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As of DSpace 7 (and above), all new code MUST come with corresponding unit or integration tests.

This guide provides an overview of how to write good unit and integration tests both for the Java (REST API) backend and the Angular (UI) frontend. 

Backend (Java / REST) Code Tests

Overview of Test Framework

Technologies used

  • JUnit 4 for writing tests
  • Mockito for mocking objects or responses within tests
  • H2 In-Memory Database for the database backend within test environment
  • Spring Boot Test for testing the Server Webapp / REST API, which itself uses Hamcrest (matchers), JsonPath (for JSON parsing) and other testing tools.
  • Travis CI - This is our continuous integration system of choice. It automatically runs all code style checks & unit/integration tests for all Pull Requests. Our configuration for Travis CI can be found in our .travis.yml
  • Coveralls - Travis CI runs test code coverage checks which it passes to for easier display/analysis. If Coveralls finds code coverage has decreased significantly (which means tests were not implemented for new code), it will place a warning on a Pull Request.

These three modules encompass most of the current test framework:

  • Parent module (pom.xml): This POM builds our (see "generate-test-env" profile). This test environment consists of a dspace install folder (including all configs and required subdirectories). It is unzipped and used by all other modules for testing.  Modules can also override the default test environment configurations by adding their own "/test/data/dspaceFolder"
  • dspace-api (Java API): This layer has some basic unit & integration tests for the Java API / DAOs.  (Unfortunately, at this time, this module does not have as many tests as it could/should)
  • dspace-server-webapp (Server Webapp / REST API): This layer is primarily integration tests for the REST API and other web interfaces (SWORD, OAI-PMH, etc).

Checklist for building good tests

  • Integration Tests must be written for any methods/classes which require database access to test.  We feel integration tests are more important than unit tests (and you'll see this in our codebase).
  • Unit Tests must be written for any (public or private) methods/classes which don't require database-level access to test.  For example, a utility method that parses a string should have a unit test that proves the string parsing works as expected.
  • Include tests for different user types to prove access permissions are working. This includes testing as (1) an Anonymous user, (2) an Authenticated User (non-Admin), (3) an Administrator and/or Community/Collection Admin (as necessary).
  • Include tests for known error scenarios & error codes.  If the code throws an exception or returns an 4xx response, then a test should prove that is working.
  • Bug fix PRs should include a test that reproduces the bug to prove it is fixed.  For clarity, it may be useful to provide the test in a separate commit from the bug fix.
  • Every test method must cleanup any test data createdSee guidelines below for "Code Testing Guide#Cleaning up test data".
  • Use "context.turnOffAuthorisationSystem()" sparingly, and always follow-up  with a "context.restoreAuthSystemState()" as soon as possible (and in the same test method).  As turning off the authorization system can affect the behavior of tests, only use these methods when you need to create or delete test data.
  • If a test needs to temporarily modify a configuration property's value (in any *.cfg file), see the guidelines below for "Code Testing Guide#Changing configuration properties in tests"

Writing Integration Tests

A few quick guidelines on writing DSpace Integration Tests

  • All integration test classes must end in "IT". For example: "" or ""
  • All integration test classes should extend one of the Abstract classes provided.  These include:
    • For dspace-server-webapp, two Abstract classes exist, based on the type of integration test
      • : This style of Integration Test is for testing any class which is an @Controller (which is the majority of classes in the REST API / Server Webapp).  This type of integration test uses Spring's built in caching and MockMVC to speed up the integration tests.  One example is the ItemRestRepositoryIT (which tests the "/api/core/items" endpoints in the REST API).
      • This style of Integration Test is for testing classes which require a full webserver to run. As such, it will run slower, and is primarily used for non-REST API classes, such as testing SWORD or OAI-PMH. Those each require a full webserver to be started, as they are not Spring Controllers (and are not built on Spring Boot).  One example is OAIpmhIT (which tests the dspace-oai module)
    • For dspace-api, all Integration Tests should extend org.dspace.AbstractIntegrationTest
  • As Integration Tests generate a lot of test data, all Integration tests must be sure to follow our guidelines for "Code Testing Guide#Cleaning up test data" (see below).
  • Many example Integration Tests can be found in the dspace-server-webapp (see*) and dspace-api modules.  We recommend looking at them for example code, etc.

