Page History
- More connection options available at DSpace Meeting Room
- Discussion Topics - If you have a topic you'd like to have added to the agenda, please just add it.
- DSpace 9.0 release (tentative April 2025)
- 9.0 Board is created:
- Early ideas/brainstorms captured at DSpace Release 9.0 Status
- Ongoing Discussions:
- Incentivizing Code Reviews and PR Testing
- High CPU with DSpace 7 SSR:
- Using both public/private REST API URLs for better performance: (Assigned to 4Science)
- Simplifying the Installation Process:
- REST API occasionally loses authentication status of logged in EPerson:
- (Other topics?)
- DSpace 9.0 release (tentative April 2025)
- Board Review & assignments:
- Backlog Board - Are there any tickets here stuck in the "Triage" column? We'd like to keep this column as small as possible.
- 9.0 Project Board - Assign new PRs to volunteers to code review and/or test.
- 8.x and 7.6.x Maintenance Board - Known bugs can be found here, along with any backported bug fixes.
- Upcoming Topics: (Let us know if there are topics you want to discuss in future weeks)
- Enable the use of multiple database Sessions per request: (We need to find a way to move this idea forward)
- DSpace accepts external identifiers (DOIs and such) from submitters, and manages others (DOIs again, Handles) itself. Should these be stored in separate metadata fields? what fields? what schema? Various bits of DSpace have disagreed on the answers. See also
- (Aug 29?) Discussion/proposal around refactoring and simplifying Live Import and External Data frameworks:
(nothing concrete yet but would be great to get thoughts added to this issue and maybe find some collaborators)
- Incentivizing code reviews and PR testing – no updates
- High CPU with SSR – updates in comment section on GitHub (from vitorsilverio; disable SSR in all pages not in sitemap)
- Quick fix / patch to reduce high CPU load. See
- That team also mentioned this fix doesn't appear to impact SEO from Google Scholar or similar.
- Still need to find long-term solution, as our overall goal is to improve performance of SSR. But, for those who need a quick fix, the approach above seems reasonable.
- Anyone who tries this approach, please comment on the ticket with your experiences.
- Quick fix / patch to reduce high CPU load. See
- Public / private rest APIs – no updates
- Simplifying installation process - no updates
- REST API occasionally loses authentication status status:
- looking for volunteers to help understand why this happens, look into the issue
- Assigned to Andrea
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