Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


  • CRUD methods (Create & Retrieve methods are static)
  • All business logic methods
  • Database logic (queries, updating, …)
  • All getters & setters of the object
  • ….

Working with these types of GOD classes, we get the following disadvantages:

  • By grouping all of these different functionality's into a single class it is sometimes hard (impossible ?) to see which methods are setters/getters/business logic since everything is thrown onto a big pile.
  • Makes it very hard to make/track local changes since you need to overwrite the entire class to make a small change.
  • Refactoring/altering GOD classes becomes hard since it is unclear where the database logic begins & where the business logic is located.

Database layer access

All database access is made through a DatabaseManager, this object can be accessed from any object (even the user interface can make database calls).
Any object can query any table, some examples:
  • EPerson table is queried from the Groomer and EPerson class.
  • Item is queried from the LogAnalyser, Item, EPerson classes

This makes it hard to make changes to a database table since it is unclear from which classes the queries are coming from. Below is a schematic overview of the usage of the item class:

Now if somebody wants to make some bigger changes to the Item class, you have to start by tracking all access to this database table in hundreds of classes.

Postgres/oracle support

Since DSpace supports both postgres AND oracle this classes contains a lot of “if postgres do X or else if oracle do Y”. This tends to lead to bugs & makes support for 2 database system hard to maintain.
Since every query needs to be run again oracle and postgres, developers need to write 2 queries or use query concatenation which can lead to very hard to read queries, below is an example of such a complex query:


Code Block
String params = "%"+query.toLowerCase()+"%";
StringBuffer queryBuf = new StringBuffer();
queryBuf.append("select e.* from eperson e " +
        " LEFT JOIN metadatavalue fn on (resource_id=e.eperson_id AND fn.resource_type_id=? and fn.metadata_field_id=?) " +
        " LEFT JOIN metadatavalue ln on (ln.resource_id=e.eperson_id AND ln.resource_type_id=? and ln.metadata_field_id=?) " +
        " WHERE e.eperson_id = ? OR " +
        "LOWER(fn.text_value) LIKE LOWER(?) OR LOWER(ln.text_value) LIKE LOWER(?) OR LOWER(email) LIKE LOWER(?) ORDER BY  ");
if(DatabaseManager.isOracle()) {
    queryBuf.append(" dbms_lob.substr(ln.text_value), dbms_lob.substr(fn.text_value) ASC");
    queryBuf.append(" ln.text_value, fn.text_value ASC");
// Add offset and limit restrictions - Oracle requires special code
if (DatabaseManager.isOracle())
    // First prepare the query to generate row numbers
    if (limit > 0 || offset > 0)
        queryBuf.insert(0, "SELECT /*+ FIRST_ROWS(n) */ rec.*, ROWNUM rnum  FROM (");
        queryBuf.append(") ");
    // Restrict the number of rows returned based on the limit
    if (limit > 0)
        queryBuf.append("rec WHERE rownum<=? ");
        // If we also have an offset, then convert the limit into the maximum row number
        if (offset > 0)
            limit += offset;
    // Return only the records after the specified offset (row number)
    if (offset > 0)
        queryBuf.insert(0, "SELECT * FROM (");
        queryBuf.append(") WHERE rnum>?");
    if (limit > 0)
        queryBuf.append(" LIMIT ? ");
    if (offset > 0)
        queryBuf.append(" OFFSET ? ");

Alternate implementation of static flows

When somebody wants to add an alternate solution to the DSpace default it becomes very messy.
Looking at the configurable workflow (introduced in DSpace 1.8), the choice between which workflow to use if an item has gone through the submission process depends on an “if this than workflow X else workflow Y”. Should there ever be a third option the “if statement" would expand even further and would need to be adjusted on a lot of places. Needless to say that this is far from optimal and leads to messy code, a small sample of is displayed below.


Code Block
// Should we send a workflow alert email or not?
if (ConfigurationManager.getProperty("workflow", "workflow.framework").equals("xmlworkflow")) {
    if (useWorkflowSendEmail) {
        XmlWorkflowManager.start(c, wi);
    } else {
        XmlWorkflowManager.startWithoutNotify(c, wi);
} else {
    if (useWorkflowSendEmail) {
        WorkflowManager.start(c, wi);
        WorkflowManager.startWithoutNotify(c, wi);


Both workflow systems use separate objects to represent objects that are in the workflow which leads to more if workflow X else workflow Y logic, a great example is when deleting a collection. When we delete a collection we need to delete all workflow items linked to that collection, a code sample is included below.


