execution

After logging in to VIVO and passing the smocktest you should see a presentation similar to this one. If you don't observe people in the faculties make sure that the example files are copied to the right place as indicated above or that Solr has been started


Iteration summary

The objective of this iteration was to set up the software environment necessary for the integration of the new language. At this point an instance of TOMCAT, Solr, as well as the deployment of the en_US version of VIVO and an example file are fully operational and executable.

Iteration 2: Creating the directory structure of the target language context


The goal of this iteration is to add the French Canadian linguistic context to the VIVO language selector. This goal includes the sub goal of initiating the implementation of the directory structure necessary to integrate the files needed to manage French Canadian in VIVO.

The methodological entry point of this iteration is step three

Step 3) Searching for the problematic file in the VIVO source code

The first functionality addressed in the internationalization and language management assumed by VIVO's language selector. As shown in the image below, the selector in its current state does not manage French Canadian. This iteration therefore consists in introducing French Canadian into the VIVO language selector.

Step 4) Editing the problematics files

4-1 Property, theme and other generic files

several directory structures and files need to be set up to initialize the implementation of the linguistic context in VIVO.


1) Create directory structures in Vitro-languages and VIVO-languages

The demonstration is for the integration of the French Canadian fr_CA in Vitro-languages and VIVO-Languages

Preparing Vitro-languages
cd $GIT_REPO/Vitro-languages
mkdir -p fr_CA/webapp/src/main/webapp/i18n
cp en_US/webapp/src/main/webapp/i18n/all_en_US.properties fr_CA/webapp/src/main/webapp/i18n/all_fr_CA.properties 
Preparing VIVO-languages
cd $GIT_REPO/VIVO-languages
mkdir -p fr_CA/webapp/src/main/webapp/i18n
cp en_US/webapp/src/main/webapp/i18n/all_en_US.properties fr_CA/webapp/src/main/webapp/i18n/all_fr_CA.properties 
2) Translate the content of each properties file ('all_en_CA.properties' 'all_en_CA.properties') into the target language (here, the en_CA)
Canadian French Translation example
select_existing=Choisir l'enregistrement existant
select_an_existing=Choisir un enregistrement existant
add_an_entry_to=Ajouter un enregistrement de type 
change_entry_for=Modifier l'enregistrement pour: 
add_new_entry_for=Ajouter un enregistrement pour: 
change_text_for=Changement du texte pour: 
cancel_link = Annuler
cancel_title = annuler
required_fields = champs requis

3) Creating themes

Copy and adapt the themes from en_US to en_CA for  VIVO-Languages

Translate each file of type en_US in the fr_CA/.../themes directory

  • translate the content into the target language
  • rename the file extension xxx_en_US.xxx with the extension of the target language (e.g. xxx_en_CA.xxx)

mkdir -p VIVO-languages/fr_CA/webapp/src/main/webapp/themes/
cp -r VIVO-languages/en_US/webapp/src/main/webapp/themes/* VIVO-languages/fr_CA/webapp/src/main/webapp/themes/

4) Creating resources directory and assembly file

  • the 'home.xml' file is necessary to ensure a viable compilation of the language files.
  • Only VIVO-languages contains home.xml file
  • Although is empty, it is necessary to create the directory resources 
mkdir -p /VIVO-languages/fr_CA/home/src/main/resources/rdf/i18n/fr_CA
mkdir -p VIVO-languages/fr_CA/home/src/main/assembly/
cp VIVO-languages/en_US/home/src/main/assembly/home.xml VIVO-languages/fr_CA/home/src/main/assembly/

Step 5) If necessary reset the various VIVO's indexes and databases

No action to do at this step for this iteration

Step 1) Compile and deploye a new/corrected instance of VIVO and start it

This step consists of integrating the new language into the VIVO installation process. To do this, a set of POM files need to be created or modified.

1-2 POM files for compilation

1-2-1 Steps to carry out from the Vitro-languages directory 


Editing ./core/pom.xml

Add lines 6 to 11 in the <depedencies> section of the POM file


Create the following pom file:


Pay particular attention to the version number which must correspond to the version currently under development.

<project xmlns="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
    xsi:schemaLocation="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0 http://maven.apache.org/xsd/maven-4.0.0.xsd">




    <name>Vitro Languages fr_CA</name>
    <description>Vitro Languages</description>

            <name>BSD 3-Clause License</name>

    <!-- The SCM repository location is used by Continuum to update against 
        when changes have occurred. This spawns a new build cycle and releases snapshots 
        into the snapshot repository below. -->

        <maven.build.timestamp.format>yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss</maven.build.timestamp.format>




Create the following pom file:


Pay particular attention to the version number which must correspond to the version currently under development.

<project xmlns="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0 http://maven.apache.org/xsd/maven-4.0.0.xsd">




    <name>Vitro Languages for Web App fr_CA</name>


Editing ./pom.xml

Add the following line which is in bold



1-2-2 Steps to carry out from the VIVO-languages directory 


Editing ./core/home/pom.xml

Add the dependency (in bold) in the POM file

. . .

Editing ./core/webapp/pom.xml

Add the dependency (in bold) in the POM file

. . .

Adding ./fr_CA/home/pom.xml

Pay particular attention to the version number which must correspond to the version currently under development.

<project xmlns="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
    xsi:schemaLocation="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0 http://maven.apache.org/xsd/maven-4.0.0.xsd">
    <name>VIVO Languages for Home fr_CA</name>
                                    <!-- classifier>optional</classifier -->

Adding ./fr_CA/webapp/pom.xml

Pay particular attention to the version number which must correspond to the version currently under development. (Line 7 and 13)

<project xmlns="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0 http://maven.apache.org/xsd/maven-4.0.0.xsd">




    <name>VIVO Languages for Web App fr_CA</name>


Editing ./pom.xml

Add the following lines

<project xmlns="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0 http://maven.apache.org/xsd/maven-4.0.0.xsd">



    <name>VIVO Languages fr_CA</name>
    <description>VIVO Languages</description>
            <name>BSD 3-Clause License</name>

        <maven.build.timestamp.format>yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss</maven.build.timestamp.format>





Editing ./pom.xml

Add the following line which is in bold

. . .
. . .

1-2-3 Steps to carry out from the Vivo-installer-i18n directory


Editing ./home/pom.xml

Add the dependency (in bold) in the POM file

. . .
. . .

Editing ./webapp/pom.xml

Add the dependency (in bold) in the POM file

. . .

. . .

Editing ./webapp_dep/pom.xml

Add the dependency (in bold) in the POM file

. . .
. . .

Step 2) Running VIVO for testing and/or finding an i18n problem

For this iteration there is nothing to be done at this stage.

Iteration summary

Iteration 2:


Step 1) Compile and deploye a new/corrected instance of VIVO and start it

Step 2) Running VIVO for testing and/or finding an i18n problem

Step 3) Searching for the problematic file in the VIVO source code

Step 4) Editing the problematic file

Step 5) If necessary reset the various VIVO's indexes and databases

Iteration summary

  • No labels