Versions Compared


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  • Fixity of Binaries
  • Graph isomorphism of RDF resources
  • Performance

Resources for tests can be found in the following places:

Concrete Tests to Perform at the Conclusion of Phase 1


Long-Term Test Strategy and Goals


  • Test Cases (which will hopefully get automated in a future phase):
    • Simple Export:
      • Goal: verify that data is exported to disk
      • Setup: A new, clean fedora4 repository has been created, either manually on a system or via the use of vagrant.  Test data has been loaded into that repository.  The set should contain both RDF Resources and Non-RDF Resources. 
      • Steps:
        • Run the import-export tool on this repository specifying the location in the file system in which the data should be stored. 
      • Verification:  Spot check the data to verify that binaries and descriptions are represented in the exported data.   
    • Simple Import:
      • Goal: verify that the import-export tool will successfully import data that was previously exported via the tool. 
      • Setup: A fedora4 system exists and contains some test data, which includes both RDF Resources and Non-RDF Resources. 
      • Steps:
        • Import data from a previously exported dataset using the import-export tool.  
        • Ensure that the dataset is loaded correctly and that both binaries and descriptions were imported correctly. 
      • Verification: Perhaps a jcr/xml fcr:backup could be useful here in verifying this?   
    • Complex Import: 
      • Goal: verify that a fedora4 repository that contains complex relationships will produce the equivalent graph when exported and imported. 
      • Setup: A fedora4 system that contains test data which has external references, cyclic references, and complex ldp:container relationships. 
        • external reference:  the dataset contains Resources that have references to objects outside of the repository
        • cyclic references:  <a> ldp:contains <b>  or <a> bf:relatedItem <b> and <b> bf:isReferencedBy <a>
        • LDP containers:  direct (and indirect for phase 2?)
      • Steps
        • Export data from a fedora4 system that contains the above described complex relationships
        • Import data into a fresh fedora4 system. 
        • Ensure, via validation tool, that the new system's RDF graph is the same as the old system's. 
    • Import / Export:
      • Export newly imported data and compare the filesystem trees to ensure that everything looks the same. 
    • Binary Fixity test