Code Block
    // Remove any xml_WorkflowItems
    XmlWorkflowItem[] xmlWfarray = XmlWorkflowItem
            .findByCollection(ourContext, this);
    for (XmlWorkflowItem aXmlWfarray : xmlWfarray) {
        // remove the workflowitem first, then the item
        Item myItem = aXmlWfarray.getItem();
    // Remove any WorkflowItems
    WorkflowItem[] wfarray = WorkflowItem
            .findByCollection(ourContext, this);
    for (WorkflowItem aWfarray : wfarray) {
        // remove the workflowitem first, then the item
        Item myItem = aWfarray.getItem();

Local modifications

Take for example the WorkflowManager, this class consist of only static methods, so if a developer for an institution wants to alter one method the entire class needs to be overridden in the additions module. When the Dspace needs to be upgraded to a new version it is very hard to locate the changes in a class that is sometimes thousands of lines long.

Inefficient caching mechanism

DSpace caches all DSpaceObjects that are retrieved within a single lifespan of a context object (can be a CLI thread of a page view in the UI). The cache is only cleared when the context is closed (but this is coupled with a database commit/abort) or when explicitly clearing the cache or removing a single item from the cache. When writing large scripts one must always keep in mind the cache, because if the cache isn't cleared DSpace will keep running until an OutOfMemory exception occurs. So contributions by users with a small dataset could lead to hard to detect memory leaks until the feature is tested with a lot of data.

Excessive database querying when retrieving objects

When retrieving a bundle from the database it automatically loads in all bitstreams linked to this bundle, for these bitstreams it retrieves the bitstreamFormat. For example when retrieving all bundles for an item to get the bundle names all files and their respective bitstream formats are loaded into memory. This leads to a lot of obsolete database queries which aren't needed since we only need the bundle name. Improvements have been made on this section but it still requires a lot of coding to load these objects only when they are needed.


Service based api

DSpace api structure

To fix the current problems with the API and make it more flexible and easier to use I propose we split the API in 3 layers:

Service layer

This layer would be our top layer, will be fully public and used by the CLI, JSPUI & XMLUI, .... Every service in this layer should be a stateless singleton interface. The services can be subdivided into 2 categories database based services and business logic block services. 

The database based services are used to interact with the database as well as providing business logic methods for the database objects. Every table in DSpace requires a single service linked to it. The services themselves will not perform any database queries, it will delegate all database queries to the Database Access Layer discussed below. So for example the service for the Item class would contain methods for moving it between collections, adjusting the policies, withdrawing, ... these methods would be executed by the service itself while the database access methods like create, update, find, ... would add business logic to check the authorisations but delegate the actual database calls to the database access layer.

The business logic services are replacing the old static DSpace Manager classes. For example the AuthorizeManager has been replaced with the AuthorizeService which contains the same methods and all the old code except that the AuthorizeService is an interface and a concrete (configurable) implemented class contains all the code. This class can be extended/replaced by another implementation without ever having to refactor the use of the class.

Database Access Layer

As discussed above to continue working with a static DatabaseManager class that contains if postgres else oracle code will lead to loads of bugs, therefore I propose we replace this “static class” by a new layer.

This layer is called the Database Acces Object layer (DAO layer). It contains and no business logic and it's sole responsibility is to provide database access for each table (CRUD (create/retrieve/update/delete)). This layer consist entirely of interfaces which are automagically linked to implementations by using spring. The reason for interfaces is quite simple, by using interfaces we can easily replace our entire DAO layer without actually having to alter our service layer. So if one would like to use another ORM framework then the default, all that needs to be done is implement all the interfaces and configure them, no code changes are required to existing code.

Each database table has its own DAO interface as opposed to the old DatabaseManager class, this is to support Object specific CRUD methods. Our metadataField DAO interface has a findByElement() method for example while an EPerson DAO interface would require a findByEmail() retrieval method. These methods are then called by the service layer which has similar methods.

In order to avoid queries to the DAO layer from various points in the code each DAO can only be utilised from a single service. Linking a DAO to multiple services will result in the messy separation we are trying to create.

The name of each class must end with DAO. A single database table can only be queried from a single DAO instance.

It is also important to remember that the DAO layer should never be exposed outside of the service layer. This is to avoid skipping pas the business logic which in turn will lead to conflicts of responsibility.

Database Object

Each table in the database that is not a linking table (collection2item, community2collection) is represented by a database object. This object contains no business logic and has setters/getters for all columns (these may be package protected if business logic is required). Each Data Object has its own DAO interface as opposed to the old DatabaseManager class, this is to support Object specific CRUD methods.

