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Comment: DCValue -> Metadatum

Table of Contents

Core Classes

The org.dspace.core package provides some basic classes that are used throughout the DSpace code.


Each class generally has one or more static find methods, which are used to instantiate content objects. Constructors do not have public access and are just used internally. The reasons for this are:

  • "Constructing" an object may be misconstrued as the action of creating an object in the DSpace system, for example one might expect something like:

    Code Block
    Context dsContent = new Context();
    Item myItem = new Item(context, id)

    to construct a brand new item in the system, rather than simply instantiating an in-memory instance of an object in the system.

  • find methods may often be called with invalid IDs, and return null in such a case. A constructor would have to throw an exception in this case. A null return value from a static method can in general be dealt with more simply in code.
  • If an instantiation representing the same underlying archival entity already exists, the find method can simply return that same instantiation to avoid multiple copies and any inconsistencies which might result.


When a Context object is completed, aborted or garbage-collected, any objects instantiated using that context are invalidated and should not be used (in much the same way an AWT button is invalid if the window containing it is destroyed).

Dublin Core Metadata

The DCValue Metadatum class is a simple container that represents a single Dublin Core-like element, optional qualifier, value and language. Note that since DSpace 1.4 the MetadataValue and associated classes are preferred (see Support for Other Metadata Schemas). The other classes starting with DC are utility classes for handling types of data in Dublin Core, such as people's names and dates. As supplied, the DSpace registry of elements and qualifiers corresponds to the Library Application Profile for Dublin Core. It should be noted that these utility classes assume that the values will be in a certain syntax, which will be true for all data generated within the DSpace system, but since Dublin Core does not always define strict syntax, this may not be true for Dublin Core originating outside DSpace.


The MetadataField class describes a metadata field by schema, element and optional qualifier. The value of a MetadataField is described by a MetadataValue which is roughly equivalent to the older DCValue Metadatum class. Finally the MetadataSchema class is used to describe supported schemas. The DC schema is supported by default. Refer to the javadoc for method details.


  • Code Block
    static Object getSinglePlugin(Class intface)
         throws PluginConfigurationError;

    Returns an instance of the singleton (single) plugin implementing the given interface. There must be exactly one single plugin configured for this interface, otherwise the PluginConfigurationError is thrown. Note that this is the only "get plugin" method which throws an exception. It is typically used at initialization time to set up a permanent part of the system so any failure is fatal. See the plugin.single configuration key for configuration details.

  • Code Block
    static Object[] getPluginSequence(Class intface);

    Returns instances of all plugins that implement the interface intface, in an Array. Returns an empty array if no there are no matching plugins. The order of the plugins in the array is the same as their class names in the configuration's value field. See the plugin.sequence configuration key for configuration details.

  • Code Block
    static Object getNamedPlugin(Class intface, String name);

    Returns an instance of a plugin that implements the interface intface and is bound to a name matching name. If there is no matching plugin, it returns null. The names are matched by String.equals(). See the plugin.named and plugin.selfnamed configuration keys for configuration details.

  • Code Block
    static void releasePlugin(Object plugin);

    Tells the Plugin Manager to let go of any references to a reusable plugin, to prevent it from being given out again and to allow the object to be garbage-collected. Call this when a plugin instance must be taken out of circulation.

  • Code Block
    static String[] getAllPluginNames(Class intface);

    Returns all of the names under which a named plugin implementing the interface intface can be requested (with getNamedPlugin()). The array is empty if there are no matches. Use this to populate a menu of plugins for interactive selection, or to document what the possible choices are. The names are NOT returned in any predictable order, so you may wish to sort them first. Note: Since a plugin may be bound to more than one name, the list of names this returns does not represent the list of plugins. To get the list of unique implementation classes corresponding to the names, you might have to eliminate duplicates (i.e. create a Set of classes).

  • Code Block
    static void checkConfiguration();

    Validates the keys in the DSpace ConfigurationManager pertaining to the Plugin Manager and reports any errors by logging them. This is intended to be used interactively by a DSpace administrator, to check the configuration file after modifying it. See the section about validating configuration for details.

SelfNamedPlugin Class

A named plugin implementation must extend this class if it wants to supply its own Plugin Name(s). See Self-Named Plugins for why this is sometimes necessary.


There are two ways of configuring named plugins:

  1. Plugins Named in the Configuration A named plugin which gets its name(s) from the configuration is listed in this kind of entry:_plugin.named.interface = classname = name [ , name.. ] [ classname = name.. ]_The syntax of the configuration value is: classname, followed by an equal-sign and then at least one plugin name. Bind more names to the same implementation class by adding them here, separated by commas. Names may include any character other than comma (,) and equal-sign (=).For example, this entry creates one plugin with the names GIF, JPEG, and image/png, and another with the name TeX:

    Code Block = \
   = GIF, JPEG, image/png \
   = TeX

    This example shows a plugin name with an embedded whitespace character. Since comma (,) is the separator character between plugin names, spaces are legal (between words of a name; leading and trailing spaces are ignored).This plugin is bound to the names "Adobe PDF", "PDF", and "Portable Document Format".

    Code Block = \
 = TeX \
 =  Adobe PDF, PDF, Portable Document Format

    NOTE: Since there can only be one key with plugin.named. followed by the interface name in the configuration, all of the plugin implementations must be configured in that entry.

