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Scope: Overview of what ISNI is and how to use the ISNI web interface

  Mary Jane Cuneo (Harvard), Karen Carlson Young (Harvard)

Table of Contents

What is ISNI?

International Standard Name Identifier—an International Standard Name Identifier—an ISO (International Standards Organization) standard developed as a global identification system of Public Identities of Parties. It identifies millions of contributors to creative works and those active in their distribution, incl. writers, artists, creators, researchers, publishers, and more. As of July 2017, most of the Public Identities are persons, but corporate bodies are included as well.


Another difference is the milieu (peer sources)—ISNI contributors are not only other libraries but also property rights organizations, publishers, information aggregators, etc.) so we are placed in a much larger/global  environment.  (In ISNI, "source" refers to the contributing member organization (e.g., HARV), not the part of an information resource from which information is transcribed or recorded.)

It is important to remember that because ISNI is not an authority file, we are not trying to create a unique access point but an identifier for an entity that can have different forms of name, none of which is considered the preferred or authorized form of name.

What is an ISNI?

ISNI identifies public identities of parties:


Note that ISNIs identify the Public Identities of Parties such as author, composers, cartographers, performers, academic/scientific authors, publishers, etc. ISNI does not include works/expressions, subjects.

An ISNI consists of a 16-digit number (including check digit).

How do you get an ISNI?

There are two levels of records:


See also ISNI Data Quality Policy.

One or more of the following actions may satisfy the algorithm and turn a provisional ISNI into an assigned one: 

  • adding our source
  • adding a distinguishing bit of data like a birth date
  • adding an external link.  It isn't necessary to include more information once an ISNI has been assigned, because the ISNI is designed to link to other information on the web about the identity.

Note that the majority of records in the ISNI production database have a status of provisional, most commonly because there are no matches with records from other sources, or there may be too many matches. Potential matches need to be reviewed (manually) before they are upgraded to Assigned status.


  • Public view=( no need for a user ID; includes only records with status “Assigned”
  • Member view=as a member, the entire database is available,  but but some data  from some sources is considered "private" and cannot be seen. Members have maintenance capability via the web interface
  • QT view=access to a higher level of maintenance (via web interface and WinIBW clientclient – Amy Armitage need to wikiize)

There is also a test database for the web version and client called Accept, which is used for training.

ISNI Web Interface

See How to use the ISNI web portal. For more detailed information, continue below:


  • Use search index APH (any phrase): to search by forename or surname or by ISNI number.
  • Use search index NA: (name) : to search for a person: enter surname forename (comma is optional); to search for an organization, enter name (or name of parent organization, child organization)


  • Expected: Fields in the Sources/Marc21 formats are arranged in numeric order
  • Unexpected: there is no 1XX field because there is no “authorized form” as we are know it and are used to seeing in the NARNAF. Instead, the “Name” appears in the 7XX field, and there can be multiple 7XX fields.
    • Each form of the name in the 7XX field is followed by a code for the source.
    • The 4XX fields (which precede the 7XX fields) are the “alternate names” name variants as determined by the institution that contributed the data. It also doesn’t matter if the forms repeat, or if the same form appears in both the 7XX and 4XX field…what is important is the source of the data (who says so and how many). In the end, all of the forms of the name in this record are linked to this one specific ISNI.
      • name variants are fine: spellings, middle name, with and without birth and death dates
  • We cannot change data contributed by any other source. If we have data that contradicts what is already in a record, we can add it. We can notify the ISNIQT central QT of an error, if we think it is important. For example, a contemporary architect listed as born in 1850 was reported; the difference of two years in a birth date probably would not be.


Do a thorough search to avoid creating a duplicate. Perform the search several ways.

Note! fairly extensive  searching,outside of INSIISNI, may be part of the process to clarify the identity: Google search, IMDb, or other resources depending on where the name is coming from. Then, in INSIISNI:

  • Search by Name:
  • Search Browse Index to double check
  • If you find no matches, select the WebCat tab at the top of the search screen.


Select Add an identity: Person or fictional character, or: Add an identity: Organisation

  • The template is pre-populated with Identifier type which is a code for the contributing institution: XXXX
  • Identifier (number): leave blank


  • Name is required! (even when editing and the name is the same as the name already supplied by another source)
  • This form  of name will appear as the 700 field in the record
  • Forename and surname as found in the source, plus other information that you have

Names should be as complete as possible where information is available (forenames Forenames are preferred over initials ). If you have a pseudonym, enter that in the Surname box.for Names (real names or pseudonyms)


  • Filled in fields will be assigned a source code in subfield $2 associated with the sign-on of the user
  • Fields with a + sign are repeatable; click on the sign to open another blank field
  • Where there are codes for an element, these are indicated by a pull down box (Creation role) or b by the “i” Information icon next to a field that includes contains information about the data that can be entered.


Creation Class (defines the repertoire such as musical, a-v, textural textual similar to RDA’s content type. Some examples are given if you hover over the “i” information icon, but according to the ISNI data element values document creation class is not yet defined; the default is “cre” BUT it is an optional field and most of us are choosing not to enter any value in this field.)


Work: Titles of works created by person (as found in the source of information you have) 

Name Variant: Additional names known to the ISNI member providing the information 

  • This form will appear as a 400 in the record


  • To change record status from provisional to assigned;
  • To provide additional info about the identity that will help to distinguish it from other identities

How to enhance another institution's record

  1. Find existing record created by other source
  2. Check record status: provisional/assigned
  3. Add institutional identifier (e.g. HARV) and the Name; Save. This  This may be sufficient. If record status is still provisional, then
  4. Add its web page as additional information, for example


  1. Find existing record > (Related; Relationship)
  2. Add relationship.  If related identity is also in ISNI, follow the prompts to:
    1. search; compare/choose; add see also or colleague/collaborator relationship; link); Save