Schematic representation 

Below is a schematic representation of how a refactored database based object class would look (using the simple MetadataField class as an example):


Below is a schematic representation of how a refactored business logic services class would look (using the AuthorityService (previously AuthorityManager) class as an example):


The public layers objects are the only objects that can be accessed from other classes, the internal objects represent objects who's only usage is document below. This way the internal usage can change in it entire without ever affecting the DSpace classes that use the api.

Hibernate: the default DAO implementation

Instead of straight JDBC implementation, we wanted to harness the power and simplicilty of an Object-Relational Mapping (ORM), that would allow querying and manipulating the database through an object paradigm. Hibernate was the particular implementation chosen. The reasons that motivated the preference for Hibernate include:
  • Performance: When retrieving a bundle the bitstreams are loaded into memory, which in turn load in the bitstreamformat, which in turn loads in file extensions, ….. This consists of a lot of database queries. With hibernate you can use lazy loading to only load in certain linked objects at the moment they are requested.
  • Effective cross database portability: No need to write “if postgres query X if oracle query Y” anymore, hibernate takes care of all of this for you !
  • Developers’ Productivity: Although hibernate has a learning curve, once you get past this linking objects & writing queries takes considerably less time then the old way where each link would require a developer to write all the sql queries themselves.
  • Improved caching mechanism: The current DSpace caching mechanism throws objects onto a big pile until the pile is full which will result in an OutOfMemory exception. Hibernate auto caches all queries in a single session and even allows for users to configure which tables should be cached across sessions (application wide).

Nevertheless, we are convinced the choice for Hibernate is not necessarily a permanent one, since the proposed architecture easily allows replacing it with another backend ORM implementation or even a JDBC based one.

Service based api in DSpace (technical details)

Database Object: Technical details

Each non linking database table in DSpace must be represented by a single class containing getters & setters for the columns. Linked objects can also be represented by getters and setters, below is an example of the database object representation of MetadataField. These classes cannot contain any business logic.

Code Block
@Table(name="metadatafieldregistry", schema = "public")
public class MetadataField {

    @GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.AUTO ,generator="metadatafieldregistry_seq")
    @SequenceGenerator(name="metadatafieldregistry_seq", sequenceName="metadatafieldregistry_seq", allocationSize = 1)
    private Integer id;

    @OneToOne(fetch = FetchType.LAZY)
    @JoinColumn(name = "metadata_schema_id",nullable = false)
    private MetadataSchema metadataSchema;

    @Column(name = "element", length = 64)
    private String element;

    @Column(name = "qualifier", length = 64)
    private String qualifier = null;

    @Column(name = "scope_note")
    private String scopeNote;

    protected MetadataField()


     * Get the metadata field id.
     * @return metadata field id
    public int getFieldID()
        return id;

     * Get the element name.
     * @return element name
    public String getElement()
        return element;

     * Set the element name.
     * @param element new value for element
    public void setElement(String element)
        this.element = element;

     * Get the qualifier.
     * @return qualifier
    public String getQualifier()
        return qualifier;

     * Set the qualifier.
     * @param qualifier new value for qualifier
    public void setQualifier(String qualifier)
        this.qualifier = qualifier;

     * Get the scope note.
     * @return scope note
    public String getScopeNote()
        return scopeNote;

     * Set the scope note.
     * @param scopeNote new value for scope note
    public void setScopeNote(String scopeNote)
        this.scopeNote = scopeNote;

     * Get the schema .
     * @return schema record
    public MetadataSchema getMetadataSchema() {
        return metadataSchema;

     * Set the schema record key.
     * @param metadataSchema new value for key
    public void setMetadataSchema(MetadataSchema metadataSchema) {
        this.metadataSchema = metadataSchema;

     * Return <code>true</code> if <code>other</code> is the same MetadataField
     * as this object, <code>false</code> otherwise
     * @param obj
     *            object to compare to
     * @return <code>true</code> if object passed in represents the same
     *         MetadataField as this object
    public boolean equals(Object obj)
        if (obj == null)
            return false;
        if (getClass() != obj.getClass())
            return false;
        final MetadataField other = (MetadataField) obj;
        if (this.getFieldID() != other.getFieldID())
            return false;
        if (!getMetadataSchema().equals(other.getMetadataSchema()))
            return false;
        return true;

    public int hashCode()
        int hash = 7;
        hash = 47 * hash + getFieldID();
        hash = 47 * hash + getMetadataSchema().getSchemaID();
        return hash;

    public String toString(char separator) {
        if (qualifier == null)
            return getMetadataSchema().getName() + separator + element;
            return getMetadataSchema().getName() + separator + element + separator + qualifier;

    public String toString() {
        return toString('_');


This examples demonstrates the use of annotations to represent a database table. With hardly any knowledge of hibernate you can get a quick grasp of how the layout of the table will look, by just looking at the variables at the top. This documentation will not expand on the annotations used, the hibernate documentation is far more suitable here:

Another improvement demonstrated above is the fact that linking of objects can now be done by using annotations. Just take a look at the metadataSchema variable, this variable can be gotten by using the getter, the database query to retrieve the schema will NOT be executed until we request the schema using the getter. This makes linking of objects a lot easier since no queries are required.

