Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


Code Block
titleEL7 Replication Files
[noarch] $ rpm -qlp replicationd-2.0.0-20171027.el7.noarch.rpm 

User Creation

A 'chronopolis' service user is also needed as part of the install process who can write to /var/log/chronopolis and into the preservation storage defined in the configuration. This is no longer handled by the rpm installation process but and must be done manually. By default the init scripts will look for a 'chronopolis' user, and if it is not found fail. These can be updated in the following places:

Code Block
18 # User to execute as
19 CHRON_USER="chronopolis"

Code Block
7 User=chronopolis
8 Group=chronopolis

Configuration and Running


  • The replication.cron timer sets how often the replication-shell queries the ingest-server for active replications. It uses a cron style formatting:
  • The development profile can be used for testing configuration options. It remains in the foreground and has a limited set of commands.
  • Currently multiple ingest servers will not be queried, only the first one on the list.
  • The mail configuration (smtp) is set to send by default.
    • If you don't want to send mail, or have a server which does not have smtp capabilities you can turn it off by setting smtp.send: false
  • If the storage is not set up correctly, the replicationd process will not run. This includes existence, and r/w/e permissions
  • The pid file likely should not be changed. If you do update it make sure to update the init scripts which rely on it as well.


EL 6

Using If using EL6, use the init.d script `service replicationd start`If using EL7, use systemd `systemd start replicationd`: service replicationd start

EL 7

Using systemd: systemd start replicationd


This will be filled out as we experience problems. Check /var/log/chronopolis/replication.log to see if there are any stack traces.


Upgrading can be done by downloading a newer version of the package and issuing a yum upgrade

Current Implementation

  1. Query Ingest RESTful API for available transfers
  2. Transfer data (bag + tokens) to local preservation area
  3. Register to ACE
  4. Load tokens for collection in ACE
  5. Issue audit for collection in ACE
  6. Update Ingest API with the status of the transfer