Writing Unit Tests

A few quick guidelines on writing DSpace Unit Tests

  • All unit test classes must end in "Test". For example: "" or "DiscoverQueryBuilderTest"
  • For dspace-api, all Unit Tests should extend either AbstractUnitTest or AbstractObjectTest.  For example, see ItemTest
  • For dspace-server-webapp, Unit Tests need not extend any class and just need to be named ending with Test.  For example, see DiscoverQueryBuilderTest
  • Many example Unit Tests can be found in the dspace-api, and a few in the dspace-server-webapp.  We recommend looking at them for example code, etc.

Cleaning up test data

Integration Tests necessarily have to create test data to verify the code they are testing is working properly.  But, just as importantly, they must cleanup any test data they create.  Integration tests which do not cleanup after themselves often result in odd Travis CI failures. These odd failures in Travis CI may occur anytime Travis CI runs tests in a different order than your local machine and test data from an earlier test directly affects the results of a later test.

Here are three ways to ensure your test data is cleaned up properly in any Integration tests you create. They are roughly prioritized in terms of preference.

  1. Use Builders for automatic cleanup: Whenever possible, use the Builder test classes (see*) in "dpace-server-webapp", as these Builder classes automatically cleanup after themselves!

    // Example of creating a test Item via the ItemBuilder class
    // As soon as the method using this "testItem" completes, the "testItem" will be automatically deleted
    // by the AbstractBuilderCleanupUtil (which is called @After every test)
    Item testItem = ItemBuilder.createItem(context, collection);
  2. Cleanup after test POST or file upload: If you are testing a POST command (or file upload), you MUST cleanup the POSTed data by parsing the ID out of the response and using a Builder class for cleanup.  Our best practice is to use the following code logic.  Further examples can be found in the codebase.

    import static;
    import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference;
    AtomicReference<UUID> idRef = new AtomicReference<>();
    try {
        // Example of a POST command to create a new Collection while logged in as the user with the given "authToken"
                            ...[various params and data sent via POST]...
                            // Check the POST was successful, which means we created test content & need to clean it up!
                            // From the JSON response, read the "id" field, parse it as a UUID, and save to "idRef" local variable.
                            .andDo(result -> idRef.set(UUID.fromString(read(result.getResponse().getContentAsString(), "$.id"))));
    } finally {
        // Using the CollectionBuilder, delete the Collection with UUID equal to value of idRef
  3. (If neither of the above are possible) "Manually" delete created data: If you create test data in the "dspace-api", unfortunately, you must manually cleanup after yourself at this time.  The "dspace-api" module doesn't have automatic cleanup utilities as described above.  Here's an example of doing so:

    // Create test data by temporarily turning off authorization
    WorkspaceItem workspaceItem = workspaceItemService.create(context, collection, true);
    Item item = installItemService.installItem(context, workspaceItem);
    [perform various tests]
    // Delete the test Item created, again by temporarily turning off authorization
    itemService.delete(context, item);

Changing configuration properties in tests

The DSpace ConfigurationService makes this very easy to do! 

All you have to do is call setProperty  in your test to change the value to whatever value your test needs or expects, for example:

// Change the value of the "dspace.ui.url" to be ""
// NOTE: there are no special permissions required to change values in tests. So, all you need is this one line.
configurationService.setProperty("dspace.ui.url", "");

// Any tests after the above call will see "dspace.ui.url ="
// NOTE: once the test method completes, our test environment will automatically reset "dspace.ui.url" back to the default value.

NOTE: You do NOT need to reset the property value back to the default setting.  After every test runs, the ConfigurationService reloads the defaults from the dspace.cfg  and the local.cfg  used by our test environment.

Frontend (Angular UI) Code Tests

Overview of Test Framework

As the frontend is an application (which uses Angular CLI), we follow the best practices for TestingThis includes concentrating our effort on Unit tests (specs) over Integration / end-to-end (e2e) tests per this section of the Angular testing guide. 

Technologies used

  • Jasmine for writing unit/spec tests and Karma for running those tests
  • Protractor for writing integration / end-to-end (e2e) tests
  • Travis CI - This is our continuous integration system of choice. It automatically runs all code style checks & unit/integration tests for all Pull Requests. Our configuration for Travis CI can be found in our .travis.yml
    • Our Travis configuration also starts up a Docker-based REST API backend for running end-to-end (e2e) tests against.
  • Coveralls - Travis CI runs test code coverage checks which it passes to for easier display/analysis. If Coveralls finds code coverage has decreased significantly (which means tests were not implemented for new code), it will place a warning on a Pull Request.

Test exists in a few key places in the codebase:

  • Unit tests (or specs) can be found throughout the codebase (under /src/app) alongside the code they test. Their filenames always end with ".spec.ts". For example, the login-page.component.ts has a corresponding login-page.component.spec.ts test file.
  • End to End (e2e) tests are all in the /e2e  folder. At this this time we have very few of these.

Checklist for building good tests

  • Unit Tests (i.e. specs) must be written for every Angular Component or Service.  In other words, every "*.component.ts" file must have a corresponding "*.component.spec.ts" file, and every "*.service.ts" file must have a corresponding "*.service.spec.ts" file.
  • Integration (e2e) Tests are recommended for new features but not yet required.
  • Include tests for different user types (if behaviors differ per user type). This includes testing as (1) an Anonymous user, (2) an Authenticated User (non-Admin), (3) an Administrator and/or Community/Collection Admin (as necessary).
  • Include tests for known error scenarios.  For example, tests should validate when errors/warnings are expected to appear, and/or validate when buttons are expected to be enabled/disabled.
  • Bug fix PRs should include a test that reproduces the bug to prove it is fixed.  For clarity, it may be useful to provide the test in a separate commit from the bug fix.
  • Art Lowel (Atmire), could you add something here about being careful when writing asynchronous vs synchronous tests? (Is there a good guide we could link to for this?)

Writing Unit (spec) Tests

A few quick guidelines on writing Angular tests using Jasmine:

  • Specs are required for all Angular Components, Services and other classes.
  • All specs should be placed in the same directory as the Angular Component which they test. The filename should end in ".spec.ts".  For example, the login-page.component.ts has a corresponding login-page.component.spec.ts test file.
  • As much as possible/reasonable, follow the Angular Testing Guide, which provides detailed example tests. Jasmine also has good documentation/tutorials on learning to write tests.
  • Always mock all providers. Doing so ensures that you're only testing your own code, so a change to the service won't break your test. It also ensures that successive tests can't influence each other by sharing data through an service
  • When testing asynchronous code, verify that your expect is actually executed. The following test will always succeed, because the expect is only executed after the it function has already completed:
    it("should encounter an expect", () => {
    timer(1000).subscribe(() => {

    The easiest way to fix this would be to use the callback function it provides:
    it("should encounter an expect", (done) => {
    timer(1000).subscribe(() => {

    Now the test won't complete until the callback function done() is called, so the test above will fail. Other ways of testing asynchronous code include marbles, and fakeAsync.

    A quick way to verify that your expect is actually being used is to flip it and see if that causes the test to fail.

Writing Integration (e2e) Tests

A few quick guidelines on writing Angular end-to-end (e2e) tests using Protractor (and Jasmine):

  • All e2e tests should be in the /e2e/src/ directory, per the Angular CLI best practices.
  • A single e2e test consist of two related files:
    • A Page object (ends in "po.ts") which is a class describing a high level page view, including logic for finding all elements on the page and navigating to the page URL. 
    • An e2e test file (ends in "e2e-spec.ts") which include Jasmine-based tests using the Page object.
  • Examples of writing Angular e2e tests can be found in this Introduction to e2e Testing with Angular CLI and Protractor blog post, or by referencing the existing tests in our codebase.
  • NOTE: be aware that when e2e tests run, they require using a REST API backend & test data. Therefore in Travis CI, our tests run against a Docker based REST API (preloaded with basic test data) defined in the docker-compose-travis.yml
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