Each database entity class must be added to the hibernate.cfg.xml files, these files can be found in the resources directory in the additions and test section of the dspace-api. an excerpt from the file is displayed below, it displays how entities are configured.

Code Block
<mapping class="org.dspace.content.Item"/>
<mapping class="org.dspace.content.MetadataField"/>
<mapping class="org.dspace.content.MetadataSchema"/>
<mapping class="org.dspace.content.MetadataValue"/>
<mapping class="org.dspace.content.Site"/>

The constructor of an entity can never be public, this is to prevent the creation of an entity from the UI layers (which is something we do not want). The service creates the entity, calls setters and getters that are required and then calls upon the database access layer to create the object.

Tracking changes in database classes

The database entities are the only classes that are stateful. By default all variables in an entity are linked to database columns, but sometimes the need arises to store other information in an object that we don’t want to write to the database. An example of this would be to track if the metadata of an item has been modified, since if it has been modified and we trigger an update we want to fire a “Metadata_modified” event. But this “variable” would be useless inside a database table. To accomplish this we can make use of the Transient annotation, just add @Transient above a variable and it can be used to contain a state of a certain variable which will not be written to the database. Below is an example of how this looks for the item’s metadataModified flag.

Code Block
private boolean metadataModified = false;
boolean isMetadataModified()
        return metadataModified;
void setMetadataModified(boolean metadataModified) {
    this.metadataModified = metadataModified;

Database Access Layer: Technical details

Each database object must have a single database access object, this object will be responsible for all Create/Read/Update/Delete calls made to the database. The DAO will always be an interface this way the implementation can change without ever having to modify the service class that makes use of this DAO. 

Since each database object requires it's own DAO this will result in a lot of "duplicate" methods a "GenericDAO" class was created with basic support for the CRUD methods it is recommended for every DAO to extend from this interface. The current implementation of this interface is displayed below.

Code Block
public interface GenericDAO<T>
    public T create(Context context, T t) throws SQLException;

    public void save(Context context, T t) throws SQLException;

    public void delete(Context context, T t) throws SQLException;

    public List<T> findAll(Context context, Class<T> clazz) throws SQLException;

    public T findUnique(Context context, String query) throws SQLException;

    public T findByID(Context context, Class clazz, int id) throws SQLException;

    public T findByID(Context context, Class clazz, UUID id) throws SQLException;

    public List<T> findMany(Context context, String query) throws SQLException;


The generics ensure that the DAO classes that are extending from this class cannot use these methods for other classes. Below is an example of the interface for the metadataField table, it extends the GenericDAO class and adds its own specific methods to the DAO.

Code Block
public interface MetadataFieldDAO extends GenericDAO<MetadataField> {

    public MetadataField find(Context context, int metadataFieldId, MetadataSchema metadataSchema, String element, String qualifier)
            throws SQLException;

    public MetadataField findByElement(Context context, MetadataSchema metadataSchema, String element, String qualifier)
            throws SQLException;

    public MetadataField findByElement(Context context, String metadataSchema, String element, String qualifier)
            throws SQLException;

    public List<MetadataField> findAllInSchema(Context context, MetadataSchema metadataSchema)
            throws SQLException;

The GenericDAO is extended using the MetadataField type, this means that the create, save, delete methods from the GenericDAO can only be used with an instance of MetadataField.


It could very well be that a certain entity doesn’t require any specialised methods, but we do require an implementation class for each DAO to get the generic methods.

Since a developer doesn't want to duplicate code to implement the "generic" methods a helper class was created, this way the implementation of the generic methods resides in one place. For the hibernate DAO implementation the class is named AbstractHibernateDAO. It extends the GenericDAO, implements all the generic methods and also comes with a few additional helper methods. These additional helper methods are shortcuts so you don't have to write the same couple of lines of codes for each method. Some examples: return a type casted list from a query, return an iterator from a query, .... Below is the current implementation of the AbstractHibernateDAO (for reference only).

