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It's not officially recommended to change the defaultOperator setting. Some unrelated Discovery features might stop working if you do this. I haven't noticed anything wrong, but you might. If something breaks, make sure to notify us and we'll try to fix it or remove this tip.

Deleting Solr index data


I haven't yet completely tested this part for correctness.

If for whatever reason you need to delete the data in your index (which would normally be followed by running [dspace]/bin/dspace update-discovery-index, but you can use the -b parameter instead to reindex everything), here's how you can do it:

Solr delete query

If Solr is running, you can access the following URL from the server where Solr is installed (remember the default localhost restriction):

Code Block
$ curl http://localhost:8080/solr/search/update?commit=true -d '<delete><query>*:*</query></delete>'


This is the default URL for Solr. If you changed it, you can find it in search.server in [dspace]/config/modules/discovery.cfg (DSpace 1.8+) or in solr.log.server in [dspace]/config/dspace.cfg (DSpace 1.7).


Manually delete Solr index files

If your Solr is broken and you can't issue queries, you can still delete the index files manually:

Code Block
$ rm -rf [dspace]/solr/search/data/

Then restart the servlet container or reload the solr webapp.

See also:


Other pages on this wiki describing Solr and Discovery.
