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Comment: How to test DataCite metadata convertion


If you want to know more about the DataCite Schema, have a look at the the documentation. If you change this file in a way that is not compatible with the DataCite schema, you won't be able to reserve and register DOIs anymore. Nevertheless, it is worthwhile to adopt DIM2DataCite.xsl  to your local use of metadata schema and fields. Do not change anything if you're not sure what you're doing. To get the XML on which the XSLT processor will start, use the following command:

Code Block
[dspace]/bin/dspace dsrun org.dspace.content.crosswalk.XSLTDisseminationCrosswalk dim 123456789/3

To get the XML that will be send to DataCite replace 'dim' with 'DataCite'. If the DOI is not stored in the metadata, DSpace will add it automatically as identifier. So don't worry if the XML produced by this command does not contain the DOI. Once the DOI is stored in the metadata, it should also be contained in the XML.

Identifier Service

The Identifier Service manages the generation, reservation and registration of identifiers within DSpace. You can configure it using the config file located in [dspace]/config/spring/api/identifier-service.xml. In the file you should already find the code to configure DSpace to register DOIs. Just read the comments and remove the comment signs around the two appropriate beans.