Code Block
public abstract class AbstractHibernateDAO<T> implements GenericDAO<T> {

    public T create(Context context, T t) throws SQLException {
        return t;

    public void save(Context context, T t) throws SQLException {

    protected Session getHibernateSession(Context context) throws SQLException {
        return ((Session) context.getDBConnection().getSession());

    public void delete(Context context, T t) throws SQLException {

    public List<T> findAll(Context context, Class<T> clazz) throws SQLException {
        return list(createCriteria(context, clazz));

    public T findUnique(Context context, String query) throws SQLException {
        T result = (T) createQuery(context, query).uniqueResult();
        return result;

    public T findByID(Context context, Class clazz, UUID id) throws SQLException {
        T result = (T) getHibernateSession(context).get(clazz, id);
        return result;

    public T findByID(Context context, Class clazz, int id) throws SQLException {
        T result = (T) getHibernateSession(context).get(clazz, id);
        return result;

    public List<T> findMany(Context context, String query) throws SQLException {
        List<T> result = (List<T>) createQuery(context, query).uniqueResult();
        return result;

    public Criteria createCriteria(Context context, Class<T> persistentClass) throws SQLException {
        return getHibernateSession(context).createCriteria(persistentClass);

    public Criteria createCriteria(Context context, Class<T> persistentClass, String alias) throws SQLException {
        return getHibernateSession(context).createCriteria(persistentClass, alias);

    public Query createQuery(Context context, String query) throws SQLException {
        return getHibernateSession(context).createQuery(query);

    public List<T> list(Criteria criteria)
        List<T> result = (List<T>) criteria.list();
        return result;

    public List<T> list(Query query)
        List<T> result = (List<T>) query.list();
        return result;

    public T uniqueResult(Criteria criteria)
        T result = (T) criteria.uniqueResult();
        return result;

    public T uniqueResult(Query query)
        T result = (T) query.uniqueResult();
        return result;

    public Iterator<T> iterate(Query query)
        Iterator<T> result = (Iterator<T>) query.iterate();
        return result;

    public int count(Criteria criteria)
        return ((Long) criteria.setProjection(Projections.rowCount()).uniqueResult()).intValue();

    public int count(Query query)
        return ((Long) query.uniqueResult()).intValue();

    public long countLong(Criteria criteria)
        return (Long) criteria.setProjection(Projections.rowCount()).uniqueResult();

With our helper class in place creating & implementing the a metadataFieldDAO class just becomes a case of implementing the metadataField specific methods. The MetadataFieldDAOImpl class was created, it extends the AbstractHibernateDAO and implements the MetadataFieldDAO interface. Below is the current implementation:

Code Block
public class MetadataFieldDAOImpl extends AbstractHibernateDAO<MetadataField> implements MetadataFieldDAO {

    public MetadataField find(Context context, int metadataFieldId, MetadataSchema metadataSchema, String element,
                           String qualifier) throws SQLException{
        Criteria criteria = createCriteria(context, MetadataField.class);
                        Restrictions.not(Restrictions.eq("id", metadataFieldId)),
                        Restrictions.eq("metadataSchema", metadataSchema),
                        Restrictions.eq("element", element),
                        Restrictions.eqOrIsNull("qualifier", qualifier)
        return uniqueResult(criteria);

    public MetadataField findByElement(Context context, MetadataSchema metadataSchema, String element, String qualifier) throws SQLException
        Criteria criteria = createCriteria(context, MetadataField.class);
                        Restrictions.eq("metadataSchema", metadataSchema),
                        Restrictions.eq("element", element),
                        Restrictions.eqOrIsNull("qualifier", qualifier)
        return uniqueResult(criteria);

    public MetadataField findByElement(Context context, String metadataSchema, String element, String qualifier) throws SQLException
        Criteria criteria = createCriteria(context, MetadataField.class);
        criteria.createAlias("metadataSchema", "s");
                        Restrictions.eq("", metadataSchema),
                        Restrictions.eq("element", element),
                        Restrictions.eqOrIsNull("qualifier", qualifier)
        return uniqueResult(criteria);

    public List<MetadataField> findAllInSchema(Context context, MetadataSchema metadataSchema) throws SQLException {
        // Get all the metadatafieldregistry rows
        Criteria criteria = createCriteria(context, MetadataField.class);
        criteria.add(Restrictions.eq("metadataSchema", metadataSchema));
        return list(criteria);

The DAO implementations in DSpace make use of the criteria hibernate object to construct its queries. This makes for easy readable code, even with a basic understanding of sql you can easily write queries. Read more about Criteria in the hibernate documentation.

Now that we have a DAO implementation we also need to configure it in spring, this is done in the [dspace.dir]/config/spring/api/core-dao-services.xml file. It it mandatory to keep the DAO a singleton so the scope attribute of a bean must be absent (defaults to singleton) or set to singleton. Below is the configuration of the MetadataFieldDAO implementation shown above.

