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titleORCID API version compatibility

Please note that ORCID API 1.2 was turned off on August 1, 2018. To use the current ORCID API 2.x, you will need DSpace 5.9 or DSpace 6.3 or newer. Details: DS-3447.

Table of Contents


If you wish to enable this feature, some changes are required to the dspace.cfg file. The first step is to activate the authority as a valid option for authority control, this is done by adding/setting an additional plugin in the  plugin property. An example of this can be found below.


The feature relies on the following configuration parameters in dspace.cfg. To activate the default settings it suffices to remove the comment hashes ("#") for the following lines. See the section at the bottom of this page what these parameters mean exactly and how you can tweak the configuration.


Running this script again will update the index and keep the index clean. For example if an author occurs in a single item and that item is deleted the script will need to be run again to remove it from the index. When run again it will remove all records that no longer have a link to existing authors in the database.

 Usage in DSpace

Submission of new DSpace items - Author lookup


The configuration property can be set in config/modules/solrauthority.cfg:

Code Block
auto-update-items = false | true


In the Enabling the ORCID authority contro l control section, you have been told to add this block of configuration.


  • With the authority.controlled property every metadata field that needs to be authority controlled is configured. This involves every type of authority control, not only the fields for ORCID integration.
  • The choices.plugin should be configured for each metadata field under authority control. Setting the value on SolrAuthorAuthority tells DSpace to use the solr authority cache for this metadatafield, cfr. Storage of related metadata.
  • The choices.presention should be configured for each metadata field as well. The traditional values for this property are select|suggest|lookup. A new value, authorLookup, has been added to be used in combination with the SolrAuthorAuthority choices plugin. While the other values can still be used, the authorLookup provides a richer user interface in the form of a popup on the submission page.
  • The browse indexes need to point to the new authority-controlled index: webui.browse.index.2 = author:metadata:dc.contributor.*,dc.creator:text should become webui.browse.index.2 =
  • More existing configuration properties are available but their values are independent of this feature and their default values are usually fine: choices.closed , authority.required, authority.minconfidence .

For the cache update script, one property can be set in config/modules/solrauthority.cfg:

Code Block
auto-update-items = false | true


To fix this, open the file at config/spring/api/orcid-authority-services.xml and find this spring bean:


The fields with data coming directly from ORCID are: first_name, last_name, name_variant, orcid_id, label_researcher_url, label_keyword, label_external_identifier, label_biography, label_country. The field all_labels contains all the values from the other fields starting with "label_".

How can I index additional fields in the authority cache?

There is currently no configuration to control which fields are indexed. The only way to achieve this is to modify the source code.

List of the files at work for this job:
config/spring/api/orcid-authority-services.xml: OrcidSource contains the URL for orcid's REST API.
org.dspace.authority.orcid.Orcid makes the REST call
+ org.dspace.authority.orcid.xml.XMLtoBio converts the received XML to a java object (Bio).
+ org.dspace.authority.orcid.model.Bio
+ org.dspace.authority.orcid.OrcidAuthorityValue#create(org.dspace.authority.orcid.model.Bio) inserts all the values from Bio into the AuthorityValue subclass.
+ org.dspace.authority.orcid.OrcidAuthorityValue#getSolrInputDocument defines what's included in solr.

The files preceded with a '+' would be necessary to modify to add more info into the cache.

How can I use the information stored in the authority cache?

The look-up UI is currently the only place this information is sent to. However just a limited number of fields are sent. The place in the source code to modify to get more fields there is org.dspace.authority.orcid.OrcidAuthorityValue#choiceSelectMap. This is also documented in the readme of the org.dspace.authority package.


In short: authority keys that exist prior to enabling the solrauthority are kept. They just won't show in the look-up until they are indexed.

Where can I find the URL that is used to lookup ORCIDs?

It is found in the config/spring/api/orcid-authority-services.xml configuration file. Look for the <bean name="OrcidSource">, which is initialized with a URL of