Page History
- Discussion Topics - If you have a topic you'd like to have added to the agenda, please just add it.
- DSpace 9.0 release (tentative April 2025)
- 9.0 Board is created:
- Early ideas/brainstorms captured at DSpace Release 9.0 Status
- Ongoing Discussions:
- Incentivizing Code Reviews and PR Testing
- High CPU with DSpace 7 SSR:
- Using both public/private REST API URLs for better performance: (Assigned to 4Science)
- Simplifying the Installation Process:
- Discussion/proposal around refactoring and simplifying Live Import and External Data frameworks:
(nothing concrete yet but would be great to get thoughts added to this issue and maybe find some collaborators) - Should we archive "dspace-api-lang" and move translations to the backend?
- (Other topics?)
- DSpace 9.0 release (tentative April 2025)
- Board Review & assignments:
- Backlog Board - Are there any tickets here stuck in the "Triage" column? We'd like to keep this column as small as possible.
- 9.0 Project Board - Assign new PRs to volunteers to code review and/or test.
- 8.x and 7.6.x Maintenance Board - Known bugs can be found here, along with any backported bug fixes.
- Upcoming Topics: (Let us know if there are topics you want to discuss in future weeks)
- Enable the use of multiple database Sessions per request: (We need to find a way to move this idea forward)
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