Code Block
<bean class="org.dspace.content.dao.impl.MetadataFieldDAOImpl"/>

Service Layer: Technical details

The service layer is where all our business logic will reside, each service will consist of an interface and an implementation class. Every stateless class in the DSpace api should be a service instead of a class consisting of static methods.

Database based object based services

The service layer encompasses all business logic for our database objects, for example we used to have Item.findAll(context), now we have itemService.findAll(context) (where itemService is an interface and & findAll is not a static method). Each database object has exactly one service attached to it, which should contain all the business logic and calls upon a DAO for its database access. Each of these services must have an implementation configured in a spring configuration file.

Below is an example of the MetadataFieldService, it clearly specifies the “business logic” methods which one would expect. Including create, find, update and delete.

Code Block
public interface MetadataFieldService {

     * Creates a new metadata field.
     * @param context
     *            DSpace context object
     * @throws IOException
     * @throws AuthorizeException
     * @throws SQLException
     * @throws NonUniqueMetadataException
    public MetadataField create(Context context, MetadataSchema metadataSchema, String element, String qualifier, String scopeNote)
            throws IOException, AuthorizeException, SQLException, NonUniqueMetadataException;

     * Find the field corresponding to the given numeric ID.  The ID is
     * a database key internal to DSpace.
     * @param context
     *            context, in case we need to read it in from DB
     * @param id
     *            the metadata field ID
     * @return the metadata field object
     * @throws SQLException
    public MetadataField find(Context context, int id) throws SQLException;

     * Retrieves the metadata field from the database.
     * @param context dspace context
     * @param metadataSchema schema
     * @param element element name
     * @param qualifier qualifier (may be ANY or null)
     * @return recalled metadata field
     * @throws SQLException
    public MetadataField findByElement(Context context, MetadataSchema metadataSchema, String element, String qualifier)
            throws SQLException;

     * Retrieve all metadata field types from the registry
     * @param context dspace context
     * @return an array of all the Dublin Core types
     * @throws SQLException
    public List<MetadataField> findAll(Context context) throws SQLException;

     * Return all metadata fields that are found in a given schema.
     * @param context dspace context
     * @param metadataSchema the metadata schema for which we want all our metadata fields
     * @return array of metadata fields
     * @throws SQLException
    public List<MetadataField> findAllInSchema(Context context, MetadataSchema metadataSchema)
            throws SQLException;

     * Update the metadata field in the database.
     * @param context dspace context
     * @throws SQLException
     * @throws AuthorizeException
     * @throws NonUniqueMetadataException
     * @throws IOException
    public void update(Context context, MetadataField metadataField)
            throws SQLException, AuthorizeException, NonUniqueMetadataException, IOException;

     * Delete the metadata field.
     * @param context dspace context
     * @throws SQLException
     * @throws AuthorizeException
    public void delete(Context context, MetadataField metadataField) throws SQLException, AuthorizeException;

The DAO layer discussed above should be a completely internal layer, it should never be exposed outside of the service layer. If a certain service requires a DAO, the recommended way to make it available to the service implementation would be to autowire it. Below is a excerpt from the implementation class of the MetadataFieldService which shows how a service would be implemented.

Code Block
public class MetadataFieldServiceImpl implements MetadataFieldService {
    /** log4j logger */
    private static Logger log = Logger.getLogger(MetadataFieldServiceImpl.class);

    @Autowired(required = true)
    protected MetadataFieldDAO metadataFieldDAO;

    @Autowired(required = true)
    protected AuthorizeService authorizeService;

    public MetadataField create(Context context, MetadataSchema metadataSchema, String element, String qualifier, String scopeNote) throws IOException, AuthorizeException, SQLException, NonUniqueMetadataException {
        // Check authorisation: Only admins may create DC types
        if (!authorizeService.isAdmin(context))
            throw new AuthorizeException(
                    "Only administrators may modify the metadata registry");

        // Ensure the element and qualifier are unique within a given schema.
        if (hasElement(context, -1, metadataSchema, element, qualifier))
            throw new NonUniqueMetadataException("Please make " + element + "."
                    + qualifier + " unique within schema #" + metadataSchema.getSchemaID());

        // Create a table row and update it with the values
        MetadataField metadataField = new MetadataField();
        metadataField = metadataFieldDAO.create(context, metadataField);, metadataField);, "create_metadata_field",
                "metadata_field_id=" + metadataField.getFieldID()));
        return metadataField;

    public MetadataField find(Context context, int id) throws SQLException
        return metadataFieldDAO.findByID(context, MetadataField.class, id);


This service class has an auto wired MetadataFieldDAO available, this auto wired class should always link to an interface and never to an implementation class. This way we can easily swap the DAO classes without having to touch the business logic.
When taking a closer look at the code it also becomes clear why we have this 3 tier api now. For example the “create” & “delete” methods check authorizations (with an auto wired authorization service) but they leave the actual creation/deletion to the DAO implementation.

