Versions Compared


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The properties field will list the RDF properties that changed with that event. NODE_REMOVED events contain no properties. The fcrepo component for Camel is configured to recognize these headers and act appropriately.


LDPath Transformations

If an fcr:transform program has been installed as "mytransform", you can generate a JSON representation of an object and send it to a highly available caching layer, such as Riak:


Code Block
"activemq:topic:fedora" ==> {
    filter(xpathFilter) {
		setHeader(Exchange.HTTP_METHOD, constant("PUT")
		process((exchange: Exchange) => {
				"/buckets/fcrepo/keys/" + URLEncoder.encode(exchange.getIn.getHeader("TestHeader", classOf[String]))

Supporting Queues

The default configuration is fine for locally-deployed listeners, but it can be problematic in a distributed context. For instance, if the listener is restarted while a message is sent to the topic, that message may be missed. Furthermore, if there is a networking hiccup between fedora's local broker and the remote listener, that too can result in lost messages. Instead, in this case, a queue may be better suited.