  2. Self-Named Plugins Since a self-named plugin supplies its own names through a static method call, the configuration only has to include its interface and classname:plugin.selfnamed.interface = classname [ , classname.. ]_The following example first demonstrates how the plugin class, _XsltDisseminationCrosswalk is configured to implement its own names "MODS" and "DublinCore". These come from the keys starting with crosswalk.dissemination.stylesheet.. The value is a stylesheet file. The class is then configured as a self-named plugin:

    Code Block
    crosswalk.dissemination.stylesheet.DublinCore = xwalk/TESTDIM-2-DC_copy.xsl
    crosswalk.dissemination.stylesheet.MODS = xwalk/mods.xsl = \
            org.dspace.content.metadata.MODSDisseminationCrosswalk, \

    NOTE: Since there can only be one key with plugin.selfnamed. followed by the interface name in the configuration, all of the plugin implementations must be configured in that entry. The MODSDisseminationCrosswalk class is only shown to illustrate this point.

Configuring the Reusable Status of a Plugin


The DCType class is similar to the org.dspace.content.BitstreamFormat class. It represents an entry in the Dublin Core type registry, that is, a particular element and qualifier, or unqualified element. It is in the administer package because it is only generally required when manipulating the registry itself. Elements and qualifiers are specified as literals in org.dspace.content.Item methods and the org.dspace.content.DCValueMetadatum class. Only administrators may modify the Dublin Core type registry.


  • Title: Values of the Dublin Core element title (unqualified) are indexed. These are sorted in a case-insensitive fashion, with any leading article removed. For example: "The DSpace System" would appear under 'D' rather than 'T'.
  • Author: Values of the contributor (any qualifier or unqualified) element are indexed. Since contributor values typically are in the form 'last name, first name', a simple case-insensitive alphanumeric sort is used which orders authors in last name order. Note that this is an index of authors, and not items by author. If four items have the same author, that author will appear in the index only once. Hence, the index of authors may be greater or smaller than the index of titles; items often have more than one author, though the same author may have authored several items. The author indexing in the browse API does have limitations:
    • Ideally, a name that appears as an author for more than one item would appear in the author index only once. For example, 'Doe, John' may be the author of tens of items. However, in practice, author's names often appear in slightly differently forms, for example:

      Code Block
      Doe, John
      Doe, John Stewart
      Doe, John S.

      Currently, the above three names would all appear as separate entries in the author index even though they may refer to the same author. In order for an author of several papers to be correctly appear once in the index, each item must specify exactly the same form of their name, which doesn't always happen in practice.

    • Another issue is that two authors may have the same name, even within a single institution. If this is the case they may appear as one author in the index. These issues are typically resolved in libraries with authority control records, in which are kept a 'preferred' form of the author's name, with extra information (such as date of birth/death) in order to distinguish between authors of the same name. Maintaining such records is a huge task with many issues, particularly when metadata is received from faculty directly rather than trained library catalogers.
  • Date of Issue: Items are indexed by date of issue. This may be different from the date that an item appeared in DSpace; many items may have been originally published elsewhere beforehand. The Dublin Core field used is date.issued. The ordering of this index may be reversed so 'earliest first' and 'most recent first' orderings are possible. Note that the index is of items by date, as opposed to an index of dates. If 30 items have the same issue date (say 2002), then those 30 items all appear in the index adjacent to each other, as opposed to a single 2002 entry. Since dates in DSpace Dublin Core are in ISO8601, all in the UTC time zone, a simple alphanumeric sort is sufficient to sort by date, including dealing with varying granularities of date reasonably. For example:

    Code Block
  • Date Accessioned: In order to determine which items most recently appeared, rather than using the date of issue, an item's accession date is used. This is the Dublin Core field date.accessioned. In other aspects this index is identical to the date of issue index.
  • Items by a Particular Author: The browse API can perform is to extract items by a particular author. They do not have to be primary author of an item for that item to be extracted. You can specify a scope, too; that is, you can ask for items by author X in collection Y, for example.This particular flavor of browse is slightly simpler than the others. You cannot presently specify a particular subset of results to be returned. The API call will simply return all of the items by a particular author within a certain scope. Note that the author of the item must exactly match the author passed in to the API; see the explanation about the caveats of the author index browsing to see why this is the case.
  • Subject: Values of the Dublin Core element subject (both unqualified and with any qualifier) are indexed. These are sorted in a case-insensitive fashion.


  • Browser IntegrationMany recent browsers (IE7+, FF2+) can detect, or 'autodiscover', links to the document describing the search engine. Thus you can easily add your or other DSpace instances to the drop-down list of search engines in your browser. This list typically appears in the upper right corner of the browser, with a search box. In Firefox, for example, when you visit a site supporting OpenSearch, the color of the drop-down list widget changes color, and if you open it to show the list of search engines, you are offered an opportunity to add the site to the list. IE works nearly the same way but instead labels the web sites 'search providers'. When you select a DSpace instance as the search engine and enter a search, you are simply sent to the regular search results page of the instance.
  • Flexible, interesting RSS FeedsBecause one of the formats that OpenSearch specifies for its results is RSS (or Atom), you can turn any search query into an RSS feed. So if there are keywords highly discriminative of content in a collection or repository, these can be turned into a URL that a feed reader can subscribe to. Taken to the extreme, one could take any search a user makes, and dynamically compose an RSS feed URL for it in the page of returned results. To see an example, if you have a DSpace with OpenSearch enabled, try:

    Code Block<your query>

    The default format returned is Atom 1.0, so you should see an Atom document containing your search results.

  • You can extend the syntax with a few other parameters, as follows:




    atom, rss, html


    handle of a collection or community to restrict the search to


    number indicating the number of results per page (i.e. per request)


    number of page to start with (if paginating results)


    number indicating sorting criteria (same as DSpace advanced search values

    Multiple parameters may be specified on the query string, using the "&" character as the delimiter, e.g.:

    Code Block<your query>&format=rss&scope=123456789/1
  • Cheap metasearchSearch aggregators like A9 (Amazon) recognize OpenSearch-compliant providers, and so can be added to metasearch sets using their UIs. Then you site can be used to aggregate search results with others.