What is also important to note for services is that these services are all “singletons”, only one instance of each service exist in the memory. The changes to the objects are handled by the "data objects”.

When working with interfaces and their implementation it is also important to make all internal service methods protected instead of private. This makes it easier to extend an existing implementation for making local implementation, since extending classes cannot use a private method.

Business logic services

On top of this all our all “static method Managers” are also replaced by services, so the AuthorizeManager is now AuthorizeService, BitstreamStorageManager is now BitstreamStorageService and so on.
These services do not make use of a DAO, if a certain service is required to make changes to a certain database object (for example the BitstreamStoreService will want access to the Bitstream) then we autowire that service into the BitstreamStorageService and use the available methods of the BitstreamService.

A great example of an issue that has greatly benefitted from this change is the workflow. Before the service the following part of code was common to determine which workflow to use:

Code Block
if(ConfigurationManager.getProperty("workflow", "workflow.framework").equals("xmlworkflow”))
    XmlWorkflowManager.start(c, wi)
    WorkflowManager.start(c, wi);

This way of working can be greatly simplified now, see below for the new code.


The old WorkflowManager code has now been moved to BasicWorkflowManager, this makes it easier to identify the workflows. It allows us to create a WorkflowService interface from which both the BasicWorkflowService & XmlWorkflowService inherit.

Code Block
WorkflowServiceFactory.getInstance().getWorkflowService().start(context, workspaceItem);

Which is much a cleaner way and really shows of the benefits of working with services instead of static managers, replacing a service just becomes changing a certain class link in a spring file !

Using a service outside of spring beans

When using a service you need to request the bean for it, when you require a service inside another bean you can easily autowire it in but in non Bean classes you would have to duplicate a lot of code, see below:

Code Block
new DSpace().getServiceManager().getServiceByName(“???????”, MetadataFieldService.class)

This forces the user to lookup/remember the the service name, which isn’t quite that easy to use. To make the services easier to use each package in DSpace that contains services has its own factory. For example retrieving the MetadataFieldService (which is in the content package) can be done by calling:

Code Block

This way all you need to need to remember to get a certain service is the following, the factory class will have the following format: {package}ServiceFactory and each factory should have a static getInstance() method. The factory classes are split into an abstract class which has the getInstance() method and abstract methods for all the service getters. Below is an example of the AuthorizeServiceFactory class:

Code Block
public abstract class AuthorizeServiceFactory {

    public abstract AuthorizeService getAuthorizeService();

    public abstract ResourcePolicyService getResourcePolicyService();

    public static AuthorizeServiceFactory getInstance()
        return new DSpace().getServiceManager().getServiceByName("authorizeServiceFactory", AuthorizeServiceFactory.class);
The implementation of this factory overrides the abstract methods & returns the proper implementation of the services. The actual returned values are autowired beans. This way the factory hasn’t got a clue what the implementation actually is, so the control of all services now lies in a spring configuration file ! Below is an example of such an implementation.


Code Block
public class AuthorizeServiceFactoryImpl extends AuthorizeServiceFactory {

    @Autowired(required = true)
    private AuthorizeService authorizeService;
    @Autowired(required = true)
    private ResourcePolicyService resourcePolicyService;

    public AuthorizeService getAuthorizeService() {
        return authorizeService;

    public ResourcePolicyService getResourcePolicyService() {
        return resourcePolicyService;


Changes to the DSpace api

Changes to the DSpace domain model

Due to the change to hibernate some changes to the DSpace domain model were required, these are discussed below.

DSpaceObject is a separate database table (UUID is new identifier)

Hibernate does not support the DSpace way of using "type" & "id" combo for linking tables. Hibernate requires a single identifier to be used to link objects like metadata, handles, resource policies, .... to a single DSpaceObject implementation. To support this behavior a new table "DSpaceObject" was created with only a single column a UUID. All objects inheriting from DSpaceObject such as Community, Collection, Item, ... do not have their own identifier column but link to the one used in DSpace Object. This has several advantages:

  • You cannot delete a handle, metadataValue,.. without first deleting the object (or risk an sql exception)
  • Each DSpaceObject now has its own unique identifier


The old integer based identifiers will still be available as a read only property, but these are not updated for new rows and should never be used for linking.

The old identifiers can easily be retrieved by using the getLegacyId() getter. Additionally all current DSpace objects services have a method termed findByIdOrLegacyId(Context context, String id) so if a certain part of the code doesn't know which type of identifier is used a developer can still retrieve the object it belongs to (without having to duplicate code to check if an identifier is a UUID or Integer). These methods are used (among others) by the AIP export to ensure backwards compatibility for exported items.

