Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


Upload all files listed below to the fedora-commons project at Follow the pattern established for previous releases, where all files associated with the release reside in a single version numbered folder under

The artifacts to be uploaded to Sourceforge, as well as PGP signatures, SHA1 checksums, file sizes, etc., can be found at the central Maven repository search site:

Files sent to sourceforge and linked directly from the documentation's Download page should include:



A complete source distribution zip file


The fedora-repository installer jar

The fedora-messaging-client distribution

The fedora-journaling-rmi-reciever distribution

For each file, also add a *.asc file, containing the PGP signature for the file, as created by Maven and stored in the central repository.

Change the primary download page on sourceforge so it points to the new fcrepo installer jar, and change the additional downloads to include the other (non-md5) files:

  • In the file manager view, click on the "i" icon next to the fcrepo-installer-X.Y.jar file you just uploaded
  • Select all for "Default Download For:".

It may take up to five minutes for all the Sourceforge links to be updated.

Complete the Duraspace wiki documentation updates


  1. Copy Software -> Current Release to Software -> Previous Releases -> Release X.Y
    Move Release X.Y to the top of the list of release pages.
    Change state to published in green view tab, state: in green right-hand drop-down menu
    Select Release X.Y as the default page to display for the Previous Releases folder:
    • navigate to Previous Releases folder
    • select green view tab
    • select display drop-down menu
    • select change content item as default view...
  2. Edit Software -> Current Release to refer to the new version of the software
  3. Edit the Software page to update the Download link:
  4. Edit the Home page:
    • select Manage Portlets
    • select the Current Releases portlet.
    • update the link to the installer:
    • update the link to the source:
  5. Edit the Announcements folder:
    • add a Fedora Repository X.Y.Z Released page
    • move the page to top of Announcements list
    • change state the state of the page to published
    • expire previous release announcement page
