Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


titleMore Information

Additional information about DSpace 4.0 may be found in the 4.0 Documentation.

A full list of all changes / bug fixes in 4.0 is available in the History section of the 4.0 Documentation.

(All non-commercial images in the above table are free-to-use images borrowed from elsewhere or they are logos used to identify their respective products/services. In order: chart image, import magnifier icon,  key iconmagnifier icon Apache Solr logo, Barre de progression by Mathafix (OpenClipArt), documents icon,  lock iconphone iconTODO - TODO - TODO) phone icon, Package designed by Hakan Yalcin (The Noun Project), Alarm Clock (The Noun Project),Copy Text by Chris Alpaerts (The Noun Project).key icon

Possible JIRA tickets to resolve (automated list)