Site is now a database object

Since the DSpaceObject class now represents a database class each class extending from this object must also be a database object, for this reason the Site object also becomes a table in the database. The site will automatically be created when one is absent and the handle with suffix "0" will be automatically assigned to it. An additional benefit of having site has an object is that we can assign metadata to the site object (this is NOT supported in the code at the moment but it is possible) !

Context class and database connection

In the old DSpace API each time a new context object was created using its constructor a new database connection was setup. Hibernate uses a different principle, it shares a single database connection over an entire thread, so no matter how many new Context() calls you have in a single thread, only one database connection will remain open.

Redundant features that have been removed

Some of the older DSpace features could no longer be supported in hibernate, for example the database based browse system has been completely removed from the codebase. Another feature that will be removed is the database based OAI approach since this is not supported in hibernate.

Workflow system refactoring

DSpace supports 2 workflow systems the original workflow system known as workflow and the configurable workflow. To avoid confusion the old WorkflowManager & WorkflowItem class have been renamed to BasicWorkflowService & BasicWorkflowItem. Below is a schematic overview of the workflow structure in the new service layout.

Image Removed

When a developer wants to use the workflow from a section in the code that isn't workflow specific there is no more need to add code for both workflows. The general workflowService can be used alongside with the generic WorkflowItem, the actual implementation of these classes depends purely on configuration, below are some code exerts that demonstrate this behavior.

Code Block
//Starting a workflow using a workspace item
if (useWorkflowSendEmail) {
    workflowService.start(context, workspaceItem);
} else {
    workflowService.startWithoutNotify(context, workspaceItem);

Not displayed on the graph above is the fact that both BasicWorkflowItem & XmlWorkflowItem each have a service that directs actions to these items with a an additional Workflow

Retrieving a DSpaceObject with an identifier & a type

TODO: Continue HERE !


Medatum value class remove

The Metadatum class has been removed and is replaced by the MetadataValue class. The Metadatum class used to be a value representation which was detached from its original MetadataValue object, this was the only class in DSpace which works in this manner and it has been removed. The MetadataValue class is linked to the metadatavalue table and works like all other linked database objects, the change was important to support the lazy loading of metadata values, these will only be loaded once we request them.


Developers should keep in mind that when adding, clearing, modifying metadata that MetadataValue rows will be created. Since these values are linked to a certain metadata field it is important to keep in mind that a certain metadata field needs to be present prior to adding it to a DSpace object.

Context class and database connection

In the old DSpace API each time a new context object was created using its constructor a new database connection was setup. Hibernate uses a different principle, it shares a single database connection over an entire thread, so no matter how many new Context() calls you have in a single thread, only one database connection will remain open.

Redundant features that have been removed

Some of the older DSpace features could no longer be supported in hibernate, for example the database based browse system has been completely removed from the codebase. Another feature that will be removed is the database based OAI approach since this is not supported in hibernate.

Workflow system refactoring

DSpace supports 2 workflow systems the original workflow system known as workflow and the configurable workflow. To avoid confusion the old WorkflowManager & WorkflowItem class have been renamed to BasicWorkflowService & BasicWorkflowItem. Below is a schematic overview of the workflow structure in the new service layout.

Image Added

When a developer wants to use the workflow from a section in the code that isn't workflow specific there is no more need to add code for both workflows. The general workflowService can be used alongside with the generic WorkflowItem, the actual implementation of these classes depends purely on configuration, below are some code exerts that demonstrate this behavior.

Code Block
//Starting a workflow using a workspace item
WorkflowItem workflowItem;
if (useWorkflowSendEmail) {
    workflowItem = workflowService.start(context, workspaceItem);
} else {
    workflowItem = workflowService.startWithoutNotify(context, workspaceItem);

Not displayed on the graph above is the fact that both BasicWorkflowItem & XmlWorkflowItem each have a service that contains the business logic methods for these items, a schematic representation of the WorkflowItemService view displayed below.

Image Added

By using the additional WorkflowItemService interface on top of our 2 workflow system the developers can interact with workflow items without even knowing the actual implementation, some code examples can be found below.

Code Block
//Find all workflow items
List<WorkflowItem> workflowItems = workflowItemService.findAll(context);
//Find workflowItem by item & delete the workflowItem
WorkflowItem workflowItem = workflowItemService.findByItem(context, item);
workflowItemService.delete(context, workflowItem);

As displayed above this way a developer can delete items without ever knowing which workflow service is use. If the workflow implementation were to change it wouldn't matter to the code that is using the service.