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Outstanding Issues

ISSUE-1: Ingest of demo:5,18,29,14 fail with non-fedora context
CAUSE: Hardcoded URLs that don't use local.fedora.server.
ACTION: Review all demo objects and use local.fedora.server where possible
WHO: Aaron

ISSUE-2: Smiley demo "list" dissemination doesn't work with non-fedora context
CAUSE: The SDep, demo:CollectionImpl requires the "fedora" part of the path to be specified: <http:operation location="fedora/risearch[...]">
ACTION: Modify Fedora so that, when the service URL is constructed, if it is not an http[s] URL: 1) If it starts with /, assume http://host:port is prefix, or 2) If it does not start with /, assume http://host:port/context/ is prefix.
WHO: Aaron

ISSUE-3: System tests don't pass with non-fedora context
CAUSE: Not fully determined, but ISSUE-1 above is one probable cause.  At least ConfigA was failing for Eddie when he tried it.  Eddie saw strange references to, but grepping the code for this turned up no result.  Also, Andrew noticed a failure with testBatchModify.
ACTION: Re-run tests, making sure to set the correct fedora.appServerContext in build.xml beforehand.
WHO: Eddie

ISSUE-4: fedora-ingest-demos doesn't work with non-fedora context and usage message is incorrect.
CAUSE: Doesn't pass optional parameters, so the ctx param is never passed in.
ACTION: Fix usage message and allow it to take ctx
WHO: Kai

ISSUE-5: fedora-rebuild gives confusing error message with non-fedora context when WEBAPP_NAME is not changed in
CAUSE: The fedora-rebuild script uses this info to determine what the classpath is, in order to run the right java ... command.
ACTION: Give better error message. (Also see DOC-1)
WHO: Kai

ISSUE-6: Some commandline scripts not covered by tests (Kai noticed)
ACTION: Identify which ones
WHO: Kai

ISSUE-7: Ingest and add managed datastream not working with new admin ui.
CAUSE: Repeatable in Chris' environment when AuthN off for API-A and first attempt to POST to rest api is via one of these actions.  This appeared to be happening because the popup window closes before the browser has a chance to prompt for credentials. So we were aiming for a solution that ensured credientials would be prompted for beforehand.  However, it now appears to be happening regardless of the credentials... the data just doesn't make it into Fedora in some cases.  Keeping the upload popup open after submit has been pressed (manually removing onSubmit="window.close()") seems to consistently allow this to succeed, regardless of credentials.
WHO: Bill

ISSUE-8: Analyzer issues (harmless) warning when running with Derby embedded
CAUSE: Derby embedded requires the database to be shutdown through java code before the vm exits, or it issues a warning.
ACTION: Document that this is a harmless warning in the migration doc
WHO: Chris

ISSUE-9: Upgrade from 3.1 still needs to be tested.
ACTION: Normal install (point new fcfg to old db+data/ dir), then run RI rebuilder for Mulgara
WHO: Eddie

ISSUE-10: Journal RMI Reciever not distributed or acknowledged in docs
ACTION: Make a build.xml target for a self-contained jar distribution (with version=3.2) and note it's existence in journaling documentation.
WHO: Aaron

Outstanding Documentation

DOC-1: Finish doc updates for webapp context configuration (with note that it's experimental)
- Update installer text to note "experimental"
- Write a new doc that gives:
a) General description (with note that it's experimental)
b) Instruction to change WEBAPP_NAME in
c) Instruction to change build.xml's fedora.appServerContext if running tests from source
Link to this doc from install/config guide and commandline utils doc.WHO: Andrew, with help from KaiSTATUS: Installer text updated. New doc started here

DOC-2: Update rebuilder documentation
- Review for accuracy
- Note that Java 1.6 is needed if running with MySQL
WHO: Chris

DOC-3: New doc: "Configuring Lowlevel Storage" (covers Akubra), linked from install/config
WHO: Chris

DOC-4: New doc: "Web-Based Admin UI"
WHO: Bill

DOC-5: Release Notes
- Take things in from JIRA
- Make 2.x support announcement with 3.2 release
WHO: Chris

DOC-6: Review migration guide for accuracy
WHO: Aaron

DOC-7: SWORD-Fedora integration guide (FCREPO-404)
WHO: Eddie

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