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Review of newly-submitted issues

Link- SPARQL Construct/Ask/Describe support (Team is focused on 3.2 - didn't get a chance to review these this time)

Developer Updates


  • Merged FCREPO-406
  • Q: Eclipse code formatter? Chris: Recommendation is to use it only to clean up whole files if they're in bad shape, as a starting point, but not on an ongoing basis as the formatter doesn't always do the right thing.


  • Looking into MPTStore resolver
  • This summer: Message-based OAIProvider


  • Q from Chris/Kai: Clover status?
  • A: did one manually. Couple tests coverage wasn't reported properly.  Works well in maven, ant a little more work.
  • ACTION: will look at adding clover reports to fedora via ant


  • Merged FCREPO-463, FCREPO-301 (and related), and FCREPO-402


  • Merged FCREPO-101
  • Got tests running again after Kai/Bill merges
  • ACTION: tell ci tests to use "foo" as webapp context to catch regression probs (run ant build with -Dfedora.appServerContext=foo)
  • XML Editing discussion:
    • Q: What editors do we use? A: Eclipse or vim
    • Q: Indents? A: definitely spaces
    • Vote: 2 or 4 spaces?  Unanimous: 2 spaces
    • Eddie notes: XML build preferences aren't applied to ant build file, so if you use Eclipse you'll need to change them there as well.


  • Updated trunk to latest Mulgara release

Items to do Before Freeze (Thursday)

Migration utility issue (FCREPO-395) : Andrew (DONE)

Akubra: official release: Chris (DONE)

Updating REST api xslts to take webapp context into account (currently, images broken): Bill (DONE)

Sanity checks: All (DONE)

Testing Plan/Assignments

  • Manually
    • Any new functionality that doesn't have coverage
      • alternative web context mapping
        • (tick) Test both java+flash clients with different context (Andrew)
          1. High-level testing complete
            1. can switch between two fedora-apps deployed in the same app-server
            2. content & logs directed to respective FEDORA_HOMEs
        • also: multiple fedoras in one container (Eddie)
        1. (error) Demo objects fail with alternate port and context:
          1. Ingest of demo:5, demo:18, demo:29, demo:14 fail because of errors like: fedora.server.errors.GeneralException: Error getting http://localhost:8080/fedora-demo/simple-image-demo/coliseum-thumb.jpg
            1. There are hardcoded URLs in the objecs that don't use 'local.fedora.server'
          2. Smiley demo objects don't work.  For example, 'list' dissemination of demo:SmileyStuff returns 500 error.  Ultimate cause is a 404:
            Request failed 404 /fedora/risearch.
            1. Problem is in demo:CollectionImpl.  Contains in WSDL <http:operation location="fedora/risearch?type=(TYPE)&lang=(LANG)&format=(FORMAT)&query=(QUERY)"/>.  Do we have the tools to fix this, do we need to add some sort of substitute variable for fedora context, or do we not care?
          3. (question)  (from Kai) have you adapted the build.xml file before building ? The property "fedora.appServerContext" has to be changed to the context in use. It substitutes the context of all affected demo objects.
        2. (error) fedora-ingest-demos command line utility doesn't pass optional parameters, so the CTX parameter is not passed on, meaning you cannot use this utility with an alternate context. This may also apply to other command line utilities.
        3. (error) fedora-rebuild (really all server command line utilities) uses env-server.bat which sets WEBAPP_NAME=fedora. When using an alternate context, if you don't set this value properly you get: Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: fedora/server/utilities/rebuild/Rebuild.
      • (tick) akubra integration
        • (tick) running rebuilder (Bill)
    • Identify and test non-covered commanline scripts (Kai)
    • New client manual tests: (All)
      • Search
      • Ingest/export
      • Modify datastream
      • Create object
      • Add datastream (each kind)
      • Purge datastream + object (no versioning)
      • Note: versioning is not exposed, but old versions aren't exposed.
      • (tick) Chris: Tested in WinXP with Firefox 3. Everything worked as expected except:
        • (error) Ingest (FOXML 1.1) never attempted to send data to the server (watched via LiveHTTPHeaders FF extension).  Checked also via search...objects never made it in.
        • (error) Adding a managed datastream failed similarly to above.
    • Old client (All)
      • Supports all above
      • Create diff objects via templates
      • (tick) Chris: Tested each of the above with OSX.
      • (tick) Bill: Tested each of the above with Windows.
    • Migration from 2.x (must be solid: we will not continue development of the migration utility past 3.2, meaning 2.x users must first migrate to 3.2 in the future as a bridge to future releases)
      • Testing on 2.x objects that ARE NOT dependent on UVA servers
      • (tick) FCREPO-395 (classpath issue) needs to be resolved for this
        1. Updated migration utility has been pushed to 'svn utilities/trunk'
      • (tick) Chris: OSX
        1. Installed 2.2.4 with MySQL and Java 6 on OSX 10.5.6 and ingested local-server-demos only
        2. Migration + rebuild into similarly configured 3.2 instance was successful
        3. Noticed that SmileyStuff/view had wrong SDef pid, but this was just because the stylesheet had changed from 2.x to 3.x and is an "E" datastream, so this is to be expected.
        4. Didn't see the problem with /fedora/describe as noted below
      • Aaron & Andrew: Linux
        1. Installed 2.2.2, ingested demo objects (purged objects listed in link above: "FCREPO-380")
        2. Analyzed, Generated, Transformed these objects
        3. Installed frozen-3.2, rebuilt db, and ingested transformed foxml files
          1. Needed to use old admin client as new admin does not support bulk ingest
        4. Migration appeared successful
          1. (question) However, http://localhost:8080/fedora/describe lost context for fedora image, so no logo shown:
            1. <img src="//images/newlogo2.jpg" ...
      • Bill: Windows
      • Note: This will require spot-checking.
    • Upgrading from 3.1(Eddie)
      • Rebuild of Mulgara
    • OAIProvider sanity test (Chris)
    • GSearch sanity test (Bill)
    • Journaling: basic leader/follower test (Aaron)
      1. Journal creation and playback after configA tests was successful for local journal transport
      2. (question) Couldn't find the RMI reciever application code for remote journal transports
    • DirIngest (Chris)
  • Automated: AllOfflineTests, ConfigA, ConfigB, ConfigQ as appropriate
    • MPTStore+Postgres+Linux+non-fedora context: Eddie (java 1.6)
    • (tick) Mulgara+Windows+MySQL: Bill
    • (tick) Mulgara+Windows+MySQL+Akubra: Bill
    • (tick) Mulgara+Linux+Derby+non-fedora context: Andrew (java 1.6, ConfigQ)
    • (tick) Oracle+Windows+Mulgara: Chris
    • (tick)  OSX+Derby+Mulgara: Kai

Documentation Plan/Assignments

  • New Functionality that isn't yet documented
    • Akubra (Chris) "Configuring Lowlevel storage"
    • Alternative webapp context (Kai new webapp context)
    • New admin ui (Bill, screenshots, cross-domain.xml info -- tell people to pull this from alongside .swf file)
  • Existing functionality that's been updated
    • (tick) Changes to REST api (Bill)
    • Changes to rebuilder doc (Chris)
  • Release notes (Chris)
    • Take things in from JIRA
    • Make 2.x support announcement with 3.2 release
  • Install and configuration guide
    • (tick) General review, make sure it's accurate for 3.2 (Andrew)
    • (tick) Updated for Derby already
    • (tick)  Config Fedora for new webapp context (Kai)
  • Migration guide need to review
    • (Aaron)
  • SWORD-Fedora integration guide (Eddie, FCREPO-404)

Release Process

  • Will put current docs in wiki (Bill, DONE) and go from there.
  • One step: snapshot the docs 3.1 (tick) This was already done
  • Before linking in 3.2 release notes and change tags

Release Date

  • Will likely push a couple days to account for 2 days of code freeze slippage. But let's see where we're at next Tuesday.
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