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Table of Contents:


This document details the technical steps necessary to perform an official release of Fedora.  It is inteded to be used and updated by the Release Manager each time we make a new Fedora release.

  1. Archive
  2. Tag the Release
  3. Build the Distribution
  4. Upload and Verify the Distribution



Release from Fedora trunk

This portion of the release includes the primary Fedora repository software. It is assumed that prior to this point a release branch has been created in SubVersion from trunk and that all testing and last minute changes have been performed against this release branch. It is also assumed that you have a login to SourceForge with administrative access to the Fedora project.

  • Retrieve a clean checkout of the release branch
  • Build the release branch (with JDK 1.5) 'ant release -Drelease=true'
  • Log in to SourceForge and go to the Fedora project
    • Go to Project Admin -> Downloads
    • Select to Add Release on Fedora
    • Enter release number, create package
    • Paste the URL for release notes in 'paste notes' section - then Submit/Release
    • Click on URL for 'upload new files' for upload directions.
    • Upload all files in the release branch /dist/release directory using web upload ( - should be 4 files
    • Go back to edit release page and files should be listed under 'Step 2: Add Files' section
    • Select all files - select Update
    • Set all files to platform independent, select file type. Select Update for each.
    • Go to Download -> Browse All Files and download the files under your new release (that you just put up) to make sure they were uploaded correctly
  • Check the MD5 checksum values of each downloaded file (use the md5sum tool)
  • Do an install of the Fedora server using the downloaded installer
  • Update the file links when clicking on the Download button on SourceForge to point to the newly released files

Journaling RMI Receiver

  • Build zip file containing executable jar and readme doc from Fedora trunk with 'ant rmi-journal-receiver -Drelease=true'
  • Use the md5sum tool to create an md5hash, and put it in a text file called whatever-the-jar-is-named.jar.md5
  • Upload the jar and md5 to sourceforce
  • In SourceForge, go to Admin -> File Releases, select to edit the existing project (that you just made) and add the files. Set file types as before.
  • Download the files once they are available in the Download -> Browse All Files section and verify the MD5 sum

Cleanup and Backup

  • Create a SVN tag in the tags directory using the released revision of the trunk (copy to ... tags/release-{release number})
  • Create a SVN tag in the the utilities/tags directory using the released version of utilities/trunk
  • On fedora server ( go to /home/fedcommbkup/release-archive/ and create a directory structure using the date and release similar to: 2008/06-13/fedora-3.0b2
  • Copy all of the files which were placed on sourceforge into this directory.


  • Build the Javadocs (ant docs) and add them to the website (see
  • Create documentation downloadable "snapshot" in the wiki, of the previous release.
    • You can create a snapshot of the wiki space at any time.  To do it:
      • Go to the space's homepage:
      • Select Browse -> Advanced
      • On the left, select HTML Export
      • De-select _inclusionsLibrary and everything beneath it
      • Click Export
      • Upload the docs to the website so they show up at /documentation/VERSION_NUMBER

        <ac:structured-macro ac:name="unmigrated-wiki-markup" ac:schema-version="1" ac:macro-id="fa735082-2ba7-447d-ad27-690e6c19c2ec"><ac:plain-text-body><![CDATA[



    • This should be done prior to any major updates to the current documentation on the wiki
    • The purpose is to always have an archived copy of each prior release's documentation available for viewing on the website.
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