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Title Last Updated By Updated
Page: Fedora 4.5.0 Release Notes Andrew Woods Nov 18, 2016
Page: Fedora 4.5.1 Release Notes David Wilcox May 03, 2016
Page: Fedora 4.6.0 Release Notes Andrew Woods Nov 18, 2016
Page: Fedora 4.6.1 Release Notes Andrew Woods Nov 18, 2016
Page: Fedora 4.6.2 Release Notes Nick Ruest Mar 20, 2017
Page: Fedora 4.7.0 Release Notes Andrew Woods Nov 18, 2016
Page: Fedora 4.7.1 Release Notes Andrew Woods Jun 08, 2017
Page: Fedora 4.7.2 Release Notes Andrew Woods Jun 08, 2017
Page: Fedora 4.7.3 Release Notes Andrew Woods Jun 08, 2017
Page: Fedora 4.7.4 - Specification Delta Document Andrew Woods Jul 21, 2017
Page: Fedora 4.7.4 Release Notes Andrew Woods Aug 16, 2017
Page: Fedora 4.7.5 Release Notes Andrew Woods Feb 19, 2018
Page: Fedora 5+ Semantic Versioning Andrew Woods Dec 19, 2018
Page: Fedora 5.0.0 Preparation Tasks Andrew Woods Jul 06, 2018
Page: Fedora 5.0.0 Release Notes Andrew Woods Dec 19, 2018
Page: Fedora 5.0.1 Release Notes David Wilcox May 03, 2019
Page: Fedora 5.0.2 Release Notes Andrew Woods Feb 14, 2019
Page: Fedora 5.1.0 Release Notes Jared Whiklo Jul 26, 2019
Page: Fedora 5.1.1 Release Notes Andrew Woods Jul 27, 2020
Page: Fedora 6 Architectural Diagrams Andrew Woods Mar 06, 2020
Page: Fedora 6 Feature Tracking Danny Bernstein Feb 08, 2021
Page: Fedora 6 Layer Responsibilities and Interactions Jared Whiklo Nov 04, 2019
Page: Fedora 6 Pilot - Docuteam David Wilcox Sep 05, 2019
Page: Fedora 6 Pilot - National Library of Medicine David Wilcox Jul 26, 2019
Page: Fedora 6 Pilot - University of Wisconsin-Madison David Wilcox Aug 01, 2019
Page: Fedora 6 Test Results Danny Bernstein Jun 01, 2021
Page: Fedora 6 Testing Danny Bernstein Mar 03, 2021
Page: Fedora 6 Use Case Example David Wilcox Feb 11, 2019
Page: Fedora 6 Videos Andrew Woods Jan 22, 2020
Page: Fedora 6.0 Performance and Scale Criteria Ralf Claussnitzer Mar 23, 